| Study of inclusive gamma -production in pp interactions at 12 GeV/c |
| Banerjee, S ; Chakrabarti, S ; Ganguli, S N ; Gurtu, A ; Malhotra, P K ; Raghavan, R ; Subramanian, A ; Sudhakar, K |
| (Tata Inst of Fundamental Res, Bombay, India) |
| 1982 |
| 6th High-energy Physics Symposium, pp.131 |
Subject category
| Particle Physics - Phenomenology |
| The authors present a study of inclusive gamma -production in pp interactions at 12 GeV/c. The data are obtained from the analysis of pictures taken in the BEBC at CERN. The inclusive gamma cross-section and the average number of gamma as a function of charged multiplicity are presented. Multiparticle correlation parameters are discussed and the 2 gamma mass distribution has been studied to obtain\pi^{0} inclusive cross-section. x and p/sub T//sup 2/ distributions of the gamma s are compared with the distributions obtained from\pi/sup +or- / assuming charge symmetry. The results have been compared with other inclusive gamma studies. |