CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 26th International Free Electron Laser Conference and 11th FEL User Workshop 2004
Related conference title(s) 11th FEL User Workshop 2004
26th International Free Electron Laser Conference
Date(s), location 29 Aug - 3 Sep 2004, Trieste, Italy
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Imprint 2004

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C04-08-29.3
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Advances in the Physical Understanding of Laser Surgery at 6.45 microns (e-proc. FRAIS01)
by Hutson, M S
Picked FEL Micro Pulse for Nano-Second Interaction with Bio-Molecule (e-proc. FRAOS03)
by Suzuki, Sachiko
Coherent Protein Dynamics Explored at FELIX (e-proc. FRAOS04)
by Austin, Robert
The European X-ray Free Electron Laser Project at DESY (e-proc. FRBIS01)
by Schwarz, Andreas
Overview of Terahertz Radiation Sources (e-proc. FRBIS02)
by Gallerano, G P
R&D Experiments at BNL to Address the Associated Issues in the Cascading HGHG Scheme (e-proc. MOAIS03)
by Yu Li Hua
First Lasing at the ELBE mid-IR FEL (e-proc. MOAIS04)
by Michel, Peter
Overview of Single Pass FEL Designs Technical Suggestions for Stability Improvement (e-proc. MOBIS01)
by Shintake, Tsumoru
Scheme for Generation of Single 100 GW 300-as Pulse in the X-ray SASE FEL with the Use of a Few Cycles Optical Pulse from Ti : sapphire Laser System(e-proc. MOBOS02)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
An Experimental Study of the Beam-Steering Effect on the FEL Gain at LEUTL's Segmented Undulators (e-proc. MOBOS03)
by Chae, Yong Chul
Backward Wave Excitation and Generation of Oscillations in Distributed Gain Media and Free-Electron Lasers in the Absence of Feedback (e-proc. MOCOS03)
by Pinhasi, Yosef
CSRtrack : Faster Calculation of 3-D CSR Effects(e-proc. MOCOS05)
by Dohlus, Martin
Start-To-End Injector and Linac Tolerance Studies for the BESSY FEL (e-proc. MOPOS03)
by Abo-Bakr, Michael
A Multistage HGHG-Scheme for the BESSY Soft X-ray FEL Multiuser Facility (e-proc. MOPOS04)
by Krämer, Dietrich
Impact Studies of bunch parameter variations on the performance of the BESSY HGHG FEL (e-proc. MOPOS05)
by Kuske, Bettina
The Influence of the Seed Pulse Shape on the Output Performance of the BESSY Multi-stage HGHG-FEL (e-proc. MOPOS06)
by Meseck, Atoosa
Velocity Bunching Simulation for the DESY VUV FEL (e-proc. MOPOS07)
by Carneiro, Jean Paul
A 3D Self-Consistent, Analytical Model for Longitudinal Plasma Oscillation in a Relativistic Electron Beam (e-proc. MOPOS08)
by Geloni, G
Benchmark of ASTRA with Analytical Solution for the Longitudinal Plasma Oscillation Problem (e-proc. MOPOS09)
by Geloni, Gianluca
The Potential for the Development of the X-ray Free Electron Laser : Generation of SASE Radiation(e-proc. MOPOS10)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
Attosecond X-ray Source for Light-Triggered Time-Resolved Experiments Associated with the X-ray SASE FEL (e-proc. MOPOS11)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
The Potential for the Development of the X-ray Free Electron Laser : Multi-User Photon Distribution System for XFEL Laboratory(e-proc. MOPOS12)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
Sub-Terawatt Mode of Operation of X-ray SASE FEL (e-proc. MOPOS14)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
Design Formulas for VUV and X-Ray FELs (e-proc. MOPOS15)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
