CERN Accelerating science

Title Neutron energy and time-of-flight spectra behind the lateral shield of a high energy electron accelerator beam dump : 2, Monte Carlo simulations
Author(s) Roesler, Stefan ; Liu, J C ; Rokni, Sayed H ; Taniguchi, Shingo
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2003
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 503 (2003) 606-616
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01003-9
Subject category Health Physics and Radiation Effects
Abstract Energy spectra of high-energy neutrons and neutron time-of-flight spectra were calculated for the setup of experiment T-454 performed with a NE213 liquid scintillator at the Final Focus Test Beam (FFTB) facility at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The neutrons were created by the interaction a 28.7 GeV electron beam in the aluminum beam dump of the FFTB which is housed inside a thick steel and concrete shielding. In order to determine the attenuation length of high-energy neutrons additional concrete shielding of various thicknesses was placed outside the existing shielding. The calculations were performed using the FLUKA interaction and transport code. The energy and time-of-flight spectra were recorded for the location of the detector allowing a detailed comparison with the experimental data. A generally good description of the data is achieved adding confidence to the use of FLUKA for the design of shielding for high-energy electron accelerators. (5 refs).

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 Записът е създаден на 2005-01-22, последна промяна на 2016-04-13