CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 8 записа  Търсенето отне 0.64 секунди. 
Participation of Russian Centres in the LCG and EGEE projects / Ilyin, V A (SINP MSU) ; Korenkov, V V (Dubna, JINR ) ; Soldatov, A (Dubna, JINR )
- 2004.
RUSEEP Benchmark and the Ill-Conditioning Problem in Linear Algebra / Emelyanenko, G A ; Korenkov, V V ; Samojlov, V N ; Vorontsova, N I ; Mamonov, A V
Here we present a comprehensive analysis of a few most known linear algebra software packages, including those capable of solving ill-conditioned problems. [...]
JINR-P11-2005-173 ; P11-2005-173.
- 2005. - 25 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Principles of RUSEEP and the JINREISPACK Package / Emelyanenko, G A ; Korenkov, V V ; Samojlov, V N ; Vorontsova, N I ; Mamonov, A V
In this work we formulate the main concepts underlying the new universal expert system RUSEEP for benchmarking the performance of a class of scientific software packages. [...]
JINR-P11-2005-172 ; P11-2005-172.
- 2005. - 18 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
CMS TriDAS project : Technical Design Report, Volume 1: The Trigger Systems
CERN-LHCC-2000-038 CMS-TDR-6-1. - 599 p. (Technical design report. CMS ; 6.1)

8th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research - ACAT 2002   24 - 28 Jun 2002  - Moscow, Russian Federation  / Ilyin, Viatcheslav A (ed.); Korenkov, Vladimir V (ed.); Perret-Gallix, Denis (ed.)
2003 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 502 (2003)
Computing and networking at JINR / Zaikin, N S ; Korenkov, V V ; Strizh, T A
This paper describes the computing and networking facilities at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) is an international intergovernmental organization located in Dubna, a small town on the bank of the Volga river 120 km north from Moscow. [...]
2001 - Published in : Czechoslov. J. Phys. 51 (2001) 355-62
In : International Workshop on Symmetries and Spin, Prague, Czech Republic, 17 - 22 Jul 2000, pp.355-362
The Conceptoin of GRID : Towards a Global Information Society of the XXI Century / Korenkov, V V ; Mitsyn, V V ; Tikhonenko, E A
The main aspects of a new modern network and information conception of GRID are considered. [...]
JINR-P11-2001-58 ; P11-2001-58.
- 2001. - 8 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
CMS computing support at JINR / Golutvin, I A ; Korenkov, V V ; Lavrentyev, A A ; Pose, R ; Tikhonenko, E A
- 1998. - 10 p.
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36 Korenkov, V
6 Korenkov, V.
445 Korenkov, Vladimir
1 Korenkov, Vladimir V
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