CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 535 записа  1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 3.63 секунди. 
Focus topics for the ECFA study on Higgs / Top / EW factories / de Blas, Jorge (Granada U.) ; Koppenburg, Patrick (Nikhef, Amsterdam) ; List, Jenny (DESY) ; Maltoni, Fabio (Louvain U.) ; Maestre, Juan Alcaraz (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Alimena, Juliette (DESY) ; Alison, John (Carnegie Mellon U.) ; Azzi, Patrizia (INFN, Padua) ; Azzurri, Paolo (INFN, Pisa) ; Bagnaschi, Emanuele (CERN ; INFN, Italy) et al.
In order to stimulate new engagement and trigger some concrete studies in areas where further work would be beneficial towards fully understanding the physics potential of an $e^+e^-$ Higgs / Top / Electroweak factory, we propose to define a set of focus topics. [...]
- 65.
The ECFA Early Career Researcher's Panel: composition, structure, and activities, 2021 - 2022 / Alexandru Geanta, Andrei (Bucharest U.) ; Amendola, Chiara (IRFU, Saclay) ; Apolinario, Liliana (LIP, Lisbon) ; Arling, Jan-Hendrik (DESY) ; Ashkenazi, Adi (Tel Aviv U.) ; Augsten, Kamil (Prague, Tech. U.) ; Bagnaschi, Emanuele (CERN) ; Bakos, Evelin (Belgrade, Inst. Phys.) ; Barak, Liron (Tel Aviv U.) ; Bastos, Diogo (LIP, Lisbon) et al.
The European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) Early Career Researcher's (ECR) panel, which represents the interests of the ECR community to ECFA, officially began its activities in January 2021. [...]
- 13 p.
Report of the Topical Group on Electroweak Precision Physics and Constraining New Physics for Snowmass 2021 / Belloni, Alberto (Maryland U.) ; Freitas, Ayres (Pittsburgh U.) ; Tian, Junping (Tokyo U., ICEPP) ; Alcaraz Maestre, Juan (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; Apyan, Aram (Brandeis U.) ; Azartash-Namin, Bianca (Oklahoma U.) ; Azzurri, Paolo (INFN, Pisa) ; Banerjee, Swagato (Louisville U.) ; Beyer, Jakob (DESY) ; Bhattacharya, Saptaparna (Northwestern U.) et al.
The precise measurement of physics observables and the test of their consistency within the standard model (SM) are an invaluable approach, complemented by direct searches for new particles, to determine the existence of physics beyond the standard model (BSM). [...]
- 55.
eConf - Fulltext
The International Linear Collider: Report to Snowmass 2021 / ILC International Development Team Collaboration
The International Linear Collider (ILC) is on the table now as a new global energy-frontier accelerator laboratory taking data in the 2030s. [...]
arXiv:2203.07622 ; DESY-22-045 ; IFT-UAM/CSIC-22-028 ; KEK Preprint 2021-61 ; IFT--UAM/CSIC--22-028 ; KEK Preprint 2021-61, PNNL-SA-160884 ; SLAC-PUB-17662 ; FERMILAB-FN-1171-PPD-QIS-SCD-TD ; PNNL-SA-160884.
- 356.
Fermilab Library Server - eConf - FUlltext - Fulltext
Results of the 2021 ECFA Early-Career Researcher Survey on Training in Instrumentation / ECFA Early-Career Researcher Panel Collaboration
The European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) Early-Career Researchers (ECR) Panel was invited by the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap conveners to collect feedback from the European ECR community. [...]
- 32 p.
Fulltext - Fulltext
Testing Highly Integrated Components for the Technological Prototype of the CALICE SiW-ECAL / Irles, Adrian (Orsay, LAL) /CALICE Collaboration
A highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) is the reference design of the ECAL for International Large Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two detector concepts for the detector(s) at the future International Linear Collider. Prototypes for this type of detector are developed within the CALICE Collaboration. [...]
arXiv:2004.12792.- 2019-10 - 6 p. - Published in : 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059613 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), Manchester, United Kingdom, 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2019
Testing highly integrated components for the technological prototype of the CALICE SiW-ECAL / Irles, Adrian (CNRS-IJCLab (on behalf of the SiW-ECAL of CALICE))
AIDA-2020-POSTER-2020-002.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 Fulltext: PDF;
CALICE SiW ECAL - Development and test of the chip-on-board PCB solution / Irles, Adrian (IJCLab, Orsay) /CALICE Collaboration
The highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW ECAL) is the reference design of the ECAL for the International Large Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two detector concepts proposed for the future International Linear Collider (ILC). Prototypes for this type of detector are developed within the CALICE Collaboration. [...]
arXiv:2004.13791; AIDA-2020-CONF-2020-006.- Geneva : CERN, 2020-05-04 - 7 p. - Published in : JINST 15 (2020) C05001 Fulltext: AIDA-2020-CONF-2020-006 - PDF; 2004.13791 - PDF;
In : 3rd Conference on Calorimetry for the High Energy Frontier, Fukuoka, Japan, 25 - 29 Nov 2019, pp.C05001
Testing Highly Integrated Components for the Technological Prototype of the CALICE SiW-ECAL / Irles, Adrian (CNRS-IJCLab (for the CALICE Collaboration))
A highly granular silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (SiW-ECAL) is the reference design of the ECAL for International Large Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two detector concepts for the detector(s) at the future International Linear Collider. Prototypes for this type of detector are developed within the CALICE Collaboration. [...]
AIDA-2020-CONF-2020-005.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 - Published in : Fulltext: PDF;
In : IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium And Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 25 Oct - 31 Oct 2009
Report on the 2019 Beam test and DESY and FEV_COB Performance / Pöschl, Roman (CNRS) ; Irles, Adrian (CNRS)
AIDA-2020-SLIDE-2020-004.- Geneva : CERN, 2020 Fulltext: PDF;

CERN Document Server : Намерени са 535 записа   1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис:
Виж също: автори с подобни имена
12 Irles, A
36 Irles, A.
20 Irles, Adrian
1 Irles, Adrian on behalf of the SiW-ECAL collaboration
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