CERN Accelerating science

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Vector and scalar model of turbulent diffusion near two dimensions : the renormalization group analysis with two expansion parameters / Hnatich, M ; Honkonen, J ; Horváth, D ; Semancik, R
- 1996. - 22 p.
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The instabilities of anisotropically driven developed turbulence in d-dimensional case / Busa, J ; Hnatich, M ; Honkonen, J ; Horváth, D
- 1995. - 19 p.
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Renormalization of random walks with memory / Honkonen, J ; Derkachov, S E ; Vasilev, A N
- 1989. - 28 p.
CERN library copies
Renormalization of a field theory for self-organized criticality / Honkonen, J
- 1989. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
Renormalisability and renormalisation of the 'true' self-avoiding random walks / Honkonen, J ; Karjalainen, E ; Derkachov, S E ; Vasilev, A N
- 1989. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
Crossover between field theories with short-range and long-range exchange or correlations / Honkonen, J ; Nalimov, M Yu
- 1988. - 23 p.
CERN library copies
Critical behavior in a driven diffusive system with an odd induced current / Honkonen, J ; Kupiainen, A
- 1986. - 12 p.
Supersymmetry and detailed balance / Honkonen, J
- 1987. - 19 p.
CERN library copies

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2 Honkonen, Juha
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