CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 15th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas
Related conference title(s) Radio Frequency Power In Plasmas
Date(s), location 19-21 May 2003, Moran, WY, USA
Editor(s) Forest, Cary B (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2003 - 535 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 694)
ISBN 0735401586
Subject category Other Fields of Physics
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Lower Hybrid Current Drive: An Overview of Simulation Models, Benchmarking with Experiment, and Predictions for Future Devices (p. 24)
by Bonoli, P T
Optimized AT Target Plasma Studies in Alcator C-Mod with I$_{p}$-Ramp and Intense ICRH (p. 162)
by Porkolab, M
Fast Wave Current Drive in JET ITB-Plasmas (p. 197)
by Hellsten, T
Long Distance Coupling of Lower Hybrid Waves in ITER Relevant Edge Conditions in JET Reversed Shear Plasmas (p. 227)
by Ekedahl, A
Profile Control and Plasma Start-up by RF Waves Towards Advanced Tokamak Operation in JT-60U (p. 235)
by Takase, Yuichi
Control and Data Acquisition System for Lower Hybrid Current Drive in Alcator C-Mod (p. 243)
by Basse, N P
Modeling of Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) and Parametric Instability (PI) for high performance Internal Transport Barriers (ITBs) (p. 255)
by Cesario, R
Separate and Combined Lower Hybrid and Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Experiments in Non Inductive Plasma Regimes on Tore Supra (p. 275)
by Imbeaux, F
Real-Time Control of the Current Profile in JET (p. 279)
by Moreau, D
Construction, Calibration and Testing of a Multi-Waveguide Array for the Application of LHCD on Alcator C-MOD (p. 283)
by Wilson, J R

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 Record created 2005-08-06, last modified 2021-07-30