CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Conference on Cryogenic Engineering and on International Cryogenic Materials
Related conference title(s) CEC-ICMC 2005
Advances in cryogenic engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference - CEC
Date(s), location 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2005, Keystone, CO, USA
Editor(s) Weisend, J G (ed.) ; Barclay, J (ed.) ; Breon, S (ed.) ; Demko, Jonathan A (ed.) ; Di Pirro, M (ed.) ; Kelley, J P (ed.) ; Kittel, P (ed.) ; Klebaner, A (ed.) ; Lock, J (ed.) ; Maddocks, J (ed.) ; Peterson, T (ed.) ; Pfotenhauer, J (ed.) ; Rowe, A (ed.) ; Van Sciver, S (ed.) ; Zeller, A (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2006 - 2126 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 823)
ISBN 0735403171

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C05-08-29.4
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Development of a Large-capacity, Stirling-type, Pulse-tube Refrigerator (p. 3)
by Potratz, S A
Performance Prediction and Experimental Investigations on Integral Pulse Tube Cryocooler for 15 W at 70 K Using Indigenously Developed Linear Compressor (p. 11)
by Gawali, B S
Performances of Stirling Type Pulse Tube Cryocooler for Sub-cooled Nitrogen System (p. 19)
by Ohtani, Y
Control of Secondary Flow in a Double-inlet Pulse Tube Refrigerator (p. 27)
by Shiraishi, M
Novel Regenerator Material Improving the Performance of a Single Stage Pulse Tube Cooler (p. 35)
by Koettig, T
Pulse Tube Refrigerator Based Cryogenic Cooling Circuit for NMR Cold Probes (p. 41)
by Atrey, M D
The Development of a Pulse Tube Cooler with More than 1 W at 4.2 K (p. 49)
by Hofmann, A
Inertance Tube Optimization for Pulse Tube Refrigerators (p. 59)
by Radebaugh, R
Thermal Performance of the LDX Floating Coil (p. 78)
by Zhukovsky, A
A Study on the Heat Transfer Properties of Pressurized Helium II through Fine Channels (p. 97)
by Kimura, N
Experimental and Numerical Studies on Thermal Hydraulic Characteristics of He II through Porous Media (p. 105)
by Hamaguchi, S
Transient Heat Transfer from a Flat Plate in Forced Flow of Pressurized He II (p. 121)
by Nishida, J
Transient Heat Transfer Measurements in Forced Flow of He II at High Velocities (p. 129)
by Fuzier, S
Helium POT System for Maintaining Sample Temperature after Cryocooler Deactivation (p. 147)
by Haid, B J
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study on Natural Convection in the Sample Enclosure Cooled by a G-M Refrigerator (p. 164)
by Fang, Z C
Design Optimization of Liquid Nitrogen Based IQF Tunnel (p. 171)
by Datye, A B
Automatic Transfer between Two Cryogenic Robots for the Laser Megajoule Facility (p. 178)
by Paquignon, G
Experimental Investigation of Multilayer Insulation by Using Boil-off Calorimetry (p. 189)
by Yang, H S
The Outgassing Test of a HTS Power Cable Cryostat (p. 195)
by Yeom, Han-Kil
ZBO Cryogenic Propellant Storage Applied to a Mars Sample Return Mission Concept (p. 205)
by Plachta, D W
Cryo-Tracker Mass Gauging System Testing in a Launch Vehicle Simulation (p. 213)
by Schieb, Daniel J
Optical Gauging of Liquid and Solid Hydrogen in Zero-g Environments for Space Applications (p. 224)
by Caimi, F M
Liquid Nitrogen (Oxygen Simulant) Thermodynamic Vent System Test Data Analysis (p. 232)
by Hedayat, A
Testing of a Spray-Bar Thermodynamic Vent System in Liquid Nitrogen (p. 240)
by Flachbart, R H
Design and Analysis of a Scalable In-situ Cryogen Production Facility for Space Exploration (p. 248)
by Petrick, D E
Autotune of PID Temperature Control Based on Closed-loop Step Response Tests (p. 259)
by Sheats, D C
