CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 11 записа  1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.66 секунди. 
Quantification of Neutron-Induced Single-Event Upsets in a Static Random-Access Memory by Clinical High-Energy Photon Beam / Gabrisch, Lukas (Oldenburg U.) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Delfs, Björn (Oldenburg U.) ; Looe, Hui Khee (Oldenburg U.) ; Budroweit, Jan (DLR, Bremen) ; Alía, Rubén García (CERN) ; Poppe, Björn (Oldenburg U.) ; Wyrwoll, Vanessa (Oldenburg U.)
The possibility of using calibrated static random-access memory (SRAM) memory for the quantification of neutron fluence in a radiotherapy facility for cancer treatment utilizing a high-energy 15-MV photon beam (Bremsstrahlung) from an electron linear accelerator has been exploited in this work. This has been performed by varying the field size of the photon beam and the positioning of the SRAM memory at three different positions in relation to the isocenter of the beam. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2023), Toulouse, France, 25 - 29 Sep 2023, pp.1503-1510
Pulsed Electron Beam induced SEU Effects in a SRAM memory / Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN ; Oslo U.) ; Røed, Ketil (Oslo U.) ; Alía, Rubén García (CERN) ; Delfs, Björn (Oldenburg U.) ; Coronetti, Andrea (CERN ; Jyvaskyla U.) ; Farabolini, Wilfrid (CERN ; Saclay) ; Gilardi, Antonio (CERN ; U. Naples (main) ; LBNL, Berkeley ; INFN, Naples) ; Corsini, Roberto (CERN)
Single Event Effects (SEEs) correlated to pulsed beam effects induced by high energy electrons in a very well-established device, such as the ESA SEU (Singe Event Upset) monitor, are investigated in this paper. Measurements with different electron intensities have been performed at VESPER (The Very energetic Electron facility for Space Planetary Exploration missions in harsh Radiative environments) at the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR) focused on very high dose rates per pulse. [...]
2021 - 7 p. - Published in : 10.1109/RADECS53308.2021.9954561
In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2021), Vienna, Austria, 13 - 17 Sep 2021, pp.1-7
VHEE beam dosimetry at CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research under ultra-high dose rate conditions / Poppinga, Daniela (Unlisted, DE) ; Kranzer, Rafael (Carl von Ossietzky U., Oldenburg (main)) ; Farabolini, Wilfrid (CERN ; IRFU, Saclay, DACM) ; Gilardi, Antonio (CERN ; U. Naples (main) ; INFN, Naples) ; Corsini, Roberto (CERN) ; Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; Looe, Hui Khee (Carl von Ossietzky U., Oldenburg (main)) ; Delfs, Björn (Carl von Ossietzky U., Oldenburg (main)) ; Gabrisch, Lukas (Carl von Ossietzky U., Oldenburg (main)) ; Poppe, Björn (INFN, Naples)
The aim of this work is the dosimetric characterization of a plane parallel ionization chamber under defined beam setups at the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR). A laser driven electron beam with energy of 200 MeV at two different field sizes of approximately 3.5 mm FWHM and approximately 7 mm FWHM were used at different pulse structures. [...]
2020 - 11 p. - Published in : Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 7 (2020) 015012 Fulltext: PDF;
Single Event Effect Testing With Ultrahigh Energy Heavy Ion Beams / Kastriotou, Maria (CERN) ; Fernandez-Martinez, Pablo (CERN) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Cazzaniga, Carlo (Rutherford) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Coronetti, Andrea (CERN) ; Lerner, Giuseppe (CERN) ; Tali, Maris (CERN) ; Kerboub, Nourdine (CERN) ; Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) et al.
Single event effect (SEE) testing with ultrahigh energy (UHE) heavy ions, such as the beams provided at CERN, presents advantages related to their long ranges with a constant linear energy transfer value. In the present work, the possibility to test components in parallel is being examined, and results from the CERN 2018 UHE Pb test campaigns are studied. [...]
2019 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2019) 63-70 Fulltext: PDF;
SEE Tests With Ultra Energetic Xe Ion Beam in the CHARM Facility at CERN / Fernández-Martínez, Pablo (CERN) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Kastriotou, Maria (CERN) ; Kerboub, Nourdine (CERN) ; Tali, Maris (CERN) ; Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Cangialosi, Chiara (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN) et al.
