CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 45 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.62 segons. 
Observation of a (K$\pi\pi$) resonance near 1800 MeV / Bartsch, J ; Deutschmann, M ; Keppel, E ; Kraus, G ; Speth, R ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Pose, D ; Schiller, H ; Vogt, H et al.
- 1966. - 9 p.
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Direct experimental evidence for strong admixture of different parity states in 11Li / Simon, H (Technische Univ., Darmstadt, Germany) ; Aleksandrov, D (Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia) ; Aumann, T (Johannes Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz, Germany) ; García-Borge, M J (Institudo Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain) ; Chulkov, L V (Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia) ; Collatz, R (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany) ; Cub, J (Technische Univ., Darmstadt, Germany) ; Dostal, W (Johannes Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz, Germany) ; Eberlein, B (Johannes Gutenberg-Univ., Mainz, Germany) ; Elze, T W (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Univ., Frankfurt, Germany) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1999 - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 496-499 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Six-prong events produced in 16 GeV/c $\pi^{-}$ p interactions / Aachen-Berlin-Bonn-CERN-Warsaw Collaboration
1968 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 8 (1968) 471-484
$\pi^{-}$ p interactions at 4.0 GeV/c : II. - Two-prong events / Aachen-Birmingham-Bonn-Hamburg-London(IC)-Munich Collaboration
1964 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento 31 (1964) 729-747
$\pi^{-}$ p interactions at 4.0 GeV/c : I. - Four-prong events / Aachen-Birmingham-Bonn-Hamburg-London(IC)-Munich Collaboration
1964 - Published in : Nuovo Cimento 31 (1964) 485-519
Experimental results on the cross section for $\pi^{-} \pi^{0} -> \pi^{-} \omega^{0}$ / Bondar, L (Physikalisches Inst. RWTH, Aachen) ; Keppel, Erich (Physikalisches Inst. RWTH, Aachen) ; Kraus, G (Physikalisches Inst. RWTH, Aachen) ; Dodd, W P (Birmingham Univ.) ; Tallini, B (Birmingham Univ.) ; Wolf, G (Physikalisches Staatsinstitut, II. Institut für Experimentalphysik, Hamburg, Germany) ; Butterworth, Ian (Imperial College, London) ; Campayne, F I (Imperial College, London) ; Ibbotson, M (Imperial College, London) ; Biswas, N N (Max-Planck Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, München) et al.
1963 - Published in : Phys. Lett. 5 (1963) 209-211
Study of the exchange mechanisms in the rho production reactions $\pi^{\pm}$ p→ $\rho$ N at 16 GeV/c / Aachen-Berlin-Bonn-CERN-Cracow-Heidelberg-Warsaw Collaboration
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 46 (1972) 46-60
Dominance of isospin zero exchange in $\pi^{\pm}$ p -> $\pi$ (N $\pi$) at 16 GeV/c and production by it of a low mass (N $\pi$) enhancement / Aachen-Berlin-Bonn-CERN Collaboration
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 40 (1972) 39-44
Three- and four-pion angular correlations in high-multiplicity $\pi$ p interactions / Aachen-Berlin-Bonn-CERN-Cracow-Heidelberg-Warsaw Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 52 (1973) 189-202
Quark-model predictions for joint decay distributions in $\pi^{+}$ p double resonance production reactions at 8 GeV/c / Aachen-Berlin-CERN Collaboration
Geneva : CERN, 1968 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 8 (1968) 485-499

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47 Kraus, G
2 Kraus, George
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