CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 2 records found  Search took 0.52 seconds. 
Polarization measurement and vertical aperture optimization for obtaining circularly polarized bend-magnet radiation / Kortright, J B ; Rice, M ; Hussain, Z ; Padmore, H A ; Adamson, A M ; Huff, W R A ; Young, A T ; Moler, E J ; Kellar, S A ; Ynzunza, R X et al.
LBL-38212.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1995 - 15 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 9th National Conference on Synchrotron-radiation Instrumentation, Argonne, IL, USA, 17 - 20 Oct 1995, pp.3363 - CERN library copies
High-resolution beamline 9.3.2 in the energy range 30-1500 eV at the Advanced Light Source : design and performance / Hussain, Z ; Huff, W R A ; Kellar, S A ; Moler, E J ; Heimann, P A ; McKinney, W ; Cummings, C ; Lauritzen, T ; McKean, J P ; Palomares, F J et al.
LBL-37762; LSBL-284.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1995 - 19 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 9th National Conference on Synchrotron-radiation Instrumentation, Argonne, IL, USA, 17 - 20 Oct 1995, pp.3372 - CERN library copies

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