CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 38 записа  1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.68 секунди. 
Scattering on magnetic charge / Boulware, D G ; Brown, L S ; Cahn, R N ; Ellis, S D ; Lee, C
- 1976. - 74 p.
Vacuum polarization in a strong Coulomb field, 3; nuclear size effects / Brown, L S ; Cahn, R N ; McLerran, L D
- 1975. - 43 p.
Vacuum polarization in a strong Coulomb field, 2; short distance corrections / Brown, L S ; Cahn, R N ; McLerran, L D
1975. - 43 p.
Vacuum stress between conducting plates : an image solution / Brown, L S ; MacLay, G J
1969 - Published in : Phys. Rev. 184 (1969) 1272-1279
Analytical calculation to all orders in Z? of vacuum polarization short distances / Brown, L S ; Cahn, R N ; McLerran, L D
- 1974. - 13 p.
Vacuum polarization in a strong Coulomb field, 1; induced point charge / Brown, L S ; Cahn, R N ; McLerran, L D
- 1974. - 43 p.
Analytic calculation to all orders in Z? of nuclear size effects in vacuum polarization / Brown, L S ; Cahn, R N ; McLerran, L D
- 1974. - 13 p.
--> n threshold production at tree level / Brown, L S ; Zhai, C
- 1992. - 14 p.
CERN library copies
Asymptotic behavior of perturbation theory for the electromagnetic current-current correlation function in QCD / Brown, L S ; Yaffe, L G
DOE-ER-40614-9; UW-PT-91-9.- Washington, DC : US. Dept. Energy. Office Adm. Serv., 1992 - 12 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. D 45 (1992) 398-402 - CERN library copies
Higgs coupling and the decoupling theorem / Brown, L S
- 1989. - 8 p. CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : Намерени са 38 записа   1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис:
Виж също: автори с подобни имена
10 Brown, L
8 Brown, L D
4 Brown, L E
1 Brown, L F
1 Brown, L H
2 Brown, L L
19 Brown, L M
1 Brown, L N
1 Brown, L O
4 Brown, L R
1 Brown, L T
2 Brown, L.M.
1 Brown, La Toya
1 Brown, LaVonda N
1 Brown, Lance Jay
1 Brown, Larissa Golden
3 Brown, Larry
1 Brown, Laura
7 Brown, Laurence Mark
2 Brown, Laurie M
1 Brown, Laurie Mark
6 Brown, Lawrence D
5 Brown, Lawrence G
197 Brown, Leesa
41 Brown, Leesa Marea
1 Brown, Leon
1 Brown, Les
2 Brown, Linda R
1 Brown, Linden
2 Brown, Liz
1 Brown, Lorna
1 Brown, Lorraine
1 Brown, Louis
1 Brown, Louise J
8 Brown, Lowell S
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Brown, L S в IHS
Brown, L S в INSPIRE
Brown, L S в ISO
Brown, L S в KISS Books/Journals
Brown, L S в KISS Preprints
Brown, L S в NEBIS
Brown, L S в SLAC Library Catalog
Brown, L S в Scirus