CERN Accelerating science

Report number ATL-INDET-PUB-2008-004 ; ATL-INDET-INT-2005-006 ; ATL-COM-INDET-2005-012 ; CERN-ATL-COM-INDET-2005-012
Title Analysis of test beam data of ATLAS Pixel Detector production modules with a high intensity pion beam.
Author(s) Alimonti, G ; Andreazza, A ; Bazalova, M ; Beccherle, R ; Breugnon, P ; Brüser, D ; Cauz, D ; Clemens, J C ; Cobal-Grassman, M ; Dobos, D ; Einsweiler, Kevin F ; Flick, T ; Gagliardi, G ; Gemme, C ; Gerlach, P ; Gorelov, I ; Grosse-Knetter, J ; Hügging, F G ; Imhauser, M ; Kersten, S ; Klingenberg, R ; Kuhn, M ; Lari, T ; Martínez, G ; Mass, M ; Massman, F ; Matera, A ; Mathes, M ; Meroni, C ; Morettini, P ; Naumov, D ; Netchaeva, P ; Ragusa, F ; Richardson, J ; Rossi, L ; Rozanov, A ; Santi, L ; Schiavi, C ; Schultes, J ; Sícho, P ; Stahl, T ; Ta, D B ; Tieman, D ; Tomasek, L ; Troncon, C ; Vahsen, S ; Valenta, J ; Virzi, J ; Vrba, V ; Weingarten, J
Publication 2005
Imprint 14 Apr 2005
Number of pages 18
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Test beam H8
Free keywords Pixel ; Silicon ; High-intensity ; Testbeam ; radiation hardness ; LHC
Abstract Beam tests of ATLAS Pixel Detector production modules were performed with a high intensity pion bion at the SPS H8 test beam facility. Several of the modules had been previously irradiated to the fluence of 10**15 neq/cm2. Data were taken at different beam intensities, up to the value foreseen for the innermost pixel layer at the design LHC luminosity of 10**34/cm2/s. At each intensity, data were taken with different configurations of the front-end chip. This note describes the analysis of the high intensity run of August 2004. The particles trajectories were reconstructed using the pixel detectors under test and the detection efficiency was measured as a function of the beam intensity. With the standard ATLAS b-layer configuration and at the B-layer expected column-pair hit occupancy of 0.17 pixel hits per bunch crossing, the measured readout efficiency is 98 %, which is the same value found at low intensity. Efficiency losses are observed only when the column pair occupancy exceeds 0.24 hits per bunch crossing.
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