The potential for extending the spectral range accessible to the european X-ray free electron laser in the direction of longer wavelengths (e-proc. MOPOS17)
by Saldin, E L
Start-To-End Simulations for PAL XFEL Project (e-proc. MOPOS18)
by Kim, Yujong
Seeding High Gain Harmonic Generation with Laser Harmonics produced in Gases (e-proc. MOPOS21)
by Lambert, Guillaume
Off-Axis Orbits in Realistic Helical Wigglers : Fixed Points and Time Averaged Dynamical Variables(e-proc. MOPOS22)
by ThomasDonohue, John
Analytic Electron Trajectories in an Extremely Relativistic Helical Wiggler : an Application to the Proposed SLAC E166 Experiment.(e-proc. MOPOS23)
by ThomasDonohue, John
Electron beam simulations for the FERMI project at ELETTRA (e-proc. MOPOS25)
by Di Mitri, S
Harmonic Generation and Linewidth Narrowing in Seeded FELs (e-proc. MOPOS26)
by Giannessi, Luca
Status Report on SPARC Project (e-proc. MOPOS27)
by Renieri, Alberto
Analytical Solution of Phase Space Evolution of Electrons in a SASE FEL (e-proc. MOPOS29)
by Nishimori, Nobuyuki
Analysis of Intensity Fluctuations of SASE using the AR Model (e-proc. MOPOS30)
by Kato, Ryukou
Behaviour of Electron Beam in Combined a Self-Generated Field and a Reversed Guide Field in the Helical Wiggler (e-proc. MOPOS32)
by Nam, S K
Evolution of Electron Beam in the Tapered Planar Wiggler (e-proc. MOPOS33)
by Nam, S K
Linac Lattice and Beam Dynamics for X-ray FEL at PAL (e-proc. MOPOS34)
by Kim, E S
Design Study on 0.3-nm PAL-XFEL (e-proc. MOPOS36)
by Oh, Jong Seok
Design Study of Low-Emittance Injector for SASE-XFEL at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (e-proc. MOPOS37)
by Park, Sungju J
Optimization of a Soft X-Ray SASE-FEL Parameters at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (e-proc. MOPOS38)
by Yoon, Moohyun
The Effect of Liner Induced Phase Fluctuations on the Gain of a Cerenkov FEL (e-proc. MOPOS39)
by De la Fuente, Isabel
Simulation Investigation of the Detuning Curve (e-proc. MOPOS40)
by Shu, Xiaojian
Harmonic Amplifier Free Electron Laser (e-proc. MOPOS41)
by Jia, Qika
Parameter Analysis For A High-Gain Harmonic Generation FEL By Numerical Calculation Based On 1D Theory (e-proc. MOPOS42)
by Li, Yuhui
Simulating FEM Amplifiers : Features in Various Regimes(e-proc. MOPOS47)
by Elzhov, Artem V
Improving Selectivity of 1D Bragg Resonator Using Coupling of Propagating and Trapped Waves (e-proc. MOPOS49)
by Ginzburg, N S
Design considerations for the coherent radiator, FEL, in the MAX IV proposal (e-proc. MOPOS51)
by Werin, Sverker
Analytic Model of Harmonic Generation in the Low-Gain FEL Regime (e-proc. MOPOS57)
by Penn, Gregory
Coherent Radiation Effects in the LCLS Undulator (e-proc. MOPOS59)
by Reiche, Sven
Spontaneous Radiation Background Calculation for LCLS (e-proc. MOPOS60)
by Reiche, Sven
Generation of GW-level, sub-Angstrom radiation in the LCLS using a second-harmonic radiator (e-proc. MOPOS63)
by Huang, Z
Emittance and Quantum Efficiency Measurements from a 1.6 cell S-band Photocathode RF Gun with Mg Cathode (e-proc. MOPOS64)
by Schmerge, John F
Short Rayleigh Length Free Electron Laser Simulations in Expanding Coordinates (e-proc. MOPOS65)
by Armstead, Robert L
Optical Mode Distortion in a Short Rayleigh Length Free Electron Laser (e-proc. MOPOS66)
by Blau, Joseph
The Upgrade of the DUV-FEL Facility at the BNL (e-proc. MOPOS67)
by Wang, Xijie
Wiggler Effects on the Growth Rate of a Raman Free-electron Laser with Axial Magnetic Field or Ion-Channel Guiding (e-proc. MOPOS69)
