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Radiation-Tolerant All-Digital PLL/CDR with Varactorless LC DCO in 65 nm CMOS / Biereigel, Stefan (CERN ; Leuven U. ; Brandenburg Tech. U.) ; Kulis, Szymon (CERN) ; Moreira, Paulo (CERN) ; Kölpin, Alexander (Hamburg, Tech. U.) ; Leroux, Paul (Leuven U.) ; Prinzie, Jeffrey (Leuven U.)
This paper presents the first fully integrated radiation-tolerant All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) and Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) circuit for wireline communication applications. Several radiation hardening techniques are proposed to achieve state-of-the-art immunity to SingleEvent Effects (SEEs) up to 62.5 MeV cm$^{2}$ mg$^{−1}$ as well as tolerance to the Total Ionizing Dose (TID) exceeding 1.5 Grad. The LC Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO) is implemented without MOS varactors, avoiding the use of a highly SEE sensitive circuit element. [...]
2021 - 16 p. - Published in : Electronics 10 (2021) 2741
Single-Event Effect Responses of Integrated Planar Inductors in 65-nm CMOS / Biereigel, Stefan (CERN ; Leuven U. ; Brandenburg Tech. U.) ; Kulis, Szymon (CERN) ; Leroux, Paul (Leuven U.) ; Moreira, Paulo (CERN) ; Kolpin, Alexander (Hamburg, Tech. U.) ; Prinzie, Jeffrey (Leuven U.)
This article describes a previously unreported single-event radiation effect in spiral inductors manufactured in a commercial CMOS technology when subjected to ionizing radiation. Inductors play a major role as the component determining the frequency of LC tank oscillators, which is why any radiation effect in these passive components can have a detrimental impact on the performance of clock generation circuits. [...]
2021 - 11 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 68 (2021) 2587-2597 Fulltext: PDF;
Heavy Ion Induced Single Event Effects Characterization on an RF-Agile Transceiver for Flexible Multi-Band Radio Systems in NewSpace Avionics / Budroweit, Jan (DLR, Bremen) ; Jaksch, Mattis (DLR, Bremen) ; Alía, Rubén Garcia (CERN) ; Coronetti, Andrea (CERN) ; Kölpin, Alexander (Brandenburg Tech. U.)
Nowadays, technologies have a massive impact on the design of avionic systems, even for the conservative space industry. In this paper, the single event effect (SEE) characterization of a highly integrated and radio frequency (RF) agile transceiver is being presented which is an outstanding candidate for future radio systems in NewSpace applications and space avionics. [...]
2020 - 20 p. - Published in : Aerospace 7 (2020) 14

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3 Kölpin, Alexander
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