| Development of Superconducting Combined Function Magnets for the Proton Transport Line for the J-PARC Neutrino Experiments |
Nakamoto, Tatsushi ; Ajima, Yasuo ; Anerella, Michael ; Escallier, John ; Fujii, T ; Fukui, Yuji ; Ganetis, George ; Gupta, Ramesh C ; Harrison, Michael ; Hashiguchi, E ; Higashi, Norio ; Ichikawa, Atsuko ; Iwamoto, Yosuke ; Jain, Animesh K ; Kanahara, T ; Kimura, Nobuhiro ; Kobayashi, Takashi ; Makida, Yasuhiro ; Muratore, Joseph F ; Obana, Tetsuhiro ; Ogitsu, T ; Ohhata, Hirokatsu ; Okamura, T ; Orikasa, T ; Parker, Brett ; Sasaki, Ken Ichi ; Takasaki, Minoru ; Tanaka, Ken Ichi ; Terashima, Akio ; Tomaru, Takayuki ; Wanderer, Peter ; Yamamoto, Akira Mostra tots els 32 autors |
| (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York) ; (GUAS/AS, Ibaraki) ; (JAERI, Ibaraki-ken) ; (KEK, Ibaraki) ; (TOSHIBA, Yokohama) |
| 2005 |
| 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.495 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
| A second generation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments has been proposed as one of the main projects at J-PARC jointly built by JAERI and KEK. Superconducting combined function magnets, SCFMs, will be utilized for the 50 GeV, 750 kW proton beam line for the neutrino experiment and an R&D program is in underway at KEK. The magnet is designed to provide a combined function of a dipole field of 2.6 T with a quadrupole field of 19 T/m in a coil aperture of 173.4 mm. A series of 28 magnets in the beam line will be operated DC in supercritical helium cooling below 5 K. A design feature of the SCFM is the left-right asymmetry of the coil cross section: current distributions for superimposed dipole<sup>-</sup> and quadrupole<sup>-</sup> fields are combined in a single layer coil. Another design feature is the adoption of glass-fiber reinforced phenolic plastic spacers to replace the conventional metallic collars. To evaluate this unique design, fabrication of full-scale prototype magnets is in progress at KEK and the first prototype will be tested at cold soon. This paper will report the development of the SCFMs. |