by Maraghechi, Behrouz
Recent Results and Perspectives of the Low Emittance Photo Injector at PITZ (e-proc. THBOC02)
by Stephan, Frank
Emittance Measurement on the CeB6 Electron Gun for the SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (e-proc. THBOC03)
by Togawa, Kazuaki
Ampere Average Current Photoinjector and Energy Recovery Linac (e-proc. THBOC04)
by Ben-Zvi, Ilan
Status of the 3 1/2 Cell Rossendorf Superconducting RF Gun (e-proc. THBOC05)
by Janssen, Dietmar
Preparation Femtosecond Laser Prevention for the Cold-Worked Stress Corrosion Crackings on Reactor Grade Low Carbon Stainless Steel (e-proc. THBOS02)
by John Minehara, Eisuke
THz Imaging by a Wide-band Compact FEL (e-proc. THBOS03)
by Uk Jeong Young
The Present Applications of IR FEL at Peking University (e-proc. THBOS04)
by Yang Li Min
Proposals for Pump-Probe Experiments in the Gas Phase using the TTF2-FEL (e-proc. THCIS01)
by Meyer, Michael
Interaction of Intense Ultrashort XUV Pulses with Different Solids – Results from the Tesla Test Facility FEL Phase I (e-proc. THCOS02)
by Krzywinski, Jacek
Low Emittance Gun Project based on Field Emission (e-proc. THPOS01)
by Ganter, Romain
Field Emitter Arrays for a Free Electron Laser Application (e-proc. THPOS02)
by Shing-Bruce-Li, Kevin
Undulators for the BESSY Soft-X-Ray FEL (e-proc. THPOS03)
by Bahrdt, Johannes
Characterization of Laser-Electron Interaction at the BESSY Femtoslicing Facility (e-proc. THPOS04)
by Khan, Shaukat
Exploring the Spatial Resolution of the Photothermal Beam Deflection Technique in the Infrared Region (e-proc. THPOS05)
by Seidel, Wolfgang
Measurement and Calculation of the 'Electron Efficiency' on the CLIO’ Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. THPOS06)
by Prazeres, Rui
Experiments on the Synchronization of an Ultrafast Cr : LiSAF Laser with the ELETTRA Storage Ring and FEL Pulses(e-proc. THPOS08)
by Ferianis, Mario
Electron-Beam Stabilization for the European Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser at Elettra (e-proc. THPOS09)
by Trovò, Mauro
Proposal of Laser-Driven Acceleration with Bessel Beam (e-proc. THPOS13)
by Li, Dazhi
Laser Compton Scattering Gamma Ray Induced Photo-Trasmutation (e-proc. THPOS14)
by Li, Dazhi
Tunability and Power Characteristics of the LEBRA Infrared FEL (e-proc. THPOS15)
by Tanaka, Toshinari
Amplification of Short-Pulse Radiation from the Electron Undergoing Half-Cyclotron Rotation (e-proc. THPOS16)
by Asakawa, Makoto R
Status of Institute of Free Electron Laser, Osaka university (e-proc. THPOS17)
by Horiike, Hiroshi
Development of a Pump-Probe System using a Non-Coated ZnSe Beam Splitter Cube for an MIR-FEL (e-proc. THPOS18)
by Heya, Manabu
Medical Application of Free Electron Laser Trasmittance using Hollow Optical Fiber (e-proc. THPOS19)
by Suzuki, Sachiko
Recent Results of the JAERI Energy-Recovery Linac FEL (e-proc. THPOS21)
by Hajima, Ryoichi
Misalingment Tolerance of a Hole-Coupling Optical Resonator for JAERI ERL-FEL (e-proc. THPOS22)
by Nagai, Ryoji
JAERI 200 kV Electron Gun with an NEA-GaAs Photocathode (e-proc. THPOS23)
by Nishitani, Tomohiro
Modification of Hydroxyapatite Crystal Using IR Laser (e-proc. THPOS25)
by Satoh, Saburoh
Vibrational Excitation of Ammonia Molecules by FEL-SUT (e-proc. THPOS26)
by Ogi, Yoshihiro
Optimization of the NIJI-IV FEL System for the Coherent Harmonic Generation in a Q-switched Regime (e-proc. THPOS27)
by Ogawa, Hiroshi
Performance of the Optical Klystron ETLOK-III for Developing Infrared Storage Ring Free Electron Lasers (e-proc. THPOS28)
