50 Years of Quantum Chromodynamics
/ Gross, Franz (Jefferson Lab ; William-Mary Coll.) ; Klempt, Eberhard (Bonn U., HISKP) ; Brodsky, Stanley J. (SLAC) ; Buras, Andrzej J. (TUM-IAS, Munich) ; Burkert, Volker D. (Jefferson Lab) ; Heinrich, Gudrun (KIT, Karlsruhe, TP) ; Jakobs, Karl (Freiburg U.) ; Meyer, Curtis A. (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Orginos, Kostas (Jefferson Lab ; William-Mary Coll.) ; Strickland, Michael (Kent State U.) et al.
This paper presents a comprehensive review of both the theory and experimental successes of Quantum Chromodynamics, starting with its emergence as a well defined theory in 1972-73 and following developments and results up to the present day. Topics include a review of the earliest theoretical and experimental foundations; the fundamental constants of QCD; an introductory discussion of lattice QCD, the only known method for obtaining exact predictions from QCD; methods for approximating QCD, with special focus on effective field theories; QCD under extreme conditions; measurements and predictions of meson and baryon states; a special discussion of the structure of the nucleon; techniques for study of QCD at high energy, including treatment of jets and showers; measurements at colliders; weak decays and quark mixing; and a section on the future, which discusses new experimental facilities or upgrades currently funded. [...]
2023-12 - 636 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 83 (2023) 1125
Fulltext: 2212.11107 - PDF; Publication - PDF; External link: JLAB Document Server
A warm and friendly memorial session for Helmut Oeschler
/ Cleymans, Jean (Cape Town U.) ; Hippolyte, Boris (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Kalweit, Alexander (CERN) ; Müntz, Christian (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys.) ; Stroth, Joachim (Frankfurt U., Inst. Kernphys. ; Darmstadt, GSI)
A full session was organized in memory of Helmut Oeschler during the 2017 edition of the Strangeness in Quark Matter Conference. It was heart-warming to discuss with the audience his main achievements and share anecdotes about this exceptionally praised and appreciated colleague, who was also a great friend for many at the conference. [...]
2018 - 6 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 171 (2018) 06001
Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 17th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 10 - 15 Jul 2017, pp.06001
Experimental study of the $^{15}$O(2 p , γ) $^{17}$Ne cross section by Coulomb Dissociation for the rp process
/ Marganiec, J (Darmstadt, EMMI ; Michigan State U., JINA) ; Warners, F (Darmstadt, EMMI ; Darmstadt, Tech. U. ; Darmstadt, GSI ; Frankfurt U., FIAS) ; Aksouh, F (Darmstadt, GSI ; King Saud U.) ; Aksyutina, Y (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Alvarez Pol, H (U. Santiago de Compostela (main)) ; Aumann, T (Darmstadt, GSI ; Darmstadt, Tech. U.) ; Beceiro, S (U. Santiago de Compostela (main)) ; Bertulani, C (Texas A-M, Commerce) ; Boretzky, K (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Borge, MJ (Madrid, Inst. Estructura Materia) et al.
- Published in : J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 665 (2016) 012046
Fulltext: PDF;
Studies of continuum states in${16}$ Ne using three-body correlation techniques
/ Marganiec, J ; Wamers, F ; Aksouh, F ; Aksyutina, Yu ; Alvarez-Pol, H ; Aumann, T ; Beceiro-Novo, S ; Boretzky, K ; Borge, M J G (CERN) ; Chartier, M et al.
Two-proton decay of the unbound $ T_{z} =-2$ nucleus$^{16}$Ne , produced in one-neutron knockout from a 500 MeV/u$^{17}$Ne beam, has been studied at GSI. The ground state, at a resonance energy 1.388(15) MeV, ( $ \Gamma =0.082(15)$ MeV) above the$^{14}$O +p+p threshold, and two narrow resonances at $ E_{r} =3.220(46)$ MeV and 7.57(6) MeV have been investigated. [...]
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 51 (2015) 9
Study of the $^{15}$O$(2p,\gamma )^{17}$Ne Cross Section by Coulomb Dissociation of $^{17}$Ne for the $rp$ Process of Nucleosynthesis
/ Marganiec, J (Darmstadt, EMMI ; Notre Dame U.) ; Wamers, F ; Aksouh, F ; Aksyutina, Y ; Alvarez Pol, H (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Aumann, T ; Beceiro, S ; Bertulani, C ; Boretzky, K ; Borge, M J G et al.
- Published in : Acta Phys. Pol. B 45 (2014) 229
In : 33rd Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics: Frontiers in Nuclear Physics, Piaski, Poland, 1 - 7 Sep 2013, pp.229
Summary of the 1st EuCAN Workshop "Universities meet laboratories (ULA2014)"
/ Aleksan, R (CEA,) ; Anelli, G (CERN,) ; Appleby, R (U. Manchester/CI,) ; Arduini, G (CERN,) ; Assmann, R (DESY,) ; Aulenbacher, K (JGU Mainz,) ; Bambade, P (CNRS/IN2P3/LAL,) ; Barletta, W (USPAS & MIT,) ; Boine-Frankenheim, O (TU Darmstadt/GSI,) ; Burrows, P (U. Oxford/JAI,) et al.
The 1st EuCAN workshop ULA2014 illuminated the interplay of universities and laboratories. [...]
Full text - Full text
Resonance Workshop at UT Austin: Hadronic resonance production in heavy ion and elementary collisions
5 - 7 Mar 2012
- Austin, TX, USA
/ Badala, Angela (ed.) (INFN, Catania); Bleicher, Marcus (ed.) (Frankfurt U., FIAS); Fabbietti, Laura (ed.) (Munich, Tech. U.); Markert, Christina (ed.) (Texas U.); Rapp, Ralph Friedrich (ed.) (Texas A&M U., College Station (main)); Stroth, Joachim (ed.) (Frankfurt U.)
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf.: 36 (2012)