CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Намерени са 218 записа  1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис: Търсенето отне 0.59 секунди. 
Precision Measurement of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon / Bailey, J (CERN) ; Bartl, Walter (CERN) ; Von Bochmann, G (CERN) ; Brown, R C A (CERN) ; Farley, F J M (CERN) ; Jöstlein, H (CERN) ; Picasso, Emilio (CERN) ; Williams, R W (CERN)
Geneva : CERN, 1968 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 28 (1968) 287-290 Fulltext: PDF;
Polarization measurement in pp elastic scattering at 150 GeV/c between 02<-t<3 GeV/sup 2/ / Fidecaro, Giuseppe ; Bartl, Walter ; Birsa, R ; Bradamante, Franco ; Fidecaro, Maria ; Frühwirth, R ; Gasparini, F ; Gerhold, Hans R ; Giorgi, M ; Gottfried, Christian et al.
The polarization parameter P(t) in pp elastic scattering at 150 GeV/c for momentum transfers 0.2<-t<3 GeV/sup 2/ has been measured in a t- region where a dip in the cross-section for elastic proton-proton scattering has been observed at the ISR energies. To have a good background rejection, also at high t values with a cross-section of approximately 10 nb GeV/sup -2/, precise measurements and redundancy in the determination of the kinematics of the reaction were needed. [...]
In : 8th International Conference on Few-body Systems and Nuclear Forces, Graz, Austria, 24 - 30 Aug 1978, pp.511-14
Evidence for a change of slope in large-t elastic proton-proton scattering at square root s=53 GeV / De Kerret, H ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; Brandt, A ; Broll, C ; Büsser, F W ; Coignet, G ; Dibon, Heinz ; Eichinger, H ; Favier, Jean et al.
New experimental results are presented on proton-proton elastic scattering in the range of momentum transfer 4 GeV/sup 2/<-t<10 GeV /sup 2/ at the centre-of-mass energy of square root s=53 GeV. The data have been obtained using the split-field magnet detector at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 68 (1977) 374-6 Fulltext: PDF;
A study of the charge-exchange reaction $pp \to n\Delta^{++} (1232)$ at ISR energies / De Kerret, H (CERN) ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques (Annecy, LAPP) ; Bartl, Walter (Vienna, OAW) ; Brandt, A (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Broll, C (Annecy, LAPP) ; Coignet, G (Annecy, LAPP) ; Dibon, Heinz (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) ; Eichinger, H (Vienna, OAW) ; Favier, Jean (Annecy, LAPP) ; Flügge, G (Hamburg U., Inst. Exp. Phys. II) et al.
A study is reported of the charge-exchange reaction pp to n Delta /sup ++/(1232) at the CERN intersecting storage rings (ISR) in the energy range square root s=23 to 53 GeV. From the analysis of the energy dependence of the total cross-section, of the differential cross- section d sigma /dt and of the decay angular distributions evidence is found that pion exchange is dominant up to square root s=23 GeV and that ( rho +A/sub 2/) exchange dominates the reaction for square root s>or=30 GeV, as described by simple Regge-pole models. [...]
1977 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 69 (1977) 372-6 Fulltext: PDF;
A study of the reaction $K^{+}p \rightarrow K^{0}\Delta^{++} (1236)$ at 2.25 GeV/c / Neuhofer, G ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; de Bouard, X ; Lepeltier, V ; Massonnet, Louis ; Niebergall, F ; Pessard, H ; Regler, Meinhard ; Steuer, M et al.
The reaction K/sup +/p to K/sup 0/ Delta /sup ++/(1236) has been studied at 2.25 GeV/c incident momentum. Results based on 15800 events are discussed. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 39 (1972) 271-274
Experimental study of the time-dependent rate of $K^{0} \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} \pi^{0}$ / Metcalf, M ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; de Bouard, X ; Lepeltier, V ; Massonnet, Louis ; Neuhofer, G ; Niebergall, F ; Pessard, H ; Regler, Meinhard et al.
The time-dependence of the decay rate of initially pure K/sup 0/ into the final state ( pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/) has been studied in search for the decay K/sup 0//sub S/ to pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/ pi /sup 0/. No evidence is found in a sample of 384 observed events. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 40 (1972) 703-707
Particle detector development / Bartl, Walter
A part of the split field spectrometer at the CERN intersection storage ring a multiwire proportional chamber has been developed. This detector has to be placed directly in the gap of a compensation magnet. [...]
In : Triangle Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, 9 - 11 Feb 1972, pp.181-7
Study of the form factor in $K_{0} \rightarrow \pi e\nu$ decays / Neuhofer, G ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; de Bouard, X ; Lepeltier, V ; Massonnet, Louis ; Niebergall, F ; Pessard, H ; Regler, Meinhard ; Steuer, M et al.
The vector form factor f/sub +/(t) has been studied with 1910 kinematic fully reconstructed events K/sup 0/ to pi e nu ; assuming a linear dependence of f/sub +/(t), where f/sub +/(t)=f/sub +/(0)(1+ lambda /sub +/t/m/sub pi //sup 2/), the authors obtain the result lambda /sub +/=0.022+or-0.014. Data at large values of t are found to be subject to a singularity in resolution, whose influence on lambda /sub +/ is demonstrated; the possible implications for previous experiments are discussed. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 41 (1972) 642-6
Experimental study of the $\Delta S/\Delta Q$ rule in the time-dependent rate of $K^{0}\rightarrow \pi e\nu$ / Niebergall, F ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; de Bouard, X ; Lepeltier, V ; Massonet, L ; Neuhofer, G ; Pessard, H ; Regler, Meinhard ; Steuer, M et al.
The time-dependence of the decay rate of initially pure K/sup 0/ into the final states ( pi /sup -/e/sup +/ nu ) and ( pi /sup +/e/sup -/ nu ) has been studied to investigate the validity of the Delta S/ Delta Q rule. In a sample of 4724 events no evidence for weak hadronic current with Delta S=- Delta Q is found. [...]
Geneva : CERN, 1974 - 16 p. - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 49 (1974) 103-108
Experimental results on large angle elastic pp scattering at the CERN ISR / Kwak, N (CERN) ; Aubert, Jean-Jacques ; Bartl, Walter ; Brandt, A ; Broll, C ; Coignet, G ; Dibon, Heinz ; Eichinger, H ; Favier, Jean ; Flügge, G et al.
New experimental results are presented on proton-proton elastic scattering at centre-of-mass energies square root s=23 GeV and square root s=62 GeV. The data are obtained using the Split Field Magnet detector at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings. [...]
1975 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 58 (1975) 233-6 Fulltext: PDF;

CERN Document Server : Намерени са 218 записа   1 - 10следващкрай  отиване на запис:
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