CERN Accelerating science

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An experiment to study rare $K_{s}$ decays using the 180 litre bubble chamber in a $K^{+}$ beam of the CERN Proton Synchotron / Barmin, V (Moscow, ITEP) ; Chuvilo, I (Moscow, ITEP) ; Davidenko, G (Moscow, ITEP) ; Demidov, V (Moscow, ITEP) ; Dolgolenko, A (Moscow, ITEP) ; Golubchikov, V (Moscow, ITEP) ; Konoplev, N (Moscow, ITEP) ; Meshkovsky, A (Moscow, ITEP) ; Shebanov, V (Moscow, ITEP) ; Baldo-Ceolin, M et al.
- 1974. - 19 p.
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Accelerator for Proton Therapy / Bolshakov, A E ; Bazkikh, G I ; Chuvilo, I V ; Goldin, L L ; Khoroshkov, V S ; Klenov, G I ; Meshcherov, R A ; Onosovsky, K K ; Rybalko, V S
1990 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 2nd European Particle Accelerator Conference, Nice, France, 12 - 16 Jun 1990, pp.1821
APF Accelerating Structures for Light and Heavy Ions / Chuvilo, I V ; Dyadin, A Y ; Gusev, M L ; Kabanov, V S ; Khomenko, I V ; Kurakin, V V ; Kushin, V V ; Manusadjan, S B ; Parshin, I O ; Platnikov, S V et al.
1989 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 1st European Particle Accelerator Conference, Rome, Italy, 7 - 11 Jun 1988, pp.1024
Linear Accelerator for Plutonium Conversion and Transmutation of NPP Wastes / Kapchinskiy, I M ; Chuvilo, I V ; Kolomiets, A A ; Lazarev, N V ; Lipkin, I M ; Plotnikov, V K ; Vorobjov, I A
1993 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 15th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 20 May 1993, pp.1675
ITEP Complex for Proton and Heavy Ion Acceleration / Alexeev, N N ; Chuvilo, I V ; Goldin, L L ; Kruglov, B I ; Lebedev, P I ; Nicolaev, V I ; Onosovsky, K K ; Shevchenko, V G ; Vasilev, A A ; Veselov, M A et al.
1985 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 11th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, pp.1693
The Launching of a 3-MeV Proton RFQ Linac / Kapchinskii, I M ; Andreev, V A ; Artemov, V S ; Bobylev, V I ; Chuvilo, I V ; Daniltsev, E N ; Edemskij, V I ; Kartsev, L V ; Kolomiets, A A ; Kosiak, V S et al.
1983 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th Particle Accelerator Conference, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 21 - 23 Mar 1983, pp.3579
ITEP experimental assembly for ERA collective method investigations / Chuvilo, I V ; Kapchinsky, I M ; Plotnikov, V K ; Vengrov, R M
In : 9th International Conference on High-energy Accelerators, SLAC, Stanford, CA, USA, 2 - 7 May 1974, pp.314-317
Search for CP-violation in / Chuvilo, I V
In : 22nd International Conference on High-energy Physics, v.1, Leipzig, Germany, 19 - 25 Jul 1984, pp.148-149
Proton 36 MeV, 0.5 mA Linac ISTRA-36 as a Driver Multipurpose Irradiation Test Facility / Chuvilo, I V ; Katz, M M ; Kolomiets, A ; Kozodaev, A M ; Lazarev, N V ; Plotnikov, V K ; Shimchuk, G G ; Shvedov, O V ; Vasilev, V V
1996 External links: Abstract from JACoW; Published version from JACoW
In : 5th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 10 - 14 Jun 1996, pp.e-proc. 2674
Test of CPT symmetry in the decays of neutral kaons / Baldo-Ceolin, Massimilla ; Barmin, V V ; Barylov, V G ; Davidenko, G V ; Demidov, V S ; Dolgolenko, A G ; Calimani, E ; Mattioli, F ; Meshkovsky, A G ; Miari, G et al.
The Bell-Steinberger unitarity relation is used along with the experimental data available to calculate the parameter of the CPT violation, Delta , and that of the T violation, epsilon , in the decays of K/sup 0/ mesons. It is shown that if the CP violation in three-pion decays of K/sup 0/ mesons is not greater than in two-pion decays, then the parameters Re Delta and Im Delta differ from zero by two standard deviations. [...]
1983 - Published in : JETP Lett. 38 (1983) 557-60

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