by Sei, Norihiro
Improved Performance of the NIJI-IV Compact VUV/IR FEL and its Application to the Surface Observation (e-proc. THPOS29)
by Yamada, Kawakatsu
Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy with Infrared FEL (e-proc. THPOS30)
by Yasumoto, Masato
A mm-Wave, Table Top Cerenkov Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. THPOS33)
by De la Fuente, Isabel
Reasearches of Thomson Scattering X-Ray Source at Tsinghua University (e-proc. THPOS35)
by Huang, Wenhui
Preliminary Design of a Synchronized Narrow Bandwidth FEL for Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. THPOS36)
by Keung Lau Wai
Status Of 30 Ghz Facility For Experimental Investigation Of The Copper Cavity Lifetime (clic Collider Project) (e-proc. THPOS37)
by Elzhov, A V
Isochronous Bend for a High Gain Ring FEL (e-proc. THPOS45)
by Nikolaevich, A M
Numerical Modeling of the Novosibirsk Terahertz FEL and Comparison with Experimental Results (e-proc. THPOS46)
by Alexandrovich, O S
Start-To-End Simulations of the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype FEL (e-proc. THPOS47)
by Gerth, Christopher
The Two-Beam Free Electron Laser Oscillator (e-proc. THPOS48)
by Thompson, Neil R
Harmonic Cascade FEL Designs for LUX, a Facilty for Ultrafast X-ray Science (e-proc. THPOS51)
by John, Corlett
Novel Method for Phase-Space Tomography of Rapidly Evolving E-beams (e-proc. THPOS53)
by Chalut, Kevin
Characterization of Storage Ring FEL operating in the Giant Pulse Mode (e-proc. THPOS54)
by Pinayev, Igor V
VISA IB : Ultra-High Bandwidth, High Gain SASE FEL(e-proc. THPOS56)
by Andonian, Gerard
Acceleration of Electrons in a Diffraction Dominated IFEL (e-proc. THPOS57)
by Musumeci, Pietro
Free Electron Lasers in 2004 (e-proc. THPOS58)
by Colson, William B
Stability of a Short Rayleigh Range Laser Resonator with Misaligned or Distorted Mirrors (e-proc. THPOS59)
by Crooker, Peter P
Gain and Coherent Radiation from a Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. THPOS60)
by Brau, Charles A
Preliminary Measurements of the High-Gain FEL Radiation Properties along the Radiator (e-proc. THPOS62)
by Shaftan, Timur
A Novel Diagnostics of Ultrashort Electron Bunches Based on Detection of Coherent Radiation from Bunched Electron Beam in an Undulator (e-proc. THPOS65)
by Saldin, Evgeny L
Expected properties of the radiation from VUV-FEL at DESY : femtosecond mode of operation(e-proc. THPOS66)
by Saldin, E L
Large-Scale Timing Distribution and RF-Synchronization for FEL Facilities (e-proc. TUAOS03)
by Kim, Jung Won
High Temporal Resolution, Single-shot Electron Bunch-length Measurements (e-proc. TUAOS04)
by Berden, Giel
Attosecond x-ray pulses in the LCLS using the slotted foil method (e-proc. TUBIS01)
by Emma, P
Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in the JLAB IR FEL SRF Linac (e-proc. TUBOS02)
by Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos
High Average Power Operation of a Scraper-Outcoupled Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. TUBOS03)
by Shinn, Michelle D
LCLS Undulator Design Development (e-proc. TUBOS04)
by Vasserman, Isaac
Commissioning of the TTF Linac Injector at the DESY VUV-FEL (e-proc. TUBOS05)
by Honkavaara, Katja
Status of the Novosibirsk Terahertz FEL (e-proc. TUCOS01)
by Aleksandrovich, V N
High Power Lasing in the IR Upgrade FEL at Jefferson Lab (e-proc. TUCOS02)
by Benson, S V
VUV Optics Development for the Elettra Storage Ring FEL (e-proc. TUCOS03)
