CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 42 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächsteEnde  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.79 Sekunden gedauert. 
Progress report of expt SC70 and request for more beam time / Ganzorig, Dz (JINR Dubna) ; Hansen, P G (CERN) ; Johansson, T (CERN) ; Jonson, B (CERN) ; Konijn, J (CERN) ; Krogulski, T (JINR Dubna) ; Kuznetsov, V D (JINR Dubna) ; Polikanov, S M (JINR Dubna) ; Tibell, G (CERN) ; Westgaard, L (Oslo U.)
- 1977. - 12 p.
Full text
ISOLDE Collaboration : New isotopes $^{73}Zn and $^{74}Zn / Erdai, B R ; Westgaard, L ; Zylicz, J ; Roecke, E
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 194 (1972) 449-457
The N=Z nuclide $^{74}Rb$ with $T, I^{\pi} =1, 0^{+}$ / D'Auria, J M ; Carraz, L C ; Hansen, P G ; Jonson, B ; Mattsson, S ; Ravn, H L ; Skarestad, M ; Westgaard, L
Improved experimental techniques have permitted the observation of the new nuclide /sup 74/Rb with a half-life of 64.9+or-0.5 ms, which represents the heaviest self-conjugate nuclear detected until now. The absence of a long-lived isomer indicates that the T=0 state of /sup 74 /Rb lies above the T=1 state. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 66 (1977) 233-5 Fulltext: PDF;
Very neutron-deficient isotopes of Cs studied by on-line isotope separator techniques / Ravn, H L ; Sundell, S ; Westgaard, L
Short-lived cesium isotopes have been studied by means of a new target and ion-source system. The Cs was produced by bombarding molten La with 600 MeV protons. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 39 (1972) 337-8
New isotopes /sup 73/Zn and /sup 74/Zn / Erdal, B R ; Roeckl, E ; Westgaard, L ; Zylicz, J
The decay characteristics of the new neutron-rich isotopes /sup 73/Zn and /sup 74/Zn have been investigated using isotopically separated samples produced by the ISOLDE on-line facility. Beta and gamma -ray spectra are recorded, partly in coincidence, by means of a Ge(Li) and a plastic detector. [...]
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. A 194 (1972) 449-57
Beta-decay energies and masses of neutron-deficient rubidium and caesium isotopes / D'Auria, J M (CERN) ; Grüter, J W (CERN) ; Westgaard, L (CERN) ; Nyman, G H (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Peuser, P (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Roeckl, E (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Otto, H (Mainz U.) /ISOLDE Collaboration
Total beta-decay energies were measured by a beta-gamma coincidence method for /sup 76/Rb, /sup 78/Rb, /sup 118/Cs, /sup 120/Cs and /sup 122/Cs. The resulting Q-values and masses together with experimental data from the literature are compared with mass formulae, with particular emphasis on Kr and Rb isotopes in the N=Z region..
CERN, 1976 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, France, 19 - 26 May 1976, pp.100-105 (CERN-1976-013)
Superallowed beta decay in Z=N nuclide $_{37}^74$Rb / D'Auria, J M (CERN) ; Carraz, L C (CERN) ; Hansen, P G (CERN) ; Jonson, B (CERN) ; Mattsson, S S (CERN) ; Ravn, H L (CERN) ; Skarestad, M (CERN) ; Westgaard, L (CERN) /ISOLDE Collaboration
The new nuclide /sub 37//sup 74/Rb has been observed at the ISOLDE-2 facility using a novel metal powder target operated at 2200 degrees C, and a Delta E-E beta telescope. Calculations support the conclusion that the observed half-life of 59+or-2 msec is superallowed beta decay from a T=1, I=0/sup +/ ground state in this heaviest Z=N nuclide known. [...]
CERN, 1976 Fulltext: CM-P00064274 - PDF; p262 - PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, France, 19 - 26 May 1976, pp.262-4 (CERN-1976-013)
Alpha decay of neutron-deficient isotopes studies at "Isolde", CERN / Hornshøj, P ; Hagberg, E ; Hansen, P G ; Jonson, B ; Mattsson, S ; Nielsen, O B ; Ravn, H L ; Tidemand-Petersson, P ; Westgaard, L /ISOLDE Collaboration
Summarizes the findings made at ISOLDE, CERN, and presents a survey of some systematic trends in alpha decay. Three topics have been covered: (i) Mass determinations, (ii) Transition probabilities for a alpha decay, and (iii) Specific spectroscopic information. [...]
CERN, 1976 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 3rd International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Cargese, France, 19 - 26 May 1976, pp.171-174 (CERN-1976-013)
Beta-decay energies and masses of short-lived isotopes of rubidium, caesium, francium, and radium / Westgaard, L ; Aleklett, K ; Nyman, G H ; Roeckl, E
Total decay energies have been measured for a number of neutron- deficient Rb and Cs isotopes, as well as for some neutron-rich isotopes of Fr and Ra. Mass separated sources were produced at the ISOLDE on-line separator at CERN. [...]
1975 - Published in : Z. Phys. A 275 (1975) 127-44
Q-values of some nuclides on the neutron-rich side of stability / Rudstam,G ; Grappengiesser, B ; Lund, E ; Westgaard, L
Geneva : CERN, 1970 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : International Conference on the Properties of Nuclei far from the Region of, $\beta$ Stability, v.1, Leysin, Switzerland, 31 Aug 1970, pp.341-352 (CERN-1970-030-V-1)

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1 Westgaard, Leif
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