CERN Accelerating science

Title Briefing Book for the Zeuthen Workshop
Book cover
Volume v.3 : Working Group Instruments and Templates
Author(s) Åkesson, T (member, ed. and pref.) (Lund Univ.) ; Aleksan, Roy (member and ed.) (CPPM/IN2P3-CNRS and DAPNIA/CEA) ; Bertolucci, Sergio (member and ed.) (Frascati-INFN) ; Blondel, A (member and ed.) (Geneva University) ; Cavalli-Sforza, M (member and ed.) (IFAE, Autonomous University of Barcelona) ; Heuer, R D (member and ed.) (University of Hamburg and DESY) ; Linde, Frank L (member and ed.) (NIKHEF) ; Mangano, Michelangelo L (member and ed.) (CERN) ; Peach, Kenneth J (member and ed.) (Oxford Univ.) ; Rondio, Ewa (member and ed.) (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw) ; Webber, Bryan R (member and ed.) (Cambridge University)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. Council Strategy Group
Collaboration CERN Council Strategy Group
Publication Geneva : CERN, 2006 - 33.
Subject category Science in General
Abstract On Jun 18th 2004, the CERN Council, upon the initiative of its President, Prof. Enzo Iarocci, established an ad hoc scientific advisory group (the Strategy Group), to produce a draft strategy for European particle physics, which is to be considered by a special meeting of the CERN Council, to be held in Lisbon on Jul 14th 2006. There are three volumes to the Briefing Book. This, the third volume, has the templates and other instruments that will be needed to help the debate. It contains the detailed agenda for the Zeuthen workshop, a briefing on the objectives for each of the items on the agenda, a standardised vocabulary to be used to describe the initiatives, a detailed list of the working groups and the themes that they should address, and the allocation of members of the Strategy Group to the working groups.
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 Record created 2006-07-21, last modified 2021-09-20