CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 9 registros  La búsqueda tardó 0.71 segundos. 
Physics with e+e Linear Colliders / Accomando, E. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Andreazza, A. (INFN, Milan ; Milan U.) ; Anlauf, H. (Darmstadt, Tech. Hochsch.) ; Ballestrero, A. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Barklow, T. (SLAC) ; Bartels, J. (Hamburg U., Inst. Theor. Phys. II) ; Bartl, A. (Vienna U.) ; Battaglia, M. (CERN) ; Beenakker, W. (Leiden U.) ; Bélanger, G. (Annecy, LAPP) et al. /ECFA/DESY Linear Collider Physics Working Group
We describe the physics potential of e+e linear colliders in this report. These machines are planned to operate in the first phase at a center-of --mass energy of 500 GeV, before being scaled up to about 1 TeV. [...]
hep-ph/9705442; SLAC-PUB-9779; DESY-97-100; DESY-97-100.- Hamburg : DESY, 1998 - 103 p. - Published in : Phys. Rep. 299 (1998) 1-78 Access to fulltext document: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External link: SLAC Document Server - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
CP violation in top quark pair production / Bernreuther, W ; Overmann, P
HD-THEP-93-42.- Heidelberg : Heidelberg Univ. Inst. Theor. Phys., 1993 - 10 p.
In : Workshop on e+e Collisions at 500 GeV : the Physics Potential, Hamburg, Germany, 2 - 3 Apr 1993, pp.287-295
A new method to measure the tau polarization at the Z peak / Overmann, P
- 1993. - 5 p.
CERN library copies
CP asymmetries in top quark pair production and decay : contributions from neutral Higgs boson and gluino exchange / Bernreuther, W ; Overmann, P
- 1993. - 17 p.
CERN library copies
The CP-violating electric and weak dipole moments of the tau lepton from threshold to 500 GeV / Bernreuther, W ; Nachtmann, O ; Overmann, P
- 1992. - 21 p.
CERN library copies
CP-verletzende Korrelationen für die Elektron-Positron-Annihilation in tau-Leptonen und Top-Quarks / Overmann, P
- 1992. - 108 p.
CERN library copies
Top quark physics : theoretical aspects / Bernreuther, W ; Igo-Kemenes, P ; Jezabek, Marek ; Kühn, J H ; Lampe, B ; Nachtmann, O ; Overmann, P ; Schröder, T B ; Steegborn, J ; Teubner, Thomas et al.
- 1992. - 72 p.
CERN library copies
Angular correlations and distributions for searches of CP violation in top quark production and decay / Bernreuther, W ; Nachtmann, O ; Overmann, P ; Schröder, T B
- 1992. - 30 p.
CERN library copies
CP-violation effects in Z decays to τ leptons / Bernreuther, W ; Botz, G W ; Nachtmann, O ; Overmann, P
HD-THEP-91-7 ; KA-THEP-91-1.
- 1991. - 18 p.
CERN library copies

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1 Overmann, P.
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