Advances in the Physical Understanding of Laser Surgery at 6.45 microns (e-proc. FRAIS01) |
by Hutson, M S |
Picked FEL Micro Pulse for Nano-Second Interaction with Bio-Molecule (e-proc. FRAOS03) |
by Suzuki, Sachiko |
Coherent Protein Dynamics Explored at FELIX (e-proc. FRAOS04) |
by Austin, Robert |
The European X-ray Free Electron Laser Project at DESY (e-proc. FRBIS01) |
by Schwarz, Andreas |
Overview of Terahertz Radiation Sources (e-proc. FRBIS02) |
by Gallerano, G P |
R&D Experiments at BNL to Address the Associated Issues in the Cascading HGHG Scheme (e-proc. MOAIS03) |
by Yu Li Hua |
First Lasing at the ELBE mid-IR FEL (e-proc. MOAIS04) |
by Michel, Peter |
Overview of Single Pass FEL Designs Technical Suggestions for Stability Improvement (e-proc. MOBIS01) |
by Shintake, Tsumoru |
Scheme for Generation of Single 100 GW 300-as Pulse in the X-ray SASE FEL with the Use of a Few Cycles Optical Pulse from Ti : sapphire Laser System(e-proc. MOBOS02) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
An Experimental Study of the Beam-Steering Effect on the FEL Gain at LEUTL's Segmented Undulators (e-proc. MOBOS03) |
by Chae, Yong Chul |
Backward Wave Excitation and Generation of Oscillations in Distributed Gain Media and Free-Electron Lasers in the Absence of Feedback (e-proc. MOCOS03) |
by Pinhasi, Yosef |
CSRtrack : Faster Calculation of 3-D CSR Effects(e-proc. MOCOS05) |
by Dohlus, Martin |
Start-To-End Injector and Linac Tolerance Studies for the BESSY FEL (e-proc. MOPOS03) |
by Abo-Bakr, Michael |
A Multistage HGHG-Scheme for the BESSY Soft X-ray FEL Multiuser Facility (e-proc. MOPOS04) |
by Krämer, Dietrich |
Impact Studies of bunch parameter variations on the performance of the BESSY HGHG FEL (e-proc. MOPOS05) |
by Kuske, Bettina |
The Influence of the Seed Pulse Shape on the Output Performance of the BESSY Multi-stage HGHG-FEL (e-proc. MOPOS06) |
by Meseck, Atoosa |
Velocity Bunching Simulation for the DESY VUV FEL (e-proc. MOPOS07) |
by Carneiro, Jean Paul |
A 3D Self-Consistent, Analytical Model for Longitudinal Plasma Oscillation in a Relativistic Electron Beam (e-proc. MOPOS08) |
by Geloni, G |
Benchmark of ASTRA with Analytical Solution for the Longitudinal Plasma Oscillation Problem (e-proc. MOPOS09) |
by Geloni, Gianluca |
The Potential for the Development of the X-ray Free Electron Laser : Generation of SASE Radiation(e-proc. MOPOS10) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
Attosecond X-ray Source for Light-Triggered Time-Resolved Experiments Associated with the X-ray SASE FEL (e-proc. MOPOS11) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
The Potential for the Development of the X-ray Free Electron Laser : Multi-User Photon Distribution System for XFEL Laboratory(e-proc. MOPOS12) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
Sub-Terawatt Mode of Operation of X-ray SASE FEL (e-proc. MOPOS14) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
Design Formulas for VUV and X-Ray FELs (e-proc. MOPOS15) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
The potential for extending the spectral range accessible to the european X-ray free electron laser in the direction of longer wavelengths (e-proc. MOPOS17) |
by Saldin, E L |
Start-To-End Simulations for PAL XFEL Project (e-proc. MOPOS18) |
