| PC-LabView Based Control System in SAGA-LS |
| Ohgaki, Hideaki ; Iwasaki, Yositaka ; Koda, Shigeru ; Takabayashi, Yuichi ; Tomimasu, Takio ; Toyokawa, Hiroyuki ; Yoshida, Katuhide |
| (AIST, Ibaraki) ; (Kyoto IAE, Kyoto) ; (Saga Synchrotron Light Source, Saga City) |
| 2005 |
| 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3976 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
| A control system for SAGA Synchrotron Light Source (SAGA-LS) has been constructed. SAGA-LS is a small-medium size light source and is run by local government, which means there are a few number of staff in the laboratory. Thus the control system must be simple and robust, while inexpensive, easy to develop and maintain. The basic ideas of the system are 1) using PCs to build a low cost control system, 2) using off-shelf devices, FieldPoint (National Instrument) and PLCs, (FA-M3, Yokogawa), for robust and replaceable system, 3) using LabView for a quick in-house system development, 4) using channel access protocol between server and client to transparent from regular EPICS utilities, 5) using ActiveX CA to emulate the CA protocol. About 1,000 PVs are employed to control the magnet power supplies, the RF control sub-system, vacuum monitors, BPM data and several LCW data. The system has been operated and tuned at the beginning of the commissioning, spring 2004. MySQL database system also archives data to assist daily operation and to display the trend chart of the machine. The database applications developed by LabView, too. |