CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 36 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.63 segundos. 
The International Pulsar Timing Array second data release: Search for an isotropic Gravitational Wave Background / Antoniadis, J. (FORTH, Heraklion ; Bonn, Max Planck Inst., Radioastron. ; Argelander Inst. Astron.) ; Arzoumanian, Z. (NASA, Goddard) ; Babak, S. (APC, Paris) ; Bailes, M. (Swinburne U. Tech., Hawthorn ; ARC, CoEPP, Australia) ; Nielsen, A.-S. Bak (Bonn, Max Planck Inst., Radioastron. ; Bielefeld U.) ; Baker, P.T. (Widener U.) ; Bassa, C.G. (ASTRON, Dwingeloo) ; Becsy, B. (Montana State U.) ; Berthereau, A. (LPC2E, Orleans ; Station Radioastronomy, Nancay) ; Bonetti, M. (Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) et al.
We searched for an isotropic stochastic gravitational wave background in the second data release of the International Pulsar Timing Array, a global collaboration synthesizing decadal-length pulsar-timing campaigns in North America, Europe, and Australia. In our reference search for a power law strain spectrum of the form $h_c = A(f/1\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1})^{\alpha}$, we found strong evidence for a spectrally-similar low-frequency stochastic process of amplitude $A = 3.8^{+6.3}_{-2.5}\times10^{-15}$ and spectral index $\alpha = -0.5 \pm 0.5$, where the uncertainties represent 95% credible regions, using information from the auto- and cross-correlation terms between the pulsars in the array. [...]
arXiv:2201.03980.- 2022-01-27 - 15 p. - Published in : Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 510 (2022) 4873 Fulltext: PDF;
Some first results from the mark II at SPEAR / Abrams, G S (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Alam, M.S. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Blocker, C.A. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Boyarski, A.M. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Breidenbach, Martin (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Broll, C.H. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Burke, D.L. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Carithers, W.C. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Chinowsky, William (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Coles, M.W. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) et al.
Preliminary results are given from the Mark II experiment at SPEAR on radiative decays of the psi '(3684) and on inclusive baryon production from 3.67 to 7.4 GeV center-of-mass energy. A 90% confidence level upper limit of 0.12% is given for BR( psi ' to gamma eta /sub c/' (3455))*BR( eta /sub c/'(3455 to gamma psi )). [...]
SLAC-PUB-2350; LBL-9320.- 1979 Published version: PDF;
In : International Conference on High-energy Physics, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 Jun 1979, pp.357-361
Inclusive ? production in ? interactions at 205 GeV.c / Winkelmann, F C ; Bingham, H H ; Bogert, D ; Chew, D M ; Faugeras, B Y ; Fretter, W B ; Goldhaber, G ; Graves, W R ; Hanft, R ; Huson, F R et al.
- 1974. - 10 p.
Observation in $e^+e^-$ annihilation of a narrow state at 1865 MeV/c2 decaying to $K\pi$ and $K\pi\pi\pi$ / Goldhaber, G ; Pierre, F M ; Abrams, G S ; Alam, M S ; Boyarski, A M ; Breidenbach, M ; Carithers, W C ; Chinowsky, W ; Cooper, S C ; De Voe, R G et al.
LBL-5309 ; SLAC-1762.
- 1976. - 11 p.
Pion and nucleon dissociation in ?p?at 205 GeV/c / Bingham, H H ; Abrams, G S ; Bogert, D ; Chew, D M ; Daugeras, B Y ; Fretter, W B ; Friedberg, C E ; Goldhaber, G ; Graves, W R ; Hanft, R et al.
- 1974. - 14 p.
Search for Pomeron-Pomeron-2? events in 205 GeV/c ?p interactions / Chew, D M ; Abrams, G S ; Bingham, H H ; Bogert, D ; Daugeras, B Y ; Fretter, W B ; Friedberg, C E ; Goldhaber, G ; Graves, W R ; Hanft, R et al.
- 1973. - 23 p.
Pion pair production from gamma.gamma collisions at PEP / Smith, J R ; Burke, D L ; Abrams, G S ; Amidei, D ; Blocker, C A ; Boyarski, A M ; Breidenbach, M ; Chinowsky, W ; Dieterle, W E ; Dillon, J B et al.
LBL-16687; SLAC-PUB-3205.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1984 - 30 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 30 (1984) 851-859 - CERN library copies
Decays of the psi(3097) to baryon-antibaryon final states / Eaton, M W ; Goldhaber, Gerson ; Abrams, G S ; Blocker, C A ; Carithers, W C ; Chinowsky, W ; Coles, M W ; Cooper, S ; Dieterle, W E ; Dillon, J B et al.
LBL-16080; SLAC-PUB-3122.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1984 - 80 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 29 (1984) 804-821 - CERN library copies
Limits on J/psi and UPSILON production in e+e- interactions at \Sqrt s = 29 GeV / Matteuzzi, C ; Abrams, G S ; Amidei, D ; Blocker, C A ; Boyarski, A M ; Breidenbach, M ; Burke, D L ; Chinowsky, W ; Dieterle, W E ; Dillon, J B et al.
LBL-16004; SLAC-PUB-3107.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1983 - 11 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 129 (1983) 141-144 - CERN library copies
Variation of the strong coupling constant from a measurement of the jet energy spread in e+e- annihilation / Löhr, B ; Hollebeek, R J ; Richter, Burton ; Schlatter, W D ; Abrams, G S ; Amidei, D ; Blocker, C A ; Boyarski, A M ; Breidenbach, M ; Burke, D L et al.
LBL-15064 ; SLAC-PUB-2983.
- 1982. - 14 p. CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : Encontrados 36 registros   1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro:
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