CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 64 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.50 δευτερόλεπτα. 
The f2(1565) in pbar-p -> (omega-omega)pizero interactions at rest / Baker, C.A. (Rutherford) ; Barnett, B.M. (Budapest, RMKI) ; Batty, C.J. (Rutherford) ; Braune, K. (Munich U.) ; Bugg, D.V. (Queen Mary, U. of London) ; Cramer, O. (Munich U.) ; Crede, V. (Bonn U.) ; Djaoshvili, N. (CERN) ; Dunnweber, W. (Munich U.) ; Faessler, M.A. (Munich U.) et al.
Data are presented on the reaction pbar-p -> omega-omega-pizero at rest from the Crystal Barrel detector. These data identify a strong signal due to f2(1565) -> omega-omega. [...]
arXiv:1109.2287; QMH11.- 2011 - 9 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 467 (1999) 147 Fulltext: PDF; External link: Preprint
Coupled channel analysis of proton-antiproton annihilation into π0π0π0, π0ηη and π0π0η / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
We confirm the existence of the two I G ( J PC ) = 0 + (0 ++ ) resonances f 0 (1370) and f 0 (1500) reported by us in earlier analyses. The analysis presented here couples the final states π 0 π 0 π 0 , π 0 π 0 η and π 0 ηη of p p annihilation at rest. [...]
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1995 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 355 (1995) 425 Fulltext: PDF;
Search for a new light gauge boson in π0, η and η' decays / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Upper limits for the production of new light gauge bosons in π0, η and η′ decays have been obtained with the Crystal Barrel detector. The kinematically well-constrained reactions p̅p → π0π0 P have been studied, where P ? π 0, η, η′ decays through the emission of a single photon recoiling against a missing state X. [...]
1996 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 70 (1996) 219
Proton-antiproton annihilation at rest into $K_{L}K^{±}\pi^{±}$ / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1998 - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998) 3860 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Branching ratios for pbarp annihilation at rest into two-body final states / Abele, A ; Adomeit, J ; Amsler, Claude ; Baker, C A ; Barnett, B M ; Batty, C J ; Benayoun, M ; Bischoff, S ; Blüm, P ; Braune, K et al.
Measurements of two-body branching ratios for pbarp annihilations at rest in liquid and gaseous (12 rho sub S sub T sub P) hydrogen are reported. Channels studied are pbarp-> pi sup 0 pi sup 0 ,pi sup 0 eta, K sup 0 sub S K sup 0 sub L , K sup + K sup -. [...]
2001 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 679 (2001) 563-576 Fulltext: PDF;
Untersuchung der Antiproton-Nukleon-Vernichtung in Ruhe in $\pi^{-} \pi^{0} \pi{0}$ und $\pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0}$ / Strassburger, C
Geneva : CERN, 1993.
$\bar{\rm p}{\rm p}$-annihilation into $\omega\pi^{0}$, $\omega\eta$ and $\omega\eta^{\prime}$ at 600, 1200 and 1940 MeV/$c$ / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
The annihilation channels p¯p→ωπ0,ωη,ωη′p¯p→ωπ0,ωη,ωη′ were studied with the Crystal Barrel detector at LEAR at p¯p¯-momenta of 600, 1200, and 1940 MeV/ cc. In most cases angular distributions were measured which allowed a complete JPJP-analysis using the helicity formalism. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 2000 - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 12 (2000) 429-439 Fulltext: PDF;
Study of $\overline{P} p \to \eta \pi^{0} \pi^{0} \pi^{0}$ at rest / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1998 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 514 (1998) 45-59
Further Analysis Of Anti-p P ---> 3pi0, Eta Eta Pi0 And Eta Pi0 Pi0 At Rest / Abele, A ; Adomeit, J ; Armstrong, D S ; Baker, C A ; Batty, C J ; Benayoun, M ; Berdoz, A R ; Beuchert, K ; Bischoff, S ; Blüm, H P et al.
1996 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 609 (1996) 562-584
- Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 625 (1997) 901 (Erratum) Fulltext: PDF;
Study of the $\pi^{0}\pi^{0}\eta '$ Final State In $\overline{p}p$ Annihilation at Rest / Crystal Barrel Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1997 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 404 (1997) 179-186 Fulltext: PDF;

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