CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 30 εγγραφές βρέθηκαν  1 - 10επόμενοτέλος  μετάβαση στην εγγραφή: Η έρευνα πήρε 0.58 δευτερόλεπτα. 
Development of the CMS detector for the CERN LHC Run 3 / CMS Collaboration
Since the initial data taking of the CERN LHC, the CMS experiment has undergone substantial upgrades and improvements. This paper discusses the CMS detector as it is configured for the third data-taking period of the CERN LHC, Run 3, which started in 2022. [...]
arXiv:2309.05466; CMS-PRF-21-001; CERN-EP-2023-136; CMS-PRF-21-001-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2024-05-23 - 257 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) P05064 Fulltext: CMS-PRF-21-001-arXiv - PDF; 2309.05466 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Additional information for the analysis; CMS AuthorList
In : The Large Hadron Collider and The Experiments for Run 3
Evaluation of planar silicon pixel sensors with the RD53A readout chip for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Inner Tracker / CMS Collaboration
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will undergo an upgrade in order to increase its luminosity to $7.5 \times 10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. The increased luminosity during this High-Luminosity running phase\\ (HL-LHC), starting around 2029, means a higher rate of proton-proton interactions, hence a larger ionizing dose and particle fluence for the detectors. The current tracking system of the CMS experiment will be fully replaced in order to cope with the new operating conditions. [...]
arXiv:2307.01580; CERN-CMS-NOTE-2023-005.- Geneva : CERN, 2023-11-17 - 29 p. - Published in : JINST 18 (2023) P11015 Fulltext: NOTE2023_005 - PDF; 2307.01580 - PDF; dc1e9cca1e7c6f6dae97cbda67121cb1 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Evaluation of HPK $n^+$-$p$ planar pixel sensors for the CMS Phase-2 upgrade / Tracker Group of the CMS Collaboration
To cope with the challenging environment of the planned high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), scheduled to start operation in 2029, CMS will replace its entire tracking system. The requirements for the tracker are largely determined by the long operation time of 10~years with an instantaneous peak luminosity of up to $7.5\times 10^{34}$~cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ in the ultimate performance scenario. Depending on the radial distance from the interaction point, the silicon sensors will receive a particle fluence corresponding to a non-ionizing energy loss of up to $\Phi_{\text{eq}} = 3.5\times 10^{16}$~cm$^{-2}$. [...]
arXiv:2212.04793; CMS-NOTE-2023-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2023-05-09 - 18 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1053 (2023) 168326 Fulltext: NOTE2023_002 - PDF; 2212.04793 - PDF; 826201a370cac8eb0cb4bd0a37aa14d9 - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Test beam performance of a CBC3-based mini-module for the Phase-2 CMS Outer Tracker before and after neutron irradiation / Tracker Group of the CMS Collaboration
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN will undergo major upgrades to increase the instantaneous luminosity up to 5-7.5$\times10^{34}$ cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$. This High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) will deliver a total of 3000-4000 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13-14 TeV. [...]
arXiv:2205.00961.- 2023-04-04 - 31 p. - Published in : JINST 18 (2023) P04001 Fulltext: jt - PDF; 2205.00961 - PDF; FERMILAB-PUB-22-355-CMS-PPD-SCD - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Evidence for spherical-oblate shape coexistence in $^{87}\mathrm{Tc}$ / Liu, X (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys. ; Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys. ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Cederwall, B (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys.) ; Qi, C (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys.) ; Wyss, R A (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys.) ; Aktas, Ö (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys.) ; Ertoprak, A (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys. ; Istanbul U.) ; Zhang, W (Stockholm, Res. Inst. Atomic Phys.) ; Clément, E (GANIL) ; de France, G (GANIL) ; Ralet, D (CSNSM, Orsay) et al.
Excited states in the neutron-deficient nucleus $^{87}$Tc have been studied via the fusion-evaporation reaction $^{54}$Fe($^{36}$Ar, 2$n$1p) $^{87}$Tc at 115 MeV beam energy. The AGATA γ -ray spectrometer coupled to the DIAMANT, NEDA, and Neutron Wall detector arrays for light-particle detection was used to measure the prompt coincidence of $\gamma$ rays and light particles. [...]
2022 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 106 (2022) 034304 Fulltext: PDF;
Beam test performance of a prototype module with Short Strip ASICs for the CMS HL-LHC tracker upgrade / Tracker Group of the CMS Collaboration
The Short Strip ASIC (SSA) is one of the four front-end chips designed for the upgrade of the CMS Outer Tracker for the High Luminosity LHC. Together with the Macro-Pixel ASIC (MPA) it will instrument modules containing a strip and a macro-pixel sensor stacked on top of each other. [...]
2022 - 24 p. - Published in : JINST 17 (2022) P06039 Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
Strategies and performance of the CMS silicon tracker alignment during LHC Run 2 / CMS Collaboration
The strategies for and the performance of the CMS silicon tracking system alignment during the 2015-2018 data-taking period of the LHC are described. The alignment procedures during and after data taking are explained. [...]
arXiv:2111.08757; CMS-TRK-20-001; CERN-EP-2021-203; CMS-TRK-20-001-003.- Geneva : CERN, 2022-08-11 - 45 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 1037 (2022) 166795 Fulltext: CMS-TRK-20-001-arXiv - PDF; 2111.08757 - PDF; Publication - PDF; fermilab-pub-21-673-cms - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Evidence for enhanced neutron-proton correlations from the level structure of the $N=Z+1$ nucleus $_{43}^{87}\mathrm{Tc}_{44}$ / Liu, X. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm ; Beijing, GUCAS ; Lanzhou, Inst. Modern Phys.) ; Cederwall, B. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Qi, C. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Wyss, R.A. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Aktas, Ö. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Ertoprak, A. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Zhang, W. (Royal Inst. Tech., Stockholm) ; Clément, E. (GANIL) ; de France, G. (GANIL) ; Ralet, D. (CSNSM, Orsay) et al.
The low-lying excited states in the neutron-deficient $N=Z+1$ nucleus $^{87}_{43}$Tc$^{\ }_{44}$ have been studied via the fusion-evaporation reaction $^{54}$Fe($^{36}$Ar, $2n1p$)$^{87}$Tc at the Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds (GANIL), France. The AGATA spectrometer was used in conjunction with the auxiliary NEDA, Neutron Wall, and DIAMANT detector arrays to measure coincident prompt $\gamma$-rays, neutrons, and charged particles emitted in the reaction. [...]
arXiv:2109.06292.- 2021-08-20 - 5 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 104 (2021) L021302 Fulltext: PhysRevC.104.L021302 - PDF; 2109.06292 - PDF;
Accelerating Schottky Analysis Pt. II / Kennedy, Lewis Charles
The parallelized L-BFGS-B minimization routine developed in stage 1 was extended to be used in the calculation of beam parameters of real, experimentally obtained spectra [...]
- 2021
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Accelerating Schottky Analysis / Hassan, Ahmed Samir ; Kennedy, Lewis Charles
With the aim of improving the computational efficiency of the parameter fitting procedure of Schottky spectra analysis while maintaining high solution accuracy, various optimization and parallel computing methods were explored. [...]
- 2021
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