CERN Accelerating science

Title The Short-Range Wakefields in the BTW Accelerating Structure of the Elettra Linac
Author(s) Craievich, Paolo ; D'Auria, Gerardo
Affiliation (Elettra, Basovizza, Trieste TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt)
Publication 2004
In: 26th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 11th FEL User Workshop 2004, Trieste, Italy, 29 Aug - 3 Sep 2004, pp.e-proc. TUPOS10
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract Future FEL operations in the ELETTRA LINAC require a high quality beam with an ultra short bunch. The knowledge of the short-range wakefields in the backward traveling wave (BTW) accelerating structure is needed to predict the beam quality in term of the single bunch energy spread and emittance. To calculate the effect of the longitudinal and transverse wakefileds we have used the time domain numerical approch with a new implicit scheme for calculation of wake potential of short bunches in long structure [1,2]. The wake potentials of the BTW structure are calculated numerically for very short bunches and analytical approximations for wake functions in short and long ranges are obtained by fitting procedures based on analytical estimations.

 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 2006-02-28, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2024-02-23

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