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Report number JINR-P9-2005-178 ; P9-2005-178
Title Analysis of Possibilities of Extraction of Ion Beams by a Stripping Foil from the AVF Cyclotron with Spiral Sectors
Author(s) Borisov, O N ; Gulbekyan, G G ; Solivajs, D
Affiliation (Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava) ; (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna)
Publication 2005
Imprint 16 Nov 2005
Number of pages 7
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract An analysis of possibilities to extract ion beams by a stripping foil from the AVF cyclotron with spiral sectors is made. Two directions of acceleration and two possible methods of extraction are investigated. The optimum azimuthal positions of the stripping foil for single-turn extraction are determined. The regions of coefficients between the specific charges of an ion after and before stripping for both methods are determined. Comparison of the two methods is made. The obtained data can be useful for target synthesis of magnetic structures or their analysis. The use of the obtained data in real magnetic structures requires analysis of enveloping extracted beams.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Záznam vytvorený 2006-03-01, zmenený 2006-07-03

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