CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 73 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 1.30 segundos. 
Low power measurements on an AGS injection kicker magnet / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D
In : 22nd Particle Accelerator Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 25 - 29 Jun 2007, pp.2188
High Voltage Measurements on Nine PFNs for the LHC Injection Kicker Systems / Barnes, Michael J ; Ducimetière, Laurent ; Wait, Gary D
Each of the two LHC injection kicker magnet systems must produce a kick of 1.3 T.m with a flattop duration variable up to 7.86 microseconds, and rise and fall times of less than 900 ns and 3 microseconds, respectively. A kicker magnet system consists of four 5 Ohm transmission line magnets with matching terminating resistors, four 5 Ohm Pulse Forming Networks (PFN) and two Resonant Charging Power Supplies (RCPS). [...]
2005 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3402
Comparison of Measured and Predicted Inductance per Cell for a Travelling Wave Kicker Magnet / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D
1996 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 10 - 14 Jun 1996, pp.e-proc. 2588
Measurements on a Fast 66 kV Resonant Charging Power Supply for the LHC Inflectors / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D ; Carlier, E ; Ducimetière, L ; Schröder, G H ; Vossenberg, Eugène B
1998 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 6th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 - 26 Jun 1998, pp.e-proc. 2278
Analysis of high power IGBT short circuit failures / Barnes, M J ; Blackmore, E W ; Lemire-Elmore, J ; Leyh, G ; Nguyen, M ; Pappas, C ; Rablah, B ; Wait, G D
- 2005. - 8 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
The LHC injection kicker magnet / Ducimetière, Laurent ; Garrel, N ; Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D /LHC Construction Canadian Collaboration
Proton beams will be injected into LHC at 450 GeV by two kicker magnet systems, producing magnetic field pulses of approximately 900 ns rise time and up to 7.86 s flat top duration. One of the stringent design requirements of these systems is a flat top ripple of less than ± 0.5% [...]
LHC-Project-Report-655; CERN-LHC-Project-Report-655.- Geneva : CERN, 2003 - 4 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 20th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Portland, OR, USA, 12 - 16 May 2003, pp.1162-1164 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
A FET Based Mass Separator Kicker for TRIUMF ISAC Project / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D
2000 External link: Published version
In : 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26 - 30 Jun 2000, pp.e-proc. 2376
Inductance Calculations and Measurements for the CERN LHC Injection Pulse Forming Network / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D ; Ducimetière, L
Geneva : CERN, 2000 Access to fulltext document: PDF;
In : 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria, 26 - 30 Jun 2000, pp.e-proc. 2355
Construction and 60 kV tests of the prototype pulser for the LHC injection kicker system / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D ; Carlier, E ; Ducimetière, L ; Schröder, G ; Vossenberg, Eugène B
The European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) is constructing the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Two counter-rotating proton beams will be injected into the LHC at an energy of 450 GeV by two kicker magnet systems, producing magnetic field pulses of approximately 900 ns rise time and 6.6 mu s flat top duration with a ripple of less than +or-0.5Both injection systems are composed of 4 travelling wave kicker magnets of 2.17 m length each, powered by pulse forming networks (PFNs). [...]
In : 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 27 - 30 Jun 1999, pp.777-780
High current 66 kV tests on high stability PFN discharge capacitors for CERN LHC / Barnes, M J ; Wait, G D
The European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) is constructing a Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to be installed in an existing 27 km circumference tunnel. The LHC will be equipped with fast pulsed magnet systems for injecting two counter-rotating hadron beams. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1999
In : 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 27 - 30 Jun 1999, pp.773-776

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