CERN Accelerating science

Internal Note
Report number CERN-ALEPH-86-041 ; CERN-ALEPH-TPCGEN-86-008
Title Gating in the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber
Author(s) Amendolia, S R ; Binder, M ; Blum, W ; Bykhovsky, M ; Caldwell, A ; Cherney, M ; Cowen, D ; De Mille, D P ; Farilla, A ; Fidecaro, F ; Gu, S ; Guo, Y ; Izen, J ; Jared, R ; Kilgore, W ; Lehraus, Ivan ; Love, J ; Maas, P ; Marrocchesi, P S ; Matthewson, R ; May, J ; Mermikides, Michael E ; Milotti, E ; Minten, Adolf G ; Müller, D ; Price, M ; Richstein, J ; Richter, R ; Rolandi, Luigi ; Sanguinetti, G ; Schlatter, W D ; Settles, R ; Sinnis, C ; Stefanini, G ; Stierlin, U ; Takashima, M ; Tejessy, W ; Thomas, J ; Vayaki, A ; Wear, J ; Wicklund, E ; Witzeling, W ; Wu, S ; Wu, W
Submitted by 02 Apr 1986
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; ALEPH

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