Taking advantage of the heavy ion acceleration program, tests on radiation effects with Ultrahigh Energy (UHE) xenon ion beams (with Energy > 5 GeV/nucleon) have been performed in several experimental areas of the CERN accelerator complex. Specifically, the outcomes of the first UHE heavy ion test campaign carried out at the CHARM facility are presented and discussed in this contribution. [...]
2019 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 (2019) 1523-1531
In : Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16 - 21 Sep 2018, pp.1523-1531
Measurements of ultra-high energy lead ions using silicon and diamond detectors / Cazzaniga, Carlo (Rutherford) ; Kastriotou, Maria (Rutherford) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Fernandez-Martinez, Pablo (CERN) ; Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; Minniti, Triestino (UKAEA, Culham) ; Frost, Christopher D (Rutherford)
A silicon detector and a diamond detector have been used at the SPS experimental North Area at CERN for diagnostics of beams of ultra-high energy lead ions (150 GeV/nucleon). The detectors are operated in pulse mode using a fast digital electronic chain. [...]
2021 - 7 p. - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 985 (2021) 164671 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Heavy Ion Nuclear Reaction Impact on SEE Testing: From Standard to Ultra-high Energies / Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Røed, Ketil (Oslo U.) ; Fernández-Martínez, Pablo (CERN) ; Kastriotou, Maria (CERN) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Kerboub, Nourdine (CERN) ; Tali, Maris (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN)
We perform Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to describe heavy ion (HI) nuclear interactions in a broad energy range (4 MeV/n–150 GeV/n), focusing on the single event effect (SEE) sub-linear energy transfer (LET) impact. Previously retrieved single event latch-up (SEL) experimental data have indicated that standard energy ions (~10 MeV/n) can produce high-LET secondaries through fusion reactions which are expected to strongly influence the SEE cross section in the sub-LET region. [...]
2020 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2020) 1590-1598 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Longitudinal Direct Ionization Impact of Heavy Ions on See Testing for Ultrahigh Energies / Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; Alia, Rubén García (CERN) ; Røed, Ketil (Oslo U.) ; Cazzaniga, Carlo (Rutherford) ; Kastriotou, Maria (CERN) ; Fernández-Martínez, Pablo (CERN) ; Coronetti, Andrea (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN)
Ultrahigh-energy (UHE) heavy ions show various advantages at testing single-event effect (SEE) in modern technologies, due to their highly penetrating nature. However, the intercepting material in the beam line contributes to the modification of the beam structure by generation of fragments produced via nuclear interactions. [...]
2020 - 10 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2020) 1530-1539 Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
Direct Ionization Impact on Accelerator Mixed-Field Soft-Error Rate / García Alía, Rubén (CERN) ; Tali, Maris (CERN) ; Brugger, Markus (CERN) ; Cecchetto, Matteo (CERN) ; Cerutti, Francesco (CERN) ; Cononetti, Andrea (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) ; Esposito, Luigi (CERN) ; Fernández-Martínez, Pablo (CERN) ; Gilardoni, Simone (CERN) et al.
We investigate, through measurements and simulations, the possible direct ionization impact on the accelerator soft-error rate (SER), not considered in standard qualification approaches. Results show that, for a broad variety of state-of-the-art commercial components considered in the 65–16-nm technological range, indirect ionization is still expected to dominate the overall SER in the accelerator mixed-field. [...]
2019 - 8 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 67 (2019) 345-352 Fulltext: PDF;
FPGA SEE Test with Ultra-High Energy Heavy Ions / Furano, Gianluca (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Tavoularis, Antonis (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Santos, Lucana (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Ferlet-Cavrois, Veronique (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Boatella, Cesar (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; Alia, Ruben Garcia (CERN) ; Martinez, Pablo Fernandez (CERN) ; Kastriotou, Maria (CERN) ; Wyrwoll, Vanessa (CERN) ; Danzeca, Salvatore (CERN) et al.
The use of System-on-Chip (SoC) solutions in the design of space-borne data handling systems is an important step towards further miniaturization in space. In cubesats and in many aggressive commercial missions, use of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components is becoming the rule, rather than the exception and many of those are complex SoC, multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC), SiP (System in package) or AMS-SoC (Analog/Mixed Signal SoC). [...]
2019 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.1109/DFT.2018.8602958
In : 31st IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFT2018), Chicago, USA, 08 - 10 Oct 2018

CERN Document Server : Намерени са 11 записа   1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис:
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1 Wyrwoll, V
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