CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 2 registros  La búsqueda tardó 1.05 segundos. 
Unraveling Laser-Driven Ultrafast Plasma Dynamics Inside Solids / Shaikh, Moniruzzaman (Tata Inst.) ; Lad, Amit D (Tata Inst.) ; Jha, Jagannath (Tata Inst.) ; Sarkar, Deep (Tata Inst.) ; Tata, Sheroy (Tata Inst.) ; Chatterjee, Gourab (Tata Inst.) ; Dey, Indranuj (Tata Inst.) ; Jana, Kamalesh (Tata Inst.) ; Singh, Prashant K (Tata Inst.) ; Kumar, G Ravindra (Tata Inst.) et al.
Intense femtosecond lasers, focused on a solid surface, can accelerate ultrashort pulses of electrons to near-light speeds, launching megaampere currents into the solid material behind. Understanding the transport of these relativistic electrons through solids is central to many areas in laser-driven plasmas and their translational research, ranging from laser-driven fusion to the production of micro-accelerators for industrial and medical applications. [...]
2020 - 1 p. - Published in : (2020) , pp. 238
- Published in : (2020) , pp. 238
In : 2020 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Singapore, Singapore, 6 - 10 Dec 2020
Mapping the Damping Dynamics of Mega-Ampere Electron Pulses Inside a Solid / Shaikh, Moniruzzaman (Tata Inst.) ; Lad, Amit D (Tata Inst.) ; Birindelli, Gabriele (CELIA, Bordeaux) ; Pepitone, Kevin (CERN) ; Jha, Jagannath (Tata Inst.) ; Sarkar, Deep (Tata Inst.) ; Tata, Sheroy (Tata Inst.) ; Chatterjee, Gourab (Tata Inst.) ; Dey, Indranuj (Tata Inst.) ; Jana, Kamalesh (Tata Inst.) et al.
We report the lifetime of intense-laser ($2 \times 10^{19}$ W/cm$^2$) generated relativistic electron pulses in solids by measuring the time evolution of their Cherenkov emission. Using a picosecond resolution optical Kerr gating technique, we demonstrate that the electrons remain relativistic as long as 50 picoseconds—more than 1000 times longer than the incident light pulse. [...]
2018 - 5 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 065001 Fulltext: PDF;

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