CERN Accelerating science

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Microscopic characterisation of photodetectors used in the hadron calorimeter of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment / Shukla, R A (Tata Inst.) ; Achanta, V G (Tata Inst.) ; Barbaro, P De (Rochester U.) ; Dugad, S R (Tata Inst.) ; Heering, A (Notre Dame U.) ; Gupta, S K (Tata Inst.) ; Mirza, I (Tata Inst.) ; Prabhu, S S (Tata Inst.) ; Rumerio, P (Alabama U. ; CERN)
The Hybrid Photodetector (HPD) is a hybrid unit with a single accelerating gap between a common photocathode and an array of PIN diodes. Customised HPDs with 19 channels were used to detect scintillation light from hadron calorimeter in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. [...]
2019 - 12 p. - Published in : Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90 (2019) 023303
In : 6th International Workshop on X-ray Optics and Metrology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 6 - 9 Jun 2018
Microscopic Characterisation of Photo Detectors from CMS Hadron Calorimeter / Shukla, R.A. (Tata Inst.) ; Achanta, V.G. (Tata Inst.) ; Barbaro, P.D. (Rochester U.) ; Dugad, S.R. (Tata Inst.) ; Heering, A. (Notre Dame U.) ; Gupta, S.K. (Tata Inst.) ; Mirza, I. (Tata Inst.) ; Prabhu, S.S. (Tata Inst.) ; Rumerio, P. (Alabama U. ; CERN)
The CMS hadron Calorimeter is made of alternating layers of scintillating tiles and metals, such as brass or iron. [...]
- 2018. - 10 p.
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1 Achanta, V.G.
3 Achanta, Venu Gopal
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