CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 4 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  Η έρευνα πήρε 0.54 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Measurement of the inclusive semileptonic $B$ meson branching fraction in 62.8 fb$^{-1}$ of Belle II data / Belle-II Collaboration
We report a measurement of the branching fraction of inclusive semileptonic $B$ meson decays $B\to X_c\ell\nu\ell$ in $\Upsilon(4S)\to B\bar B$~data recorded by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider and corresponding to 62.8 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity. [...]
arXiv:2111.09405 ; BELLE2-CONF-PH-2021-012.
- 17.
Exclusive $B \to X_u \ell \nu_\ell$ Decays with Hadronic Full-event-interpretation Tagging in 62.8 fb$^{-1}$ of Belle II Data / Belle-II Collaboration
We present a reconstruction in early data of the semileptonic decay $B^+ \to \pi^0 \ell^+ \nu_\ell$, and first results of a reconstruction of the decays $B^+ \to \rho^0 \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ and $B^0 \to \rho^- \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ in a sample corresponding to 62.8 fb$^{-1}$ of Belle II data using hadronic $B$-tagging via the full-event-interpretation algorithm. [...]
arXiv:2111.00710 ; BELLE2-CONF-PH-2021-013.
- 24.
Measurements of branching fractions and CP-violating charge asymmetries in multibody charmless $B$ decays reconstructed in 2019-2020 Belle II data / Belle-II Collaboration
We report on measurements of branching fractions ($\mathcal{B}$) and CP-violating charge asymmetries ($\mathcal{A}_{\rm CP}$) of multibody charmless $B$ decays reconstructed by the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider. [...]
arXiv:2109.10807 ; BELLE2-CONF-PH-2021-002.
- 28.
Enhancement of neutrino conversion in medium and the earth effect / Liu, Q Y
EXT-2000-126 ; IC-99-114.
- 2000. - 7 p.
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188 Liu, Q
1 Liu, Q C
1 Liu, Q F
16 Liu, Q H
48 Liu, Q J
3 Liu, Q K K
3 Liu, Q L
3 Liu, Q M
32 Liu, Q P
3 Liu, Q Q
7 Liu, Q Z
188 Liu, Q.
2 Liu, Q.R.
4 Liu, Q.Y.
1 Liu, Q.Z.
15 Liu, Qi
141 Liu, Qian
1 Liu, Qianfeng
18 Liu, Qiang
1 Liu, Qianhong
3 Liu, Qiao
1 Liu, Qiaoli
357 Liu, Qibin
1 Liu, Qihang
2 Liu, Qihou
1 Liu, Qili
11 Liu, Qin
13 Liu, Qing
1 Liu, Qing Huo
3 Liu, Qing-Hui
1 Liu, Qing-Jun
2 Liu, Qing-Zhong
1 Liu, Qinghao
2 Liu, Qinghua
1 Liu, Qinghui
4 Liu, Qingjun
1 Liu, Qingling
2 Liu, Qingming
2 Liu, Qingqing
5 Liu, Qingshan
1 Liu, Qingyuan
6 Liu, Qingzhong
2 Liu, Qinrui
1 Liu, Qinya
1 Liu, Qinyuan
1 Liu, Qiong
2 Liu, Qipeng
53 Liu, Qiuguang
1 Liu, Qixing
2 Liu, Qiyu
9 Liu, Quan
4 Liu, Quan-Hui
3 Liu, Quan-Xing
3 Liu, Quanhui
11 Liu, Quansheng
6 Liu, Qunhua
2 liu, Qingqing
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