CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 17 записа  1 - 10следващ  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.77 секунди. 
Study of neutral-charged particle correlations in high energy collisions / Dao, F T ; Whitmore, J
Recent experiments at Serpukhov, NAL, and CERN indicate a strong correlation between neutral and charged pions produced in high energy collisions, in contrast to the trend shown by data at lower energies. This study of the energy and charge dependence of these correlations indicates that they do not depend upon the initial state particles and that they are in reasonable agreement with the critical fluid gas model. [...]
1973 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 46 (1973) 252-6
Inclusive single-particle distributions in interactions at 14.75 GeV/c / Dao, F T ; Lach, J ; Whitmore, J
The authors present some preliminary results of pp interactions at 14.75 GeV/c. The data are obtained from an 80K picture exposure of the Brookhaven National Laboratory 80-in. [...]
CERN, 1974 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : Symposium on Antinucleon-Nucleon Interactions, Liblice-Prague, Czech Republic, 25 - 28 Jun 1974, pp.255-268 (CERN-1974-018)
Production of hadron pairs in high energy collisions / Dao, F T ; Quinn, D J
- 1976. - 12 p.
Study of ρ0production in high multiplicity pp interactions at 300 GeV/c / Sheng, A ; Davidson, V ; Firestone, A ; Nagy, F ; Peck, C ; Poster, R ; Dao, F T ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E et al.
- 1975. - 9 p.
pp interactions at 300 GeV/c - γ and neutral strange particle production / Sheng, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Firestone, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A et al.
CALT68-480 ; FERMILAB-PUB-74-105-EXP.
- 1974. - 29 p.
Evidence for double diffraction in pp interactions at 300 GeV/c / Firestone, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-476 ; FERMILAB-PUB-74-101-EXP.
- 1974. - 12 p.
Charged-particle multiplicity distribution in pd interactions at 300 GeV/c / Sheng, A ; Anderson, E W ; Canter, J ; Crawley, H B ; Dao, F T ; Dzierba, A ; Firestone, A ; Kernan, W J ; Mann, A K ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-493 ; COO-2006-96.
- 1975. - 13 p.
Evidence for the Goldhaber effect in pp interaction at 300 GeV/c / Firestone, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-489 ; Fermilab-Pub-75-24.
- 1975. - 17 p.
Evidence for the Goldhaber effect in pp interactions at 300 GeV/c / Firestone, A ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A ; Hanft, R ; Lach, J ; Malamud, E ; Nagy, F ; Nezrick, F A ; Peck, C et al.
CALT68-489 ; CALT68-489 ; FERMILAB-PUB-75-24-EXP.
- 1975. - 17 p.
Negative results of a search for alignment in high energy collisons / Glasser, R G ; Dao, F T ; Davidson, V ; Dzierba, A R ; Firestone, A ; Hanft, R ; Hyman, L G ; Lach, J ; Lam, D ; Malamud, E et al.
- 1974. - 8 p.

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