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Report number E10-2006-48 ; JINR-E10-2006-48
Title Methods for Event Reconstruction in the CBM Experiment
Author(s) Akishin, P G ; Akishina, E P ; Baginyan, S A ; Ivanov, V V ; Ivanov, Val V ; Kisel, I V ; Kostenko, B F ; Litvinenko, E I ; Ososkov, G A ; Raportirenko, A M ; Soloviev, A G ; Uzhinsky, V V ; Zrelov, V P
Affiliation (Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany) ; (Laboratory of Information Technologies, Dubna)
Publication 2006
Imprint 7 Apr 2006
Number of pages 27
Subject category Computing and Computers
Abstract Methods and algorithms for event reconstruction in the CBM experiment are described. All these results have been developed and presented by the LIT team at the CBM collaboration meetings in 2004-2005.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Запись создана 2006-08-09, последняя модификация 2007-01-09

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