CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 121 registres trobats  1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.75 segons. 
SystemC framework for architecture modelling of electronic systems in future particle detectors / Ceresa, Davide (CERN) ; Brambilla, Francesco Enrico (KU Leuven (BE)) ; Dhaliwal, Jashandeep (CERN) ; Esposito, Stefano (CERN) ; Kloukinas, Kostas (CERN) ; Llopart Cudie, Xavi (CERN) ; Pulli, Adithya (CERN)
The prototyping cost in advanced technology nodes and the complexity of future detectors require the adoption of a system design approach common in the industry: design space exploration through high-level architectural studies to achieve clear and optimized specifications. This contribution proposes a configurable SystemC framework to simulate the readout chain from the front-end chips to the detector back-end. [...]
CERN-EP-RDET-2024-002.- 2024 - 5 p. Fulltext: PDF;
2. Virtual prototyping of pixel detectors with PixESL framework in High Energy Physics
Reference: Poster-2024-1155
Keywords:  SystemC  high-level architectural modelling  readout system  High Energy Physics  LHCb VeLo upgrade II
Created: 2024. -1 p
Creator(s): Dhaliwal, Jashandeep; Brambilla, Francesco Enrico; Ceresa, Davide; Esposito, Stefano; Kloukinas, Kostas

PixESL pioneers a virtual prototyping framework for future particle detectors in high-energy physics. Developed at CERN under the EP R&D Work-Package 5, this framework enables high-level abstraction, simulating the full detector chain from particle interaction to data packet readout. It facilitates early optimization of chip and system architecture, which is critical for meeting experiment specifications. PixESL models crucial components such as analog front-end, digital circuitry, and data readout networks, empowering designers to analyze interactions and optimize performance. Leveraging SystemC, PixESL offers rapid simulation runtime and above-RTL abstraction, presenting a pivotal tool for advancing particle detector design and verification.

Related links:
EP R&D Day
© CERN Geneva

Annual Report 2023 and Phase-I Closeout / Aglieri Rinella, Gianluca
This report summarises the activities of the CERN strategic R&D programme on technologies for future experiments during the year 2023, and highlights the achievements of the programme during its first phase 2020-2023..
CERN-EP-RDET-2024-001 - 208.

4. Pix-ESL: a SystemC framework for architectural modelling of readout systems in HEP
Reference: Poster-2023-1107
Keywords:  SystemC  architectural modelling  readout system  High Energy Physics  Velopix2
Created: 2023. -1 p
Creator(s): Dhaliwal, Jashandeep; Brambilla, Francesco Enrico; Ceresa, Davide; Esposito, Stefano

The high cost of prototyping at advanced technology nodes, as well as the complexity of future detectors, necessitate the use of a system design technique widely used in industry: design space exploration through high-level architecture studies to establish precise and optimal requirements. This work presents Pix-ESL: a programmable SystemC framework for simulating the readout chain from the front-end chips to the detector back-end. The model is transaction accurate, comprises an event generator and connects with real-world physics events, and provides metrics such as readout efficiency, latency, and average queue occupancy. This contribution outlines the framework's structure as well as a case study based on Velopix2.

Related links:
7th Barcelona Techno Week - Course on semiconductor radiation detectors
© CERN Geneva

Access to files
A microwave Cerenkov pick-up for stochastic cooling / Brambilla, E
CERN-PS-85-45-AA.- Geneva : CERN, 1985 - 34 p. Fulltext: PDF;
A study of the feasibility of an open resonator as a device for focusing a bunched beam / Brambilla, E
CERN-PS-87-57-AA.- Geneva : CERN, 1987 - 4 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Study Group 1 // Particle Accelerators / Jaubert, Sébastien (speaker) ; Guha, Parama (speaker) ; Brambilla, Elena (speaker) ; Marshall, Amanda (speaker)
2022 - 1267. Teacher Programmes; International Teacher Weeks Programme 2022 External links: Talk details; Event details In : International Teacher Weeks Programme 2022
Search for lepton flavour violation in the eμ continuum with the ATLAS detector in s = 7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC / ATLAS Collaboration
This paper presents a search for the t-channel exchange of an R-parity violating scalar top quark (˜t) in the e±μ± continuum using 2.1/fb of data collected by the ATLAS detector in s = 7 TeV pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. Data are found to be consistent with the expectation from the Standard Model backgrounds. [...]
arXiv:1205.0725; CERN-PH-EP-2012-108; CERN-PH-EP-2012-108.- Geneva : CERN, 2012-06-14 - 6 p. - Published in : Eur. Phys. J. C 72 (2012) 2040 Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF; External link: all figures including auxiliary figures
Measurement of the differential cross-sections of inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production in proton-proton collisions at s = 7 TeV / ATLAS Collaboration
The inclusive J/ψ production cross-section and fraction of J/ψ mesons produced in B-hadron decays are measured in proton-proton collisions at s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, as a function of the transverse momentum and rapidity of the J/ψ, using 2.3 pb.1 of integrated luminosity. The cross-section is measured from a minimum pT of 1 GeV to a maximum of 70 GeV and for rapidities within |y| < 2.4 giving the widest reach of any measurement of J/ψ production to date. [...]
arXiv:1104.3038; CERN-PH-EP-2011-041; CERN-PH-EP-2011-041.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 58 p. - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 850 (2011) 387-444 Elsevier Open Access article: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; External links: all figures including auxiliary figures; Rivet analyses reference
A search for new physics in dijet mass and angular distributions in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector / ATLAS Collaboration
A search for new interactions and resonances produced in LHC proton-proton (pp) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy !s = 7 TeV has been performed with the ATLAS detector. Using a dataset with an integrated luminosity of 36 pb−1, dijet mass and angular distributions have been measured up to dijet masses of " 3.5 TeV and found to be in good agreement with Standard Model predictions. [...]
arXiv:1103.3864; CERN-PH-EP-2011-030; CERN-PH-EP-2011-030.- Geneva : CERN, 2011 - 29 p. - Published in : New J. Phys. 13 (2011) 053044 ATLAS-EXOT-2010-07 (2011-03-18): PDF; Fulltext: arXiv:1103.3864 - PDF; njp11_5_053044 - PDF; IOP Open Access article: PDF; External link: all figures including auxiliary figures

CERN Document Server : 121 registres trobats   1 - 10següentfinal  anar al registre:
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9 Brambilla, E
122 Brambilla, Elena
5 Brambilla, Enrico
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