by Kim, Yujong |
Seeding High Gain Harmonic Generation with Laser Harmonics produced in Gases (e-proc. MOPOS21) |
by Lambert, Guillaume |
Off-Axis Orbits in Realistic Helical Wigglers : Fixed Points and Time Averaged Dynamical Variables(e-proc. MOPOS22) |
by ThomasDonohue, John |
Analytic Electron Trajectories in an Extremely Relativistic Helical Wiggler : an Application to the Proposed SLAC E166 Experiment.(e-proc. MOPOS23) |
by ThomasDonohue, John |
Electron beam simulations for the FERMI project at ELETTRA (e-proc. MOPOS25) |
by Di Mitri, S |
Harmonic Generation and Linewidth Narrowing in Seeded FELs (e-proc. MOPOS26) |
by Giannessi, Luca |
Status Report on SPARC Project (e-proc. MOPOS27) |
by Renieri, Alberto |
Analytical Solution of Phase Space Evolution of Electrons in a SASE FEL (e-proc. MOPOS29) |
by Nishimori, Nobuyuki |
Analysis of Intensity Fluctuations of SASE using the AR Model (e-proc. MOPOS30) |
by Kato, Ryukou |
Behaviour of Electron Beam in Combined a Self-Generated Field and a Reversed Guide Field in the Helical Wiggler (e-proc. MOPOS32) |
by Nam, S K |
Evolution of Electron Beam in the Tapered Planar Wiggler (e-proc. MOPOS33) |
by Nam, S K |
Linac Lattice and Beam Dynamics for X-ray FEL at PAL (e-proc. MOPOS34) |
by Kim, E S |
Design Study on 0.3-nm PAL-XFEL (e-proc. MOPOS36) |
by Oh, Jong Seok |
Design Study of Low-Emittance Injector for SASE-XFEL at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (e-proc. MOPOS37) |
by Park, Sungju J |
Optimization of a Soft X-Ray SASE-FEL Parameters at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (e-proc. MOPOS38) |
by Yoon, Moohyun |
The Effect of Liner Induced Phase Fluctuations on the Gain of a Cerenkov FEL (e-proc. MOPOS39) |
by De la Fuente, Isabel |
Simulation Investigation of the Detuning Curve (e-proc. MOPOS40) |
by Shu, Xiaojian |
Harmonic Amplifier Free Electron Laser (e-proc. MOPOS41) |
by Jia, Qika |
Parameter Analysis For A High-Gain Harmonic Generation FEL By Numerical Calculation Based On 1D Theory (e-proc. MOPOS42) |
by Li, Yuhui |
Simulating FEM Amplifiers : Features in Various Regimes(e-proc. MOPOS47) |
by Elzhov, Artem V |
Improving Selectivity of 1D Bragg Resonator Using Coupling of Propagating and Trapped Waves (e-proc. MOPOS49) |
by Ginzburg, N S |
Design considerations for the coherent radiator, FEL, in the MAX IV proposal (e-proc. MOPOS51) |
by Werin, Sverker |
Analytic Model of Harmonic Generation in the Low-Gain FEL Regime (e-proc. MOPOS57) |
by Penn, Gregory |
Coherent Radiation Effects in the LCLS Undulator (e-proc. MOPOS59) |
by Reiche, Sven |
Spontaneous Radiation Background Calculation for LCLS (e-proc. MOPOS60) |
by Reiche, Sven |
Generation of GW-level, sub-Angstrom radiation in the LCLS using a second-harmonic radiator (e-proc. MOPOS63) |
by Huang, Z |
Emittance and Quantum Efficiency Measurements from a 1.6 cell S-band Photocathode RF Gun with Mg Cathode (e-proc. MOPOS64) |
by Schmerge, John F |
Short Rayleigh Length Free Electron Laser Simulations in Expanding Coordinates (e-proc. MOPOS65) |
by Armstead, Robert L |
Optical Mode Distortion in a Short Rayleigh Length Free Electron Laser (e-proc. MOPOS66) |
by Blau, Joseph |
The Upgrade of the DUV-FEL Facility at the BNL (e-proc. MOPOS67) |
by Wang, Xijie |