by Guenster, Stefan
Coherent Harmonic Generation using the ELETTRA Storage Ring Optical Klystron (e-proc. TUCOS04)
by De Ninno, G
Short Rayleigh Length Free Electron Lasers (e-proc. TUCOS05)
by Crooker, P P
Industrial Production of Superconducting 1.3 GHz Accelerator Modules and components for FEL application (e-proc. TUPOS01)
by Pekeler, Michael
Collimation System for the BESSY FEL (e-proc. TUPOS02)
by Kamps, Thorsten
High Power RF Conditioning and Measurement of Longitudinal Emittance at PITZ (e-proc. TUPOS03)
by Bähr, Jürgen
An Electromagnetic Undulator for the Far Infrared at ELBE (e-proc. TUPOS04)
by Dekorsy, Thomas
Bunch Length Measurements at the SLS Linac Using Electro Optical Sampling (e-proc. TUPOS06)
by Steffen, Bernd
Longitudinal Bunch Shape Diagnostics with Coherent Radiation and a Transverse Deflecting Cavity at TTF2 (e-proc. TUPOS07)
by Grimm, Oliver
Transverse Emittance Measurements at the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen (PITZ) (e-proc. TUPOS09)
by Miltchev, V
The Short-Range Wakefields in the BTW Accelerating Structure of the Elettra Linac (e-proc. TUPOS10)
by Craievich, Paolo
The SPARX Project : R&D Activity towards X-rays FEL Sources(e-proc. TUPOS11)
by Alesini, David
Spectral Analysys of Charge Emission Spatial Inhomogeneities and Emittance Dilution in RF Guns (e-proc. TUPOS12)
by Quattromini, Marcello
On-Line Spectral Monitoring of the VUV FEL Beam at DESY (e-proc. TUPOS13)
by Nicolosi, Piergiorgio
ABCD Matrix Method : a Case Study(e-proc. TUPOS14)
by Seidov, Zakir F
Spot-to-Beam Procedure (e-proc. TUPOS15)
by Seidov, Zakir F
Guiding Optics System for LEBRA FEL User Facility (e-proc. TUPOS17)
by Tanaka, Toshinari
Upgrade of a Photocathode RF Gun at SPring-8 (e-proc. TUPOS18)
by Taniuchi, Tsutomu
FEL Simulation Code for Undulator Performance Estimation (e-proc. TUPOS19)
by Tanaka, Takashi
Electron Beam Simulations on the SCSS Accelerator (e-proc. TUPOS20)
by Hara, Toru
Reducing Back-Bombardment Effect Using Thermionic Cathode in IAE RF Gun (e-proc. TUPOS21)
by Kii, Toshiteru
Renewal of KU-FEL Facility (e-proc. TUPOS22)
by Kii, Toshiteru
Beam Property Measurements on the KU-FEL Linac (e-proc. TUPOS23)
by Masuda, Kai
Upgrade Design of KU-FEL Driver Linac Using Photo-Cathode RF-GUN (e-proc. TUPOS24)
by Ohgaki, Hideaki
First Model of the Edge-Focusing Wiggler for SASE (e-proc. TUPOS25)
by Kashiwagi, Shigeru
Upgrade of the L-Band Linac at ISIR, Osaka University for a Far-Infrared FEL (e-proc. TUPOS26)
by Kato, Ryukou
Development of Compact Soft X-ray Source Based on Laser Undulator (e-proc. TUPOS27)
by Kuroda, Ryunosuke
Repetitive Bunches from RF-Photo Gun Radiate Coherently (e-proc. TUPOS29)
by Van der Geer, C A J
Research on the Undulator Used for PKU-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS32)
by Lu, Huihua
Study on the Planar Undulator Scheme with Focusing Properties for PKU-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS33)
by Ding, Yuantao
Beam Loading Tests on DC-SC Photoinjector at Peking University (e-proc. TUPOS34)
by Huang, Senlin
The Drive Laser System for DC-SC Injector (e-proc. TUPOS35)
by Lu Xiang Yang
Simplified Method for Experimental Spectral Ratio Calculation of CHG-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS36)
by Chen Nian
Multi-Objective Optimization for Pure Permanent-Magnet Undulator Magnets Ordering Using Modified Simulated Annealing (e-proc. TUPOS37)
by Chen Nian
Design of Undulator for the Shanghai DUV-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS38)