Cryogenic Fiber Optic Temperature Sensors Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings (p. 267)
by Yeager, C J
Cryogenic Radio Frequency Two-phase Flowmeter (p. 273)
by Lovell, Thomas W
A Cryogenic Mass Flow Sensor (p. 281)
by Kocak, D M
Cryo-delivery Systems for the Co-transmission of Chemical and Electrical Power (p. 291)
by Grant, Paul M
Dewar Safety : Risks and Corrective Actions(p. 313)
by Boyle, R F
Hydrogen Safety Issues Compared to Safety Issues with Methane and Propane (p. 319)
by Green, M A
Design Model for a Two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler (p. 329)
by Shi, J L
Modelling of a 10 K Collins Type Cryocooler (p. 337)
by Chaudhry, G
Enthalpy, Entropy, and Exergy Flows : Real Gas Effects in Ideal Pulse Tube Cryocoolers(p. 345)
by Kittel, P
Thermoacoustic Analysis of Displacer Gap Loss in a Low Temperature Stirling Cooler (p. 353)
by Kotsubo, Vincent
Motor and Thermodynamic Losses in Linear Cryocooler Compressors (p. 361)
by Reed, J
Influence of the Steady Background Turbulence Level on Second Sound Dynamics in He II (p. 371)
by Dalban-Canassy, M
Heat Transport Near the Lambda Line in a Channel Containing He II (p. 379)
by Maeda, M
Temperature Dependence of the Gorter-Mellink Exponent m Measured in a Channel Containing He II (p. 387)
by Sato, A
Variation of Film Boiling Modes in He II from Strongly to Weakly Subcooled States (p. 393)
by Nozawa, M
Heat Transfer Coefficient Measurement Study of Several Film Boiling Modes in Subcooled He II (p. 401)
by Takada, S
Heat Transfer through Porous Media in Static Superfluid Helium (p. 409)
by Baudouy, B
Effect of Property Variations on the Operation of Superfluid Porous Plug Pumps (p. 417)
by Snyder, H A
A Liquid Helium Circulation System for MEG (p. 427)
by Takeda, T
Assessment of Commecial Fluorescent Paints on Their Applicability to the Cryogenic Thermography System (p. 441)
by Nara, K
The Effect of the Variability in the Isotopic Composition of Gases on Top-Accuracy Cryogenic Temperature Standards and Remedies (p. 451)
by Pavese, F
Forced Convection Heat Transfer of He I and He II at Pressures up to Supercritical (p. 459)
by Shiotsu, M
Ortho and Para Hydrogen Concentration Determination Based on Vapor Pressure (p. 475)
by Lydzinski, S R
Thermal Conductivity of Powder Insulations for Cryogenic Storage Vessels (p. 480)
by Choi, Y S
Thermal Diffusion of Heat Pulse in Subcooled Liquid Nitrogen (p. 488)
by Chang, H M
Helium Transfer System for the Superconducting Devices at NSRRC (p. 515)
by Li, H C
Performance Assessment of 239 Series Sub-cooling Heat Exchangers for the Large Hadron Collider (p. 523)
by Riddone, G
Development of an Energy Efficient Cryogenic Transfer Line with Magnetic Suspension (p. 531)
by Shu, Quan-Sheng
Testing of Prototype Magnetic Suspension Cryogenic Transfer Line (p. 539)
by Fesmire, J E
Numerical Analysis of the Final Cooldown of a 3.3 km Sector of the Large Hadron Collider (p. 547)
by Liu, L
A Unified Perspective of Cryocoolers (p. 557)
by Maytal, B Z
The Behavior of Mass Flow Rate of a Joule-Thomson Refrigerator (p. 565)
by Hong, Yong-Ju
Nitrogen Separation and Liquefaction Apparatus for Medical Applications and Its Thermodynamic Optimization (p. 573)
by Chorowski, M
Cryosorption Pumps for a Neutral Beam Injector Test Facility (p. 583)
by Dremel, M
Design and Build of Magnetic Refrigerator for Hydrogen Liquefaction (p. 591)
by Kamiya, K
Numerical Simulation and Optimazation of Small Scale LNG Plant (p. 598)
by Li, H Y
NASA's Advanced Cryocooler Technology Development Program (ACTDP) (p. 607)
by Ross, R G
NGST Advanced Cryocooler Technology Development Program (ACTDP) Cooler System (p. 615)
