| A High Average Current DC GaAs Photocathode Gun for ERLs and FELs |
| Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos ; Benson, Stephen V ; Bullard, Don ; Dylla, Fred H ; Jordan, Kevin ; Murray, Chuck ; Neil, George R ; Shinn, Michelle D ; Siggins, Tim ; Walker, Richard L |
| (Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia) |
| 2005 |
| 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.3117 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
| The Jefferson Lab (JLab) 10 kW IR Upgrade FEL DC GaAs photocathode gun is presently the highest average current electron source operational in the U.S., delivering a record 9.1 mA CW, 350 kV electron beam with 122 pC/bunch at 75 MHz rep rate. Pulsed operation has also been demonstrated with 8 mA per pulse (110 pC/bunch) in 16 ms-long pulses at 2 Hz rep rate. Routinely the gun delivers 5 mA CW and pulse current at 135 pC/bunch for FEL operations. The Upgrade DC photocathode gun is a direct evolution of the DC photocathode gun used in the previous JLab 1 kW IR Demo FEL. Improvements in the vacuum conditions, incorporation of two UHV motion mechanisms (a retractable cathode and a photocathode shield door) and a new way to add cesium to the GaAs photocathode surface have extended its lifetime to over 500 Coulombs delivered between re-cesiations (quantum efficiency replenishment). With each photocathode activation quantum efficiencies above 6% are routinely achieved. The photocathode activation and performance will be described in detail. |