CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 8th International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos
Related conference title(s) Weak interactions and neutrinos
Date(s), location 6 - 11 Sep 1982, Alicante, Spain
Editor(s) Morales, A (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 1983 - 807 p.
ISBN 9789971950897
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords atomic ; decay ; e+ e- ; gauge ; heavy ; lepton ; mass ; nuclear ; nucleon ; oscillations ; parity ; physics ; quark ; stability ; theories ; violation
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Neutrino oscillation experiments at accelerators (p. 43)
by Conforto, G
Neutrino masses (p. 98)
by Lusignoli, Maurizio
Recent results from the CERN neutrino mass programme (p. 117)
by Hansen, P G
Preliminary results on neutrinoless double beta decay in 76Ge (p. 277)
by Dassié, D
Composite neutrinos? (p. 379)
by Peccei, Roberto D
Neutrino mixing in grand unified models (p. 387)
by Tanaka, K
Electroweak interactions of composite leptons and quarks based on W-dominance (p. 407)
by Schildknecht, D
Calculation of sin2thetaW without unification (p. 429)
by Dombey, N
Modified V,A structure of weak currents and mirror leptons (p. 459)
by Enqvist, Kari
Parity violating nuclear forces : what is known at present?(p. 515)
by Desplanques, B
Parity violation in proton-nucleus scattering (p. 571)
by Barroso, A
A search on the parity forbidden alpha-width of the Ex = 4.753 MeV (Jpi,T = O+,1) level of 18F (p. 628)
by Hubert, P
CERN and the LEP project (p. 766)
by Schopper, Herwig Franz

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 Journalen skapades 1990-01-27, och modifierades senast 2021-07-30

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