CERN Accelerating science

Title Experimental Demostration of Wavelength Tuning in High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free Electron Laser
Author(s) Shaftan, Timur ; Johnson, Erik ; Krinsky, Sam ; Loos, Henrik ; Murphy, James ; Rakowsky, George ; Rose, James ; Sheehy, Brian ; Skaritka, John ; Wang, Xijie ; Wu, Zilu ; Yu Li Hua
Affiliation (BNL/NSLS, Upton, Long Island, New York)
Publication 2004
In: 26th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 11th FEL User Workshop 2004, Trieste, Italy, 29 Aug - 3 Sep 2004, pp.e-proc. WEAIS01
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract We present experimental results on tuning of the HGHG FEL output wavelength while holding the input seed wavelength constant. Using compression of the initially chirped beam in the HGHG dispersion section we have measured the wavelength shift of about 1% around the nominal value of 266 nm. The tuning range is expected to reach 3 % after the dispersive section upgrade at the DUV FEL. An optimized design based on this principle, using additional linac sections, would have the capability of providing full tunability.

 Record created 2006-02-28, last modified 2024-02-23