by Jia, Qika
Study of Control Grid Thermionic Cathode RF Gun (e-proc. TUPOS39)
by Xiao, Jin
Superconducting Undulator with Variably Polarized Light (e-proc. TUPOS40)
by Hwang, Ching Shiang
Commissioning of Strong Tapered Undulator Developed for IFEL Accelerator (e-proc. TUPOS43)
by Tolmachev, Sergey
FEL and Libera both Push Performance into New Frontiers (e-proc. TUPOS45)
by Ursic, Rok
Optical Systems for the Fourth Generation Light Source, 4GLS (e-proc. TUPOS47)
by Quinn, Frances
A Concept for z-Dependent Microbunching Measurements with Coherent X-ray Transition Radiation in a SASE FEL (e-proc. TUPOS48)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
First Direct Comparisons of a COTRI Analytical Model to Data from a SASE FEL at 540, 265, and 157 nm (e-proc. TUPOS49)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
Use of VUV Imaging to Evaluate COTR and Beam-Steering Effects in a SASE FEL at 130 nm (e-proc. TUPOS50)
by Lumpkin, Alex H
Test of Horizontal Magnetic Field Measurements in the Presence of a Strong Vertical Field (e-proc. TUPOS51)
by Vasserman, Isaac
Development and Measurement of Strain Free RF Photoinjector Vacuum Windows (e-proc. TUPOS52)
by Biedron, Sandra G
Comparison of Parmela and MAFIA Simulations of Beam Dynamics in High Current Photoinjector (e-proc. TUPOS54)
by Kurennoy, Sergey S
RF Design for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Injector (e-proc. TUPOS56)
by Dowell, D H
Optimal RF Systems for Lightly Loaded Superconducting Structures (e-proc. TUPOS57)
by Zwart, Townsend
Electron Beam Diagnostics Using Diffraction Radiation (e-proc. TUPOS58)
by Feng, Bibo
Simulations of the Newark FIR FEL Operation (e-proc. TUPOS59)
by Zheng, Jianjun
Making an Inexpensive Electromagnetic Wiggler Using Sheet Materials for the Coils (e-proc. TUPOS60)
by Herman-Biallas, George
Performance and Modeling of the JLab IR FEL Upgrade Injector (e-proc. TUPOS61)
by Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos
Short Electron Beam Bunch Characterization Through Measurement of Terahertz Radiation (e-proc. TUPOS62)
by Zhang, Shukui
RF Sources for 3rd & 4th Generation Light Sources (e-proc. TUPOS63)
by Lenci, Stephan
High Current Energy Recovery Linac at BNL (e-proc. TUPOS64)
by Litvinenko, Vladimir N
Thermal and Field Enhanced Photoemission : Comparison of Theory to Experiment(e-proc. TUPOS65)
by Lynn-Jensen, Kevin
A Mode Locked UV-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS67)
by Parvin, Parviz
Experimental Demostration of Wavelength Tuning in High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free Electron Laser (e-proc. WEAIS01)
by Shaftan, Timur
Spectral Phase Modulation and chirped pulse amplification in High Gain Harmonic Generation (e-proc. WEAOS02)
by Wu, Zilu
Study of Coherence Limits and Chirp Control in Long Pulse FEL Oscillator (e-proc. WEAOS04)
by Gover, Avraham
Current-enhanced SASE using an optical laser and its application to the LCLS (e-proc. WEBOS01)
by Zholents, A A
Generation of Terahertz Radiation by Modulating the Electron Beam at the Cathode (e-proc. WEBOS02)
by Neumann, Jonathan
Suppression of Multipass, Multibunch Beam Breakup in Two Pass Recirculating Accelerators (e-proc. WEBOS03)
by Tennant, Chris
Potential Use of eRHIC’s ERL for FELs and Light Sources (e-proc. WEBOS04)
by Litvinenko, Vladimir N
The Harmonically Coupled 2-Beam FEL (e-proc. WEBOS05)
by McNeil, Brian W J

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