CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 369 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 1.30 segons. 
Using boosted decision trees for tau identification in the ATLAS experiment / Godfrey, Jennifer
The ATLAS detector will begin taking data from p - p collisions in 2009 [...]
119 p.

Measurement of the centrality dependence of the charged-particle pseudorapidity distribution in proton--lead collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
The centrality dependence of the mean charged-particle multiplicity as a function of pseudorapidity is measured in approximately 1 μb1 of proton--lead collisions at a nucleon--nucleon centre-of-mass energy of sNN=5.02 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Charged particles with absolute pseudorapidity less than 2.7 are reconstructed using the ATLAS pixel detector. [...]
arXiv:1508.00848; CERN-PH-EP-2015-160; CERN-PH-EP-2015-160.- Geneva : CERN, 2016-04-12 - 28 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 76 (2016) 199 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: Rivet analyses reference
Centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of isolated prompt photon production in lead-lead collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Prompt photon production in sNN=2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions has been measured by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using data collected in 2011 with an integrated luminosity of 0.14 nb1. Inclusive photon yields, scaled by the mean nuclear thickness function, are presented as a function of collision centrality and transverse momentum in two pseudo rapidity intervals, |η|<1.37 and 1.52<|η|<2.37. [...]
arXiv:1506.08552; CERN-PH-EP-2015-142; CERN-PH-EP-2015-142.- Geneva : CERN, 2016-03-28 - 28 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 93 (2016) 034914 APS Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Previous draft version; Preprint
Measurement of the production of neighbouring jets in lead-lead collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
This Letter presents measurements of correlated production of nearby jets in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The measurement was performed using 0.14 nb1 of data recorded in 2011. [...]
arXiv:1506.08656; CERN-PH-EP-2015-143; CERN-PH-EP-2015-143.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-12-17 - 20 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 751 (2015) 376-395 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Previous draft version; Preprint
Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of electron and muon pair-production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
This paper presents measurements from the ATLAS experiment of the forward-backward asymmetry in the reaction ppZ/γl+l, with l being electrons or muons, and the extraction of the effective weak mixing angle. The results are based on the full set of data collected in 2011 in pp collisions at the LHC at s = 7 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.8 fb1. [...]
arXiv:1503.03709; CERN-PH-EP-2014-259; CERN-PH-EP-2014-259.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-09-09 - 25 p. - Published in : JHEP 09 (2015) 049 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External links: Rivet analyses reference; Rivet analyses reference; Rivet analyses reference
Observation of top-quark pair production in association with a photon and measurement of the tt¯γ production cross section in pp collisions at s=7 TeV using the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search is performed for top-quark pairs (tt¯) produced together with a photon (γ) with transverse momentum >20 GeV using a sample of tt¯ candidate events in final states with jets, missing transverse momentum, and one isolated electron or muon. The dataset used corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.59 fb1 of proton--proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. [...]
arXiv:1502.00586; CERN-PH-EP-2014-284; CERN-PH-EP-2014-284.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-04-28 - 28 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 072007 APS Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Previous draft version; Preprint
Centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in sNN = 5.02 TeV proton--lead collisions with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of the centrality and rapidity dependence of inclusive jet production in sNN=5.02 TeV proton--lead (p+Pb) collisions and the jet cross-section in s=2.76 TeV proton--proton collisions are presented. These quantities are measured in datasets corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 27.8 nb1 and 4.0 pb1, respectively, recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider in 2013. [...]
arXiv:1412.4092; CERN-PH-EP-2014-275; CERN-PH-EP-2014-275.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-07-16 - 22 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 748 (2015) 392-413 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Previous draft version; Preprint
Search for anomalous production of prompt same-sign lepton pairs and pair-produced doubly charged Higgs bosons with s = 8 TeV pp collisions using the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A low-background inclusive search for new physics in events with same-sign dileptons is presented. The search uses proton--proton collisions corresponding to 20.3 fb1 of integrated luminosity taken in 2012 at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. [...]
arXiv:1412.0237; CERN-PH-EP-2014-158; CERN-PH-EP-2014-158.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-03-09 - 32 p. - Published in : JHEP 03 (2015) 041 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF;
Measurements of the Nuclear Modification Factor for Jets in Pb+Pb Collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS Detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of inclusive jet production are performed in pp and Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 4.0 pb1 and 0.14 nb1 , respectively. The jets are identified with the anti-kt algorithm with R=0.4, and the spectra are measured over the kinematic range of jet transverse momentum 32<pT<500 GeV, and absolute rapidity |y|<2.1 and as a function of collision centrality. [...]
arXiv:1411.2357; CERN-PH-EP-2014-172; CERN-PH-EP-2014-172.- Geneva : CERN, 2015-02-20 - 18 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 072302 APS Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Previous draft version; Preprint
Measurement of long-range pseudorapidity correlations and azimuthal harmonics in sNN=5.02 TeV proton-lead collisions with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
Measurements of two-particle correlation functions and the first five azimuthal harmonics, v1 to v5, are presented, using 28 nb1 of p+Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of sNN=5.02 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Significant long-range "ridge-like" correlations are observed for pairs with small relative azimuthal angle (|Δϕ|<π/3) and back-to-back pairs (|Δϕ|>2π/3) over the transverse momentum range 0.4<pT<12 GeV and in different intervals of event activity. [...]
arXiv:1409.1792; CERN-PH-EP-2014-201; CERN-PH-EP-2014-201.- Geneva : CERN, 2014-10-09 - 29 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014) 044906 APS Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: Previous draft version; Preprint

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27 Godfrey, J
2 Godfrey, J L
1 Godfrey, J.G.
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342 Godfrey, Jennifer
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