by Durand, D
Development of a Space-Type 4-Stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler for Very Low Temperature (p. 623)
by Olson, J R
Ball Aerospace 4-6 K Space Cryocooler (p. 632)
by Glaister, D S
Development of a 25 K Pulse Tube Refrigerator for Future HTS-Series Products in Power Engineering (p. 643)
by Gromoll, B
Rotating Cryocooler for Superconducting Motor (p. 653)
by Ko, Junseok
Design of a Very Large Pulse Tube Cryocooler for HTS Cable Application (p. 661)
by Tanchon, J
Closed Loop Cooling Systems for HTS Applications (p. 669)
by Willems, D
A Superconductive MGB2 Level Sensor for Liquid Hydrogen (p. 679)
by Haberstroh, C
Gas Bearing Implementation of Small Cryocooler Compressor (p. 687)
by Kuo, D T
Performance of G-M Cryocooler with Oil-Free Linear Compressor (p. 696)
by Maddocks, J R
4 Kelvin Cryogenic Probe for 500 MHz NMR (p. 704)
by Yoshimoto, F
Performance of a Miniature Pulse Tube Cryocooler (p. 712)
by Matsumoto, N
Investigation of the Characteristics for the Pulse Tube Refrigerator Using Active Phase Controller as a Phasor (p. 720)
by Kim, Y H
A Closed Neon Liquefier System for Testing Superconducting Devices (p. 729)
by Bianchetti, M
High Tc Superconducting Magnet Excited by a Semiconductor Thermoelectric Element (p. 735)
by Kuriyama, T
Experimental Validation of the LHC Helium Relief System Flow Modeling (p. 745)
by Fydrych, J
Pressure Rise Analysis When Hydrogen Leak from a Cracked Pipe in the Cryogenic Hydrogen System in J-PARC (p. 753)
by Tatsumoto, H
Design Result of the Cryogenic Hydrogen Circulation System for 1 MW Pulse Spallation Neutron Source (JSNS) in J-PARC (p. 763)
by Aso, T
Performance Testing of a Cryogenic Refrigeration System for HTS Cables (p. 773)
by Lee, R C
A Cool-down and Fault Study of a Long Length HTS Power Transmission Cable (p. 782)
by Yuan, J
Testing of a Liquid Nitrogen Cooled 5-meter, 3000 A Tri-Axial High Temperature Superconducting Cable System (p. 790)
by Demko, Jonathan A
Cryogenic System for 75M Three-phase AC HTS Cable (p. 798)
by Fan, Y F
Cooling Characteristics in Long Channels with Sub-cooled Nitrogen (p. 804)
by Fuchino, S
Thermomechanical Properties of 30M HTS Power Cable in DAPAS Project (p. 811)
by Kim, D H
High-frequency Pulse-tube Refrigerator for 4 K (p. 821)
by Tanaeva, I A
Small Helium Liquefiers Using 4 K Pulse Tube Cryocoolers (p. 829)
by Wang, C
Development of SHI 1.0 W 4 K Two-stage Pulse Tube Cryocoolers (p. 837)
by Xu, M Y
Development of a 4 K Separate Two-Stage Pulse Tube Refrigerator with High Efficiency (p. 845)
by Qiu, L M
Tandem GM Type-Pulse Tube Refrigerator with Novel Rotary Valve and Bypass Valve Mechanism (p. 853)
by Jung, J
100th Anniversary of the Discovery of Helium in Natural Gas (p. 863)
by CadyLongsworth, Ralph
Debye Equation of State for 3HE from 0.01 to 20 K (p. 879)
by Huang, Y H
A New 3HE Vapor-Pressure Equation on the ITS-90 Scale (p. 887)
by Huang, Y H
Numerical Analysis on Shields and Struts Cooling Using Cold Helium Gas in Meco Magnets (p. 895)
by Tang, H M
Status of the ISAC-II Cryogenic System (p. 905)
by Stanford, G
Cold Tests of the ISAC-II Medium Beta Cryomodule (p. 913)
by Sekachev, I
Single Crystal Piezoelectric Actuators for Tunable HTS Filters (p. 928)
by Jiang, Xiaoning
Cryogen-Free Dilution Refrigerator Precooled by a Pulse-Tube Refrigerator with Non-Magnetic Regenerator (p. 939)
by Uhlig, K
The Experimental Evaluation of a Proof of Principle Superfluid Joule-Thomson Refrigerator (p. 946)
by Miller, F K
A Rapid Turnaround Two-Stage Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator for Cooling to 50 mK (p. 954)
by Shirron, P J
Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator Field Mapping and Shielding Models for a 70 mK Superconducting Transition Edge Sensor Array and Associated Electronics (p. 960)
by Ladner, D R
Progress on a 4 K to 10 K Continuously Operating Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (p. 969)
by Di Pirro, M
Microcooling Developments at the University of Twente (p. 977)
by Lerou, P P P M
Cryogenic Active Magnetic Regenerator Test Apparatus (p. 985)
by Tura, A
Numerical Analysis of an Active Magnetic Regenerator (AMR) Refrigeration Cycle (p. 993)
by Dikeos, J
Convection Design of Cryogenic Piping and Components (p. 1003)
by McIntosh, G E
CFD Modeling of ITER Cable-in-Conduit Superconductors. Part I : Friction in the Central Channel(p. 1009)
by Zanino, R
CFD Analysis on Two-phase Pipe Flow of Slush Nitrogen (p. 1017)
by Ishimoto, J
PIV Measurement of Slush Nitrogen Flow in a Pipe (p. 1025)
by Takakoshi, T
Fundamental Study of Pipe Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Slush Nitrogen (p. 1033)
by Matsuo, K
The Los ALamos Neutron Science Center Hydrogen Moderator System (p. 1053)
by Jarmer, J J
Experiments and Valve Modelling in Thermoacoustic Device (p. 1095)
by Duthil, P
Preliminary Study on Circuit Simulation of Thermo Acoustic Engines (p. 1103)
by Jin, T
Effect of Resonance Tube Shape on Performance of Thermoacoustic Engine (p. 1109)
by Li, X
Investigation on Gedeon Streaming in a Traveling Wave Thermoacoustic Engine (p. 1115)
by Qiu, L M
Experimental Investigation of a Traveling-wave Refrigerator (p. 1123)
by Luo, E C
Experimental Study of Linear Compressor Driven Traveling-wave Thermo Acoustic Refrigerator (p. 1131)
by Wu, Z
Clarification of Some Important Issues in Basic Thermoacoustic Theory (p. 1139)
by Dai, W
Cryogenic Concept for the Low-energy Electrostatic Cryogenic Storage Ring (CSR) at MPI-K in Heidelberg (p. 1187)
by Von Hahn, R
Specifications and performances of series superfluid helium safety relief valves for the LHC (p. 1211)
by Perin, A
Specifications and Performance of Series Superfluid Helium Safety Relief Valves for the LHC (p. 1211)
by Perin, A
Qualification of Sub-atmospheric Pressure Sensors for the Cryomagnet Bayonet Heat Exchangers of the Large Hadron Collider (p. 1219)
by Jeanmonod, N
Automatic Management Systems for the Operation of the Cryogenic Test Facilities for LHC Series Superconducting Magnets (p. 1227)
by Tovar-Gonzalez, A
Diode Temperature Sensor Curve Estimation and Interchangeability for Non-Standard Excitation Currents (p. 1235)
by Courts, S S
New Thermometers and Multisensors for Cryogenic Temperature and Magnetic Field Measurements (p. 1243)
by Mitin, V F
Cryogenic Benefits of a 70 kA High Temperature Superconductor Current Lead (p. 1253)
by Zahn, G R
Cryogenic Test of High Temperature Superconducting Current Leads at Enea (p. 1269)
by Ballarino, A
Optimal Current-lead Design for the Rolls of Pierced-metal Sheet (p. 1276)
by Chang, H M
Performance of Miniature Coaxial Cabels for Read-out of Superconducting Tunnel Junction Arrays (p. 1284)
by Kushino, A
Mid-mission Update of Spitzer Space Telescope Cryogenic Performance (p. 1295)
by Finley, Paul T
Ultra-low Vibration Pulse Tube Cryocooler with a New Vibration Cancellation Method (p. 1325)
by Suzuki, T
Development of the LPT9510 1 W Concentric Pulse Tube (p. 1332)
by Mullié, J C
Cryostat with Low-Emissivity Foil and Multilayer Insulation (p. 1343)
by Gung, C
Demonstration of Microsphere Insulation in Cryogenic Vessels (p. 1351)
by Baumgartner, R G
Vibration and Thermal Cycling Effects on Bulk-fill Insulation Materials for Cryogenic Tanks (p. 1359)
by Fesmire, J E
Cryosystem for a Proton-radiography Achromat (p. 1377)
