CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 124 Datensätze gefunden  1 - 10nächsteEnde  gehen zum Datensatz: Die Suche hat 0.58 Sekunden gedauert. 
The LSPE-Strip Pointing Reconstruction and Star Tracker / Maris, Michele (Trieste Observ.) ; Tomasi, Maurizio (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Baratto, Matteo (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Paonessa, Fabio (IFN, Rome) ; Franceschet, Cristian (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) ; Tavagnacco, Daniele (Trieste Observ.) ; Peverini, Oscar Antonio (IFN, Rome) ; Villa, Fabrizio (Bologna Observ.) ; Zannoni, Mario (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Bersanelli, Marco (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan) et al.
This paper aims to describe the Pointing Reconstruction Model (PRM) and the prototype Star Tracker, which will be mounted on LSPE-Strip, a microwave Q- and W-band CMB telescope planned for installation at the "Observatorio del Teide" in Tenerife. [...]
- 3.
CMS Tier-0 data processing during the detector commissioning in Run-3 / Amado Valderrama, Jhonatan Andres (Nebraska U.) ; Eysermans, Jan (MIT) ; Giraldo Villa, German Felipe (CERN) ; Hufnagel, Dirk (Fermilab) ; Kovalskyi, Dmytro (MIT) ; Linares Sancho, Antonio (Wisconsin U., Madison) /CMS Collaboration
The CMS Tier-0 system is responsible for the prompt processing and distribution of the data collected by the CMS Experiment. A number of upgrades were implemented during the long shutdown 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, which improved the performance and reliability of the system. [...]
CMS-CR-2023-129.- Geneva : CERN, 2024 - 9 p. - Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 03007 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023
EuPRAXIA – a compact, cost-efficient particle and radiation source / Weikum, M K (DESY) ; Akhter, T (INFN, Naples) ; Alesini, P D (LNF, Dafne Light) ; Alexandrova, A S (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Liverpool U.) ; Anania, M P (LNF, Dafne Light) ; Andreev, N E (Lebedev Inst. ; Moscow, MIPT) ; Andriyash, I (SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin) ; Aschikhin, A (DESY) ; Assmann, R W (DESY) ; Audet, T (LPGP, Orsay) et al.
Plasma accelerators present one of the most suitable candidates for the development of more compact particle acceleration technologies, yet they still lag behind radiofrequency (RF)-based devices when it comes to beam quality, control, stability and power efficiency. The Horizon 2020-funded project EuPRAXIA (“European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications”) aims to overcome the first three of these hurdles by developing a conceptual design for a first international user facility based on plasma acceleration. [...]
2019 - 9 p. - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc. 2160 (2019) 040012
In : 25th Conference on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry (CAARI 2018), Grapevine, TX, United States, 12 - 17 Aug 2018, pp.040012
EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report / Assmann, R W (DESY) ; Weikum, M K (DESY) ; Akhter, T (INFN, Naples) ; Alesini, D (Frascati) ; Alexandrova, A S (Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; U. Liverpool (main)) ; Anania, M P (Frascati) ; Andreev, N E (ITAE, Moscow ; Moscow, MIPT) ; Andriyash, I (Weizmann Inst.) ; Artioli, M (ENEA, Bologna) ; Aschikhin, A (DESY) et al.
This report presents the conceptual design of a new European research infrastructure EuPRAXIA. The concept has been established over the last four years in a unique collaboration of 41 laboratories within a Horizon 2020 design study funded by the European Union. [...]
2020 - 610 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 229 (2020) 3675-4284
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 229 (2020) 11-31 Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
SiPM-matrix readout of two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and near infrared range / DarkSide Collaboration
Proportional electroluminescence (EL) in noble gases is used in two-phase detectors for dark matter searches to record (in the gas phase) the ionization signal induced by particle scattering in the liquid phase. The "standard" EL mechanism is considered to be due to noble gas excimer emission in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV). [...]
arXiv:2004.02024; FERMILAB-PUB-20-155-PPD.- 2021-02-15 - 26 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 81 (2021) 153 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: 2004.02024 - PDF; fermilab-pub-20-155-ppd - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
Updated design of the CMB polarization experiment satellite LiteBIRD / Sugai, H. (Tokyo U., IPMU) ; Ade, P.A.R. (Cardiff U.) ; Akiba, Y. (KEK, Tsukuba ; Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Alonso, D. (Oxford U.) ; Arnold, K. (UC, San Diego) ; Aumont, J. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Austermann, J. (NIST, Boulder) ; Baccigalupi, C. (CNR, Italy ; INFN, Trieste ; SISSA, Trieste) ; Banday, A.J. (IRAP, Toulouse) ; Banerji, R. (Oslo U.) et al.