Wiggler Effects on the Growth Rate of a Raman Free-electron Laser with Axial Magnetic Field or Ion-Channel Guiding (e-proc. MOPOS69) |
by Maraghechi, Behrouz |
Recent Results and Perspectives of the Low Emittance Photo Injector at PITZ (e-proc. THBOC02) |
by Stephan, Frank |
Emittance Measurement on the CeB6 Electron Gun for the SPring-8 Compact SASE Source (e-proc. THBOC03) |
by Togawa, Kazuaki |
Ampere Average Current Photoinjector and Energy Recovery Linac (e-proc. THBOC04) |
by Ben-Zvi, Ilan |
Status of the 3 1/2 Cell Rossendorf Superconducting RF Gun (e-proc. THBOC05) |
by Janssen, Dietmar |
Preparation Femtosecond Laser Prevention for the Cold-Worked Stress Corrosion Crackings on Reactor Grade Low Carbon Stainless Steel (e-proc. THBOS02) |
by John Minehara, Eisuke |
THz Imaging by a Wide-band Compact FEL (e-proc. THBOS03) |
by Uk Jeong Young |
The Present Applications of IR FEL at Peking University (e-proc. THBOS04) |
by Yang Li Min |
Proposals for Pump-Probe Experiments in the Gas Phase using the TTF2-FEL (e-proc. THCIS01) |
by Meyer, Michael |
Interaction of Intense Ultrashort XUV Pulses with Different Solids Results from the Tesla Test Facility FEL Phase I (e-proc. THCOS02) |
by Krzywinski, Jacek |
Low Emittance Gun Project based on Field Emission (e-proc. THPOS01) |
by Ganter, Romain |
Field Emitter Arrays for a Free Electron Laser Application (e-proc. THPOS02) |
by Shing-Bruce-Li, Kevin |
Undulators for the BESSY Soft-X-Ray FEL (e-proc. THPOS03) |
by Bahrdt, Johannes |
Characterization of Laser-Electron Interaction at the BESSY Femtoslicing Facility (e-proc. THPOS04) |
by Khan, Shaukat |
Exploring the Spatial Resolution of the Photothermal Beam Deflection Technique in the Infrared Region (e-proc. THPOS05) |
by Seidel, Wolfgang |
Measurement and Calculation of the 'Electron Efficiency' on the CLIO Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. THPOS06) |
by Prazeres, Rui |
Experiments on the Synchronization of an Ultrafast Cr : LiSAF Laser with the ELETTRA Storage Ring and FEL Pulses(e-proc. THPOS08) |
by Ferianis, Mario |
Electron-Beam Stabilization for the European Storage-Ring Free-Electron Laser at Elettra (e-proc. THPOS09) |
by Trovò, Mauro |
Proposal of Laser-Driven Acceleration with Bessel Beam (e-proc. THPOS13) |
by Li, Dazhi |
Laser Compton Scattering Gamma Ray Induced Photo-Trasmutation (e-proc. THPOS14) |
by Li, Dazhi |
Tunability and Power Characteristics of the LEBRA Infrared FEL (e-proc. THPOS15) |
by Tanaka, Toshinari |
Amplification of Short-Pulse Radiation from the Electron Undergoing Half-Cyclotron Rotation (e-proc. THPOS16) |
by Asakawa, Makoto R |
Status of Institute of Free Electron Laser, Osaka university (e-proc. THPOS17) |
by Horiike, Hiroshi |
Development of a Pump-Probe System using a Non-Coated ZnSe Beam Splitter Cube for an MIR-FEL (e-proc. THPOS18) |
by Heya, Manabu |
Medical Application of Free Electron Laser Trasmittance using Hollow Optical Fiber (e-proc. THPOS19) |
by Suzuki, Sachiko |
Recent Results of the JAERI Energy-Recovery Linac FEL (e-proc. THPOS21) |
by Hajima, Ryoichi |
Misalingment Tolerance of a Hole-Coupling Optical Resonator for JAERI ERL-FEL (e-proc. THPOS22) |
by Nagai, Ryoji |
JAERI 200 kV Electron Gun with an NEA-GaAs Photocathode (e-proc. THPOS23) |
by Nishitani, Tomohiro |
Modification of Hydroxyapatite Crystal Using IR Laser (e-proc. THPOS25) |
