CERN Accelerating science

Title LHC II system sensitivity to magnetic fluids
Author(s) Cotae, Vlad ; Creanga, Ioan
Affiliation (Division Iasi)
Publication 2005
In: J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 289 (2005) pp.459-462
Subject category Health Physics and Radiation Effects
Abstract Experiments have been designed to reveal the influences of ferrofluid treatment and static magnetic field exposure on the photosynthetic system II, where the light harvesting complex (LHC II) controls the ratio chlorophyll a/ chlorophyll b (revealing, indirectly, the photosynthesis rate). Spectrophotometric measurement of chlorophyll content revealed different influences for relatively low ferrofluid concentrations (10-30 mul/l) in comparison to higher concentrations (70-100 mul/l). The overlapped effect of the static magnetic field shaped better the stimulatory ferrofluid action on LHC II system in young poppy plantlets.

 Záznam vytvorený 2005-11-22, zmenený 2008-11-19