CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 89 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.68 segundos. 
Search for Darkonium in $e^+e^-$ Collisions / BABAR Collaboration
Collider searches for dark sectors, new particles interacting only feebly with ordinary matter, have largely focused on identifying signatures of new mediators, leaving much of dark sector structures unexplored. In particular, the existence of dark matter bound states (darkonia) remains to be investigated. [...]
arXiv:2106.08529; BABAR-PUB-21/002; SLAC-PUB-17608.- 2022-01-11 - 10 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 (2022) 021802 Fulltext: PDF;
Some first results from the mark II at SPEAR / Abrams, G S (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Alam, M.S. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Blocker, C.A. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Boyarski, A.M. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Breidenbach, Martin (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Broll, C.H. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Burke, D.L. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Carithers, W.C. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Chinowsky, William (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) ; Coles, M.W. (SLAC ; LBL, Berkeley ; UC, Berkeley) et al.
Preliminary results are given from the Mark II experiment at SPEAR on radiative decays of the psi '(3684) and on inclusive baryon production from 3.67 to 7.4 GeV center-of-mass energy. A 90% confidence level upper limit of 0.12% is given for BR( psi ' to gamma eta /sub c/' (3455))*BR( eta /sub c/'(3455 to gamma psi )). [...]
SLAC-PUB-2350; LBL-9320.- 1979 Published version: PDF;
In : International Conference on High-energy Physics, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 Jun 1979, pp.357-361
Electronics for the BaBar central drift chamber / Albert, J ; Bajic, A ; Bard, R L ; Beaulieu, M ; Blinov, V E ; Boyarski, A M ; Broomer, B ; Coupal, D ; Dal Corso, F ; Dolinski, S I et al.
- 1998.
Design of a trigger and data acquisition system for a detector at PEP-II / Becker-Szendy, R A ; Briggs, D ; Haller, G ; Höflich, J ; Innes, W R
SLAC-PUB-6386.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 1993 - 5 p.
In : 40th IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 30 Oct - 6 Nov 1993, pp.1289-1293
Inclusive charged hadron and K$^{0}$ production in two-photon interactions / Cords, D ; Boyer, J ; Butler, F ; Gidal, G ; Abrams, G S ; Amidei, D ; Baden, A R ; Barklow, Timothy L ; Boyarski, A M ; Burchat, Patricia R et al.
LBL-32903; SLAC-PUB-5901.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1993 - 13 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 302 (1993) 341-344
Measurement of the charged multiplicity of events containing bottom hadrons at E$_{cm}$ = 91 GeV / Schumm, B A ; Koetke, D S ; Adolphsen, C E ; Alexander, J P ; Averill, D A ; Barish, B C ; Barklow, Timothy L ; Barnett, B A ; Blockus, D ; Boyarski, A M et al.
LBL-31756; SLAC-PUB-5727.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1992 - 13 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 46 (1992) 453-456
A search for new particles in Z decay / Innes, W R
SLAC-PUB-5115.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 1989 - 18 p.
In : International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics, Madrid, Spain, 6 - 13 Sep 1989, pp.464-466 - CERN library copies
Measurement of the total hadronic cross section in e+e- annihilation at \Sqrt s = 29 GeV / MARK II Collaboration
LBL-28859; SLAC-PUB-5213.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1991 - 46 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 43 (1991) 34-45 - CERN library copies
Study of four-lepton final states in e+e- interactions at \Sqrt s = 29 GeV / Petradza, M ; Thun, R ; Abrams, G S ; Amidei, D ; Baden, A R ; Barklow, Timothy L ; Boyarski, A M ; Boyer, J ; Burchat, Patricia R ; Burke, D L et al.
LBL-27192; SLAC-PUB-4981; UM-HE-89-12.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1990 - 27 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 42 (1990) 2171-2179 - CERN library copies
A search for decays of the Z to unstable neutral leptons with mass between 2.5 and 22 GeV / Burchat, Patricia R ; King, M ; Abrams, G S ; Adolphsen, C E ; Averill, D A ; Ballam, J ; Barish, B C ; Barklow, Timothy L ; Barnett, B A ; Bartelt, J et al.
LBL-28396; SLAC-PUB-5172.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1990 - 14 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 41 (1990) 3542

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1 Innes, W
1 Innes, W H
5 Innes, W.R.
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2 Innes, Walter R.
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