CERN Accelerating science

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Correlation between the angular momentum of recoil nuclei and the neutron multiplicity in the (π,Xn)reaction / Butsev, V S ; Chultem, D ; Cherevatenko, E P ; Gavrilov, Yu K ; Polikanov, S M
P9825 ; E15-9825.
- 1976. - 7 p.
Negative pion capture in mercury, gold and platinum nuclei / Abazov, V M ; Avramov, S R ; Butsev, V S ; Cherevatenko, E P ; Chultem, D ; Fromm, W D ; Ganzorig, D ; Gavrilov, Yu K ; Polikanov, S M
P9659 ; E15-9659.
- 1976. - 24 p.
Negative pion capture in chemical compounds / Butsev, V S ; Chultem, D ; Gavrilov, Yu K ; Gansorig, Dz ; Norseev, Yu, V ; Presperin, V
P9658 ; E15-9658.
- 1976. - 9 p.
Intensities of muonic x-rays in lead, thorium and uranium / Butsev, V S ; Chultem, D ; Cojocaru, V ; Fromm, W D ; Ganzorig, D ; Krogulski, T ; Ortlepp, H G ; Polikanov, S M ; Sabirov, E M ; Schmidt, U
P9580 ; E1-9580.
- 1976. - 8 p.
Excitation of metastable high spin states in negative spin capture by nuclei / Butsev, V S ; Ganzorig, J ; Gavrilov, Yu K ; Khultem, D ; Polikanov, S M
1975. - 6 p.
Isomed decay and ?Ho properties 150 Dy / Alexandrov, A A ; Butsev, V S ; Grigoriev, E P ; Gromov, K Ya ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Lebedev, N A ; Vylov, T D
1974. - 19 p.
Measurement of the submicrosecond life-times of the level by the method of a single-crystal scintillation time spectrometer / Budzynski, M ; Butsev, V S ; Gromov, K Ya ; Ion-Mihai, R ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Kholbaev, I ; Marupov, N Z ; Morozov, V A ; Muminov, T M ; Yakhim, M
1974. - 10 p.
Transmutation of radioactive waste by means of relativistic heavy ions / Wan, J S ; Ochs, M ; Brandt, R ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V et al.
1998 - Published in : Kerntech.: 63 (1998) , no. 4, pp. 167-77
Transmutation of radioactive waste with the help of relativistic heavy ions / Brandt, R ; Wan, J S ; Ochs, M ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V et al.
E1-97-349 ; JINR-E1-97-349.
- 1997. - 27 p.
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Emission of relativistic heavy fragments at wide angles from the iteraction of 58 GeV 16O ions with thick copper target / Shahzad, M I ; Qureshi, L E ; Manzoor, S ; Khan, H A ; Zafar, M S ; Butsev, V S ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A ; Brandt, R
E1-97-195 ; JINR-E1-97-195.
- 1997. - 10 p.
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