CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 43 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.76 segundos. 
Letter of Intent : study of p¯p and ¯pd interactions at threshold in gaseous H2 and D2 targets at LEAR / CERN-LAL-Mainz-München-TRIUMF-Zürich Collaboration
CERN-PSCC-79-65 ; PSCC-I-15.
- 1979. - 15 p.
Full text
Proposal : Study of p¯p and ¯pd interactions at threshold in gaseous H2 and D2 targets / Mainz-München-TRIUMF-Zürich Collaboration
CERN-PSCC-79-31 ; PSCC-P-9.
- 1979. - 25 p.
Full text
Initial Operating Experience with the TRIUMF 300 keV H / Beveridge, J ; Blackmore, E W ; Bosman, P F ; Dutto, G ; Joho, W ; Rödel, V ; Riches, R D ; Root, L W ; White, B L
1975 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 6th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 12 - 14 Mar 1975, pp.1707
A cylindrical multiwire high-pressure gas proportional chamber surrounding a gaseous 2targetwithamylarseparationfoil6 \mu m thick / Gastaldi, Ugo (CERN) ; Auld, E G (TRIUMF) ; Averdung, H (Mainz U.) ; Bailey, J (Daresbury) ; Beer, G A (TRIUMF) ; Dreher, B (Mainz U.) ; Erdman, K L (TRIUMF) ; Klempt, E (Maiz U.) ; Merle, K (Mainz U.) ; Neubecker, K (Maiz U.) et al.
The characteristics and performances of a cylindrical multiwire proportional chamber built and used at CERN in experiment S142 for the study of the pp atom spectroscopy are presented. The chamber surrounds a high-pressure gaseous H/sub 2/ target, from which it is separated by a very thin window (6 mu m mylar foil). [...]
1978 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 156 (1978) 257-65 Fulltext: PDF;
Initial operating experience with the TRIUMF 300 keV H- injection system / Beveridge, J ; Blackmore, E W ; Bosman, P F ; Dutto, G ; Joho, W ; Riches, R D ; Root, L W ; Rödel, V ; White, B L
- 1975. - 4 p.
Cascade time of anti-protons in gaseous hydrogen / Reifenrother, G ; Ahmad, S ; Amsler, Claude ; Armenteros, Rafael ; Auld, E G ; Axen, D A ; Bailey, D ; Barlag, S ; Beer, G A ; Bizot, J C et al.
1988 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 214 (1988) 325-328
Anti-proton annihilation at rest in nitrogen and deuterium gas / Riedlberger, J ; Amsler, Claude ; Doser, Michael ; Straumann, U ; Truöl, P ; Bailey, D ; Barlag, S ; Gastaldi, Ugo ; Landua, Rolf ; Sabev, C et al.
1989 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 40 (1989) 2717-2731 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Anti-proton proton annihilation at rest into π+πη and π+πη from atomic S and P states / Weidenauer, P ; Duch, K D ; Heel, M ; Kalinowsky, H ; Kayser, F J ; Klempt, E ; May, B ; Reifenröther, J ; Schreiber, O ; Ziegler, M et al.
1990 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 47 (1990) 353-365
Evidence for a multi - quark state in anti-p p annihilation at rest / Klempt, E ; Ahmad, S ; Amsler, Claude ; Auld, E G ; Axen, D A ; Bailey, D ; Barlag, S ; Beer, G ; Bizot, J C ; Botlo, M et al.
1990 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 580 (1990) 317-322
Anti-proton proton annihilation at rest in H-2 gas into π+ππ0; 1, Annihilation from s states / ASTERIX Collaboration
1990 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 46 (1990) 191-202

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37 White, B
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16 White, Brian
3 White, Brian A
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