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Report number JINR-P12-2004-210 ; P12-2004-210
Title Production of $^{99}$?? and $^{99m}$Tc in the $^{100}$Mo($\gamma, n$) Photonuclear Reaction at the Electron Accelerator - MT-25 Microtron
Author(s) Sabelnikov, A V ; Molokanova, L G ; Gustova, M V ; Dmitriev, S N
Affiliation (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna)
Publication 2004
Imprint 27 Dec 2004
Number of pages 8
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Abstract $^{99}$Mo was obtained in the $^{100}$Mo($\gamma, n$) reaction at the electron accelerator - MT-25 microtron of the LNR. A foil of $^{\rm nat}$Mo(9.6{\%} $^{100}$Mo) and $^{100}$MoO$_{3}$ powder (100{\%} ^{100}$Mo) were used as targets. The $^{99}$Mo radiation yield under experimental conditions amounted to 3.2 kBq/$\mu $A$\cdot $h$\cdot $mg of $^{100}$Mo. The $^{99m}$Tc isolation from the target material and other radioactive impurities was realized by means of ion exchange. A possibility of use of the $^{99}$Mo/$^{99m}$Tc generator based on molybdenumcarbonyl was investigated. The radioactive impurity content in the final $^{99m}$Tc preparations did not exceed 10$^{-5}$ Bq/Bq.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Запись создана 2005-04-08, последняя модификация 2006-02-01

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