by Kelley, J P
The TORE SUPRA Cryogenic System Behaviour During Long Plasma Discharges with a High Injected Energy (p. 1412)
by Henry, D
The 400W at 1.8K Test Facility at CEA-Grenoble (p. 1420)
by Roussel, P
Two Refrigeration Systems Installed for the Tokamak at the Institute for Plasma Research, Ahmedabad, India (p. 1444)
by Caillaud, A
Numerical Analysis on Dynamic One-side Propagation of Normal Zone Observed in LHD Conductor (p. 1455)
by Ohya, M
Simulated Thermal Performance of the Superconducting Outsert in the Series Connected Hybrid Magnet System (p. 1463)
by Dixon, I R
A Novel Short Sample Mounting Fixture for Critical Current Measurements (p. 1471)
by Chesny, P
Progress Toward a Pulse-tube/Reverse-Brayton Hybrid Cryocooler (p. 1481)
by Evans, J C
Hybrid Stirling / Reverse Brayton and Multi-stage Brayton Cryocoolers for Space Applications (p. 1489)
by Kirkconnell, C S
CFD Simulation of Oscillating Flow in an Inertance Tube and its Comparison to Other Models (p. 1497)
by Gustafson, S
Development of Single Stage Stirling Cooler for Space Use (p. 1505)
by Narasaki, K
Cooling the GIFTS FPA : Summary and Analysis of Engineering Test Results Performed at SDL Using the Lockheed Martin Two-stage Cryocooler(p. 1513)
by Jensen, Scott M
Low Temperature Engineering Applied to Lunar in-situ Resource Utilization (p. 1523)
by Zhang, Burt X
Initial Test Results of Laboratory Scale Hydrogen Liquefaction and Densification System (p. 1530)
by Baik, J H
Thermal Model for a Mars Instrument with Thermo-electric Cooled Focal Plane (p. 1538)
by Ladner, D R
Evaluation of Pressure Oscillator Losses (p. 1549)
by Bradley, P E
Impedance Measurements of Inertance Tubes (p. 1557)
by Lewis, M A
Thermoacoustically Driven Pulse Tube Coolers with Acoustic Amplifiers (p. 1564)
by Hu, J Y
The Effect of Phase-shifting Mechanisms on the Energy and Exergy Flow in Pulse Tube Refrigerators (p. 1572)
by Razani, A
An Analytical Heat Transfer Model for Reciprocating Laminar Flow in a Channel (p. 1580)
by Grossman, G
Studies in High Frequency Oscillating Compressible Flow for Application in a Micro Regenerative Cryocooler (p. 1588)
by Garaway, I
Commissioning of the LHC Cryogenic System : Subsystems Cold Commissioning in Preparation of Full Sector Tests(p. 1599)
by Serio, L
The Local Helium Compound Transfer Lines for the Large Hadron Collider Cryogenic System (p. 1607)
by Parente, C
Results of the Cryogenic Tests of the Superconducting Magnets forming the Barrel Toroid of the ATLAS Experiment (p. 1628)
by Pengo, R
Cryogenic Tests of the Atlas Liquid Argon Calorimeter (p. 1635)
by Fabre, C
ICARUS : An Innovative Large LAR Detector for Neutrino Physics(p. 1643)
by Vignoli, C
Visualizing Heat Transport in Helium II (p. 1653)
by Van Sciver, S W
Comparison between Normal and HeII Two-phase Flows at High Vapor Velocities (p. 1669)
by Van Weelderen, R
PIV Analysis of Cavitation Flow Characteristics of He II (p. 1677)
by Harada, K
Solid H2/D2 Particle Seeding and Injection System for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Measurement of He II (p. 1685)
by Xu Tong
Performance and Orientation Independence of Two Production Model Desktop Acoustic-Stirling Cryocoolers (p. 1703)
by James, E R
Characterization of a Co-axial Pulse Tube Cryocooler Applied as a Current Lead (p. 1711)
by Maekawa, R
The Development of the CryoTelTM LT and GT (p. 1719)
by Unger, Reuven
Pulse Tube Refrigerators for the Allen Telescope Array (p. 1726)
by Lugten, J B
High Efficient Cryocooler for Liquid Hydrogen System (p. 1732)
by Nakagome, H
Development of a 10 T Cryocooled Superconducting Magnet with a Room Temperature Bore of 360 mm for a 29 T Hybrid Magnet (p. 1743)
