CERN Accelerating science

Title Development of Superconducting Combined Function Magnets for the Proton Transport Line for the J-PARC Neutrino Experiments
Author(s) Nakamoto, Tatsushi ; Ajima, Yasuo ; Anerella, Michael ; Escallier, John ; Fujii, T ; Fukui, Yuji ; Ganetis, George ; Gupta, Ramesh C ; Harrison, Michael ; Hashiguchi, E Mostra tots els 32 autors
Affiliation (BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York) ; (GUAS/AS, Ibaraki) ; (JAERI, Ibaraki-ken) ; (KEK, Ibaraki) ; (TOSHIBA, Yokohama)
Publication 2005
In: 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.495
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A second generation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments has been proposed as one of the main projects at J-PARC jointly built by JAERI and KEK. Superconducting combined function magnets, SCFMs, will be utilized for the 50 GeV, 750 kW proton beam line for the neutrino experiment and an R&D program is in underway at KEK. The magnet is designed to provide a combined function of a dipole field of 2.6 T with a quadrupole field of 19 T/m in a coil aperture of 173.4 mm. A series of 28 magnets in the beam line will be operated DC in supercritical helium cooling below 5 K. A design feature of the SCFM is the left-right asymmetry of the coil cross section: current distributions for superimposed dipole<sup>-</sup> and quadrupole<sup>-</sup> fields are combined in a single layer coil. Another design feature is the adoption of glass-fiber reinforced phenolic plastic spacers to replace the conventional metallic collars. To evaluate this unique design, fabrication of full-scale prototype magnets is in progress at KEK and the first prototype will be tested at cold soon. This paper will report the development of the SCFMs.

 Registre creat el 2006-02-07, darrera modificació el 2024-02-23

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