CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 105 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.52 segundos. 
Group Representations with an Arbitrary Invariant Metric / Barut, Asim Orhan (CERN)
- 1960. - 13 p.
Covariant field theory of the magnetic monopole. - rev. version / Barut, A O
1976. - 17 p.
New theory of positronium decay and relativistic wave function corrections / Barut, A O ; Kraus, J
1976. - 7 p.
Form factor corrections to superpositronium and short distance behavior of magnetic moment of the electron / Barut, A O ; Kraus, J
1976. - 11 p.
Charge quantization condition with N strings - a new internal quantum number of charge-monopole systems / Barut, A O
1976. - 8 p.
Charge quantization theorem : reply to a paper by Usacher / Barut, A O
1976. - 19 p.
Magnetic charge and hyperfine splitting in hydrogen / Barut, A O
1976. - 4 p.
Covariance of the field theory of the magnetic monopole / Barut, A O
1976. - 7 p.
Mass spectrum in relativistic extended models of elementary particles / Barut, A O ; Raczka, R
1976. - 11 p.
Nonlinear O(n + 1) - symmetric field theories, symmetry breaking and finite energy solutions / Barut, A O ; Girardello, L ; Wyss, W
1976. - 13 p.

CERN Document Server : Encontrados 105 registros   1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro:
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3 Barut, A
2 Barut, Asim
24 Barut, Asim Orhan
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Barut, A O en NEBIS
Barut, A O en SLAC Library Catalog
Barut, A O en Scirus