Recent developments of transition-edge sensors (TESs), based on extensive experience in ground-based experiments, have been making the sensor techniques mature enough for their application on future satellite CMB polarization experiments. LiteBIRD is in the most advanced phase among such future satellites, targeting its launch in Japanese Fiscal Year 2027 (2027FY) with JAXA's H3 rocket. [...]
arXiv:2001.01724.- 2020-01-27 - 11 p. - Published in : J. Low Temp. Phys. 199 (2020) 1107-1117 Fulltext: s10909-019-02329-w - PDF; 2001.01724 - PDF;
Design and construction of a new detector to measure ultra-low radioactive-isotope contamination of argon / DarkSide Collaboration
Large liquid argon detectors offer one of the best avenues for the detection of galactic weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) via their scattering on atomic nuclei. The liquid argon target allows exquisite discrimination between nuclear and electron recoil signals via pulse-shape discrimination of the scintillation signals. [...]
arXiv:2001.08106.- 2020-02-26 - 19 p. - Published in : JINST 15 (2020) P02024 Fulltext: fermilab-pub-20-023-ppd - PDF; 2001.08106 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available)
Status of the Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA conceptual design study / Weikum, Maria (DESY) ; Akhter, Tahmina (INFN, Naples ; U. Naples (main)) ; Alesini, David (Frascati) ; Alexandrova, Alexandra (U. Liverpool (main) ; Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech.) ; Anania, Maria Pia (Frascati) ; Andreev, Nikolay (Moscow, Inst. High Temp. ; Moscow, MIPT) ; Andriyash, Igor (Weizmann Inst.) ; Aschikhin, Alexander (DESY) ; Aßmann, Ralph (DESY) ; Audet, Thomas (LPGP, Orsay) et al.
The Horizon 2020 Project EuPRAXIA (European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications) is producing a conceptual design report for a highly compact and cost-effective European facility with multi-GeV electron beams accelerated using plasmas. EuPRAXIA will be set up as a distributed Open Innovation platform with two construction sites, one with a focus on beam-driven plasma acceleration (PWFA) and another site with a focus on laser-driven plasma acceleration (LWFA). [...]
CERN-ACC-2019-225.- 2019 - 5 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-THPGW026 Preprint: PDF;
In : 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 19 - 24 May 2019, pp.THPGW026
Report SEU and SEL measurements using 14-MeV and thermal neutron beams / Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Infantino, Angelo (CERN) ; Garcia Alia, Ruben (CERN) ; Marzo, Matteo (CERN) ; Brucoli, Matteo (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Tsiligiannis, Georgios (CERN) ; Baylac, M (LPSC) ; Villa, F (LPSC) ; Segura-Ruiz, J (ILL) et al.
A radiation test campaign was carried out at LPSC GENEPI2 (14 MeV neutrons) and ILL D50 (thermal neutron) facilities in order to evaluate the potential use of the beams for Single Event Effect (SEE) characterization of microelectronic components for the Accelerator Technology Sector (ATS) at CERN. [...]
- 2018. - 37 p.
Full text
Planck 2018 results. I. Overview and the cosmological legacy of Planck / Planck Collaboration
The European Space Agency's Planck satellite, which was dedicated to studying the early Universe and its subsequent evolution, was launched on 14 May 2009. It scanned the microwave and submillimetre sky continuously between 12 August 2009 and 23 October 2013, producing deep, high-resolution, all-sky maps in nine frequency bands from 30 to 857GHz. [...]
arXiv:1807.06205.- 2020-09-01 - 56 p. - Published in : Astron. Astrophys. 641 (2020) A1 Fulltext: 1807.06205 - PDF; arXiv:1807.06205 - PDF;

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