CERN Accelerating science

Title Measurement of Br(KSπ+ππ0) and limit on the CP violating decay Br(KS3π0)
Author(s) Wache, Martin (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.)
Collaboration NA48/1
Publication 2005
Number of pages 4
In: PoS HEP2005 (2006) pp.263
In: International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics, Lisbon, Portugal, 21 - 27 Jul 2005, pp.263
Subject category Particle Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA48/1
Abstract The NA48/1 Collaboration has measured the amplitude of the CP-conserving component of the decay K0Sπ+ππ0 relative to K0Lπ+ππ0 using data taken in 2002. The amplitude has been calculated by measuring the parameter λ which describes the interference between the KL and KS decays. From a fit to 19 million reconstructed K0/¯K0π+ππ0 events the values (λ)=0.038±0.010 and Im(λ)=0.013±0.007 have been obtained. This corresponds to a branching ratio of Br(KSπ+ππ0)=(4.7+2.21.7(stat)+1.71.5(syst))×107 . We also searched for the CP violating decay KS3π0 using data taken in the year 2000. The CP violating amplitude η000=A(KS3π0)/A(KL3π0) has been measured by fitting the lifetime distribution of about 4.9 million reconstructed K0/¯K03π0 decays. This results in an upper limit on the branching fraction of BR(KS3π0)<4.7×107 at 90% confidence level.
Copyright/License CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0

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 Record created 2006-06-28, last modified 2019-09-16

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