CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 7 записа  Търсенето отне 0.54 секунди. 
Progress on the accelerator based SPES-BNCT project at INFN Legnaro / Esposito, J ; Colautti, P ; Pisent, A ; De Nardo, L ; Conte, V ; Moro, D ; Agosteo, S ; Jori, G ; Tinti, R ; Rosi, G
2007 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 884 (2007) , pp. 13-23 External link: Published version from AIP
In : 6th Latin American Symposium On Nuclear Physics And Applications, Iguazu, Argentina, 3 - 7 Oct 2005, pp.13-23 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
First measurements of ionization clusters on the DNA scale in a Wall-less sensitive volume / Shchemelinin, S ; Breskin, Amos ; Chechik, R ; Colautti, P ; Schulte, R
- 1998. - 15 p.
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A nanodosimeter based on single ion counting / Shchemelinin, S ; Breskin, Amos ; Chechik, R ; Pansky, A ; Colautti, P
- 1996. - 5 p.
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First measurement of the ¯pp¯nn depolarization parameter D(onon) at 546 MeV/c and 875 MeV/c / Ahmidouch, A ; Heer, E ; Hess, R ; Lechanoine-Leluc, C ; Mascarini, C ; Rapin, D ; Birsa, R ; Bradamante, Franco ; Bressan, A ; Dalla Torre-Colautti, P et al.
1995 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 444 (1995) 27-58
Ionization measurements in small gas samples by single ion counting / Shchemelinin, S ; Breskin, Amos ; Chechik, R ; Pansky, A ; Colautti, P ; Conte, V ; De Nardo, L ; Tornielli, G
- 1995. - 8 p.
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Elementi di microdosimetria / Colautti, P ; Cutaia, M ; Moschini, G ; Talpo, G
- 1984. - 73 p.
CERN library copies
Prototipo di un integratore a microprocessore per dosimetria neutronica in campo misto / Bassato, G ; Colautti, P ; Moschini, G
- 1981. - 5 p.
CERN library copies

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