CERN Accelerating science

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Mid-infrared (2.75-6.0- μ m) second-harmonic generation in LiInS2 / Knippels, G M H ; Van der Meer, Alex F G ; MacLeod, A M ; Yelisseyev, A ; Isaenko, L ; Lobanov, S V ; Thenot, I ; Zondy, J J
Phase-matched second-harmonic generation is obtained in various LiInS /sub 2/ crystals by use of the tunable picosecond output of the free- electron laser for infrared experiments (FELIX) as the pump source in the mid-IR range from 2.75 to 6.0 mu m. Deviations from the phase- matching curve calculated from Boyd's refractive-index data are observed. [...]
2001 - Published in : Opt. Lett.: 26 (2001) , no. 9, pp. 617-19
System of slow targeting of an accelerated beam on internal targets in the IHEP 70 GeV accelerator / Gridasov, V I ; Kardash, A A ; Kozlov, K M ; Kurnaev, O V ; Lapin, V V ; Lobanov, S V ; Mojzhes, L L ; Myznikov, K P ; Naumov, A A
- 1972. - 9 p.

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5 Lobanov, S
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