CERN Accelerating science

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Internal Note and Preprint
Report number CERN-NUFACT-NOTE-140 ; CARE-Note-2004-030-BENE ; CEA-DAPNIA-2004-188 ; CERN-NEUTRINO-FACTORY-NOTE-140
Title Determination of KEK 150 MeV FFAG parameters from ray-tracing in TOSCA field maps
Author(s) Aiba, M (KEK FFAG, Tsukuba) ; Méot, F (CEA DAPNIA/SACM, Saclay)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Publication 2004
Imprint 25 Oct 2004
Number of pages 12
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract Various optical parameters of the KEK 150 MeV FFAG are determined from ray-tracing in the 3-D TOSCA field maps of the radial sector triplet that constitutes a lattice cell. Two numerical integration methods are compared.
Submitted by [email protected]


 Записът е създаден на 2004-11-23, последна промяна на 2024-11-15

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