by Ito, T
Results of Buoyancy-gravity Effects in ITER Cable-in- Conduit Conductor with Dual Channel (p. 1749)
by Bruzzone, P
Review of Singular Cooling Inlet and Linear Pressure Drop for ITER Coils Cable in Conduit Conductor (p. 1757)
by Nicollet, S
A Critical Assessment of Pressure Drop Design Criteria for the Conductors of the ITER Magnets (p. 1765)
by Zanino, R
Cryogenic Test Apparatus for a Magnetic and Piezoelectric Actuation System (p. 1775)
by Francescutti, P
Cryogenic Actuators and Motors Using Single Crystal Piezoelectrics (p. 1783)
by Jiang, Xiaoning
Advanced Devices for Cryogenic Thermal Management (p. 1790)
by Bugby, D
Cryogenic Thermal Management Advances during the CRYOTOOL Program (p. 1799)
by Bugby, D
Rectified Continuous Flow Loop for the Thermal Management of Large Structures (p. 1809)
by Skye, H M
Development of a Superconducting Magnet System for the ONR/General Atomics Homopolar Motor (p. 1819)
by Schaubel, K M
Experimental Results Obtained with Air Liquide Cold Compression System : CERN LHC and SNS Projects(p. 1829)
by Delcayre, F
Performance Assessment of 35 Cold Hydrodynamic Compressors for the 1.8 K Refrigeration Units of the LHC (p. 1837)
by Millet, F
Development of a New Air Liquide Cryogenic Expander (p. 1845)
by Marot, G
Elimination of Thermal Acoustic Oscillations in Cryogenic Pumps (p. 1852)
by Miller, T J
Installation and Test of a Helium Centrifugal Pump into the TOSKA Facility (p. 1860)
by Zahn, G R
Progress Towards a 6-10 K Turbo-Brayton Cryocooler (p. 1869)
by Zagarola, M V
Development and Testing of a Small-scale Collins Type Cryocooler (p. 1877)
by Hannon, C L
Development of a 3-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler for Cooling at 10K and 75K (p. 1885)
by Olson, J R
Microfabricated Microchanel Regenerators for Cryocoolers (p. 1895)
by Guidry, D J
Multilayer Ceramic Regenerator Materials for 4 K Cooling (p. 1904)
by Numazawa, T
Measurement of Anisotropic Hydrodynamic Parameters of Pulse Tube or Stirling Cryocooler Regenerators (p. 1911)
by Cha, J S
Regenerator Operation at Very High Frequencies for Microcryocoolers (p. 1919)
by Radebaugh, R
The Conduction of Heat through Cryogenic Regenerative Heat Exchangers (p. 1929)
by Superczynski, W F
On-Orbit Performance of the TES Pulse Tube Coolers and Instrument : A First Year in Space(p. 1937)
by Rodríguez, J
HIRDLS Cryocooler Subsystem on-orbit Performance (p. 1945)
by Lock, J
Development of a Large Heat Lift 40-80 K Pulse Tube Cooler for Space Applications (p. 1951)
by Trollier, T
Test Results of an Engineering Model 2-stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler for Cooling at 75 K and 130 K (p. 1959)
by Frank, D
Development of a Coaxial Pulse Tube Cryocooler for 77 K Cooling (p. 1967)
by Olson, J R
Dynamic Characteristics of a Simple Brayton Cryocycle (p. 1987)
by Kutzschbach, A
Helium Refrigerator Design for Pulsed Heat Load in Tokamaks (p. 1995)
by Kündig, A
Dynamic Simulation of a Large Scale Cryogenic Plant (p. 2002)
by Maekawa, R
Commissioning of the Cryogenic System for the ATLAS Superconducting Magnets (p. 2018)
by Delruelle, N
Commissioning of the Helium Refrigerator System for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Detector of LHC (p. 2026)
by Perinic, G
Commissioning of the Helium Refrigeration System for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Detector of LHC (p. 2026)
by Perinic, G
A 2K System for PKU-SCAF (p. 2034)
by Wang, L
Insulation Development For The Next European Dipole
by Canfer, S J

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 Record created 2005-09-25, last modified 2021-07-30