by Satoh, Saburoh |
Vibrational Excitation of Ammonia Molecules by FEL-SUT (e-proc. THPOS26) |
by Ogi, Yoshihiro |
Optimization of the NIJI-IV FEL System for the Coherent Harmonic Generation in a Q-switched Regime (e-proc. THPOS27) |
by Ogawa, Hiroshi |
Performance of the Optical Klystron ETLOK-III for Developing Infrared Storage Ring Free Electron Lasers (e-proc. THPOS28) |
by Sei, Norihiro |
Improved Performance of the NIJI-IV Compact VUV/IR FEL and its Application to the Surface Observation (e-proc. THPOS29) |
by Yamada, Kawakatsu |
Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy with Infrared FEL (e-proc. THPOS30) |
by Yasumoto, Masato |
A mm-Wave, Table Top Cerenkov Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. THPOS33) |
by De la Fuente, Isabel |
Reasearches of Thomson Scattering X-Ray Source at Tsinghua University (e-proc. THPOS35) |
by Huang, Wenhui |
Preliminary Design of a Synchronized Narrow Bandwidth FEL for Taiwan Light Source (e-proc. THPOS36) |
by Keung Lau Wai |
Status Of 30 Ghz Facility For Experimental Investigation Of The Copper Cavity Lifetime (clic Collider Project) (e-proc. THPOS37) |
by Elzhov, A V |
Isochronous Bend for a High Gain Ring FEL (e-proc. THPOS45) |
by Nikolaevich, A M |
Numerical Modeling of the Novosibirsk Terahertz FEL and Comparison with Experimental Results (e-proc. THPOS46) |
by Alexandrovich, O S |
Start-To-End Simulations of the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype FEL (e-proc. THPOS47) |
by Gerth, Christopher |
The Two-Beam Free Electron Laser Oscillator (e-proc. THPOS48) |
by Thompson, Neil R |
Harmonic Cascade FEL Designs for LUX, a Facilty for Ultrafast X-ray Science (e-proc. THPOS51) |
by John, Corlett |
Novel Method for Phase-Space Tomography of Rapidly Evolving E-beams (e-proc. THPOS53) |
by Chalut, Kevin |
Characterization of Storage Ring FEL operating in the Giant Pulse Mode (e-proc. THPOS54) |
by Pinayev, Igor V |
VISA IB : Ultra-High Bandwidth, High Gain SASE FEL(e-proc. THPOS56) |
by Andonian, Gerard |
Acceleration of Electrons in a Diffraction Dominated IFEL (e-proc. THPOS57) |
by Musumeci, Pietro |
Free Electron Lasers in 2004 (e-proc. THPOS58) |
by Colson, William B |
Stability of a Short Rayleigh Range Laser Resonator with Misaligned or Distorted Mirrors (e-proc. THPOS59) |
by Crooker, Peter P |
Gain and Coherent Radiation from a Smith-Purcell Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. THPOS60) |
by Brau, Charles A |
Preliminary Measurements of the High-Gain FEL Radiation Properties along the Radiator (e-proc. THPOS62) |
by Shaftan, Timur |
A Novel Diagnostics of Ultrashort Electron Bunches Based on Detection of Coherent Radiation from Bunched Electron Beam in an Undulator (e-proc. THPOS65) |
by Saldin, Evgeny L |
Expected properties of the radiation from VUV-FEL at DESY : femtosecond mode of operation(e-proc. THPOS66) |
by Saldin, E L |
Large-Scale Timing Distribution and RF-Synchronization for FEL Facilities (e-proc. TUAOS03) |
by Kim, Jung Won |
High Temporal Resolution, Single-shot Electron Bunch-length Measurements (e-proc. TUAOS04) |
by Berden, Giel |
Attosecond x-ray pulses in the LCLS using the slotted foil method (e-proc. TUBIS01) |
by Emma, P |
Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in the JLAB IR FEL SRF Linac (e-proc. TUBOS02) |
by Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos |
High Average Power Operation of a Scraper-Outcoupled Free-Electron Laser (e-proc. TUBOS03) |
by Shinn, Michelle D |
LCLS Undulator Design Development (e-proc. TUBOS04) |
by Vasserman, Isaac |
Commissioning of the TTF Linac Injector at the DESY VUV-FEL (e-proc. TUBOS05) |
by Honkavaara, Katja |
Status of the Novosibirsk Terahertz FEL (e-proc. TUCOS01) |
by Aleksandrovich, V N |
High Power Lasing in the IR Upgrade FEL at Jefferson Lab (e-proc. TUCOS02) |
by Benson, S V |
VUV Optics Development for the Elettra Storage Ring FEL (e-proc. TUCOS03) |
by Guenster, Stefan |
Coherent Harmonic Generation using the ELETTRA Storage Ring Optical Klystron (e-proc. TUCOS04) |
by De Ninno, G |
Short Rayleigh Length Free Electron Lasers (e-proc. TUCOS05) |
by Crooker, P P |
Industrial Production of Superconducting 1.3 GHz Accelerator Modules and components for FEL application (e-proc. TUPOS01) |
by Pekeler, Michael |
Collimation System for the BESSY FEL (e-proc. TUPOS02) |
by Kamps, Thorsten |
High Power RF Conditioning and Measurement of Longitudinal Emittance at PITZ (e-proc. TUPOS03) |
by Bähr, Jürgen |
An Electromagnetic Undulator for the Far Infrared at ELBE (e-proc. TUPOS04) |
by Dekorsy, Thomas |
Bunch Length Measurements at the SLS Linac Using Electro Optical Sampling (e-proc. TUPOS06) |
by Steffen, Bernd |
Longitudinal Bunch Shape Diagnostics with Coherent Radiation and a Transverse Deflecting Cavity at TTF2 (e-proc. TUPOS07) |
by Grimm, Oliver |
Transverse Emittance Measurements at the Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen (PITZ) (e-proc. TUPOS09) |
by Miltchev, V |
The Short-Range Wakefields in the BTW Accelerating Structure of the Elettra Linac (e-proc. TUPOS10) |
by Craievich, Paolo |
The SPARX Project : R&D Activity towards X-rays FEL Sources(e-proc. TUPOS11) |
by Alesini, David |
Spectral Analysys of Charge Emission Spatial Inhomogeneities and Emittance Dilution in RF Guns (e-proc. TUPOS12) |
by Quattromini, Marcello |
On-Line Spectral Monitoring of the VUV FEL Beam at DESY (e-proc. TUPOS13) |
by Nicolosi, Piergiorgio |
ABCD Matrix Method : a Case Study(e-proc. TUPOS14) |
by Seidov, Zakir F |
Spot-to-Beam Procedure (e-proc. TUPOS15) |
by Seidov, Zakir F |
Guiding Optics System for LEBRA FEL User Facility (e-proc. TUPOS17) |
by Tanaka, Toshinari |
Upgrade of a Photocathode RF Gun at SPring-8 (e-proc. TUPOS18) |
by Taniuchi, Tsutomu |
FEL Simulation Code for Undulator Performance Estimation (e-proc. TUPOS19) |
by Tanaka, Takashi |
Electron Beam Simulations on the SCSS Accelerator (e-proc. TUPOS20) |
by Hara, Toru |
Reducing Back-Bombardment Effect Using Thermionic Cathode in IAE RF Gun (e-proc. TUPOS21) |
by Kii, Toshiteru |
Renewal of KU-FEL Facility (e-proc. TUPOS22) |
by Kii, Toshiteru |
Beam Property Measurements on the KU-FEL Linac (e-proc. TUPOS23) |
by Masuda, Kai |
Upgrade Design of KU-FEL Driver Linac Using Photo-Cathode RF-GUN (e-proc. TUPOS24) |
by Ohgaki, Hideaki |
First Model of the Edge-Focusing Wiggler for SASE (e-proc. TUPOS25) |
by Kashiwagi, Shigeru |
Upgrade of the L-Band Linac at ISIR, Osaka University for a Far-Infrared FEL (e-proc. TUPOS26) |
by Kato, Ryukou |
Development of Compact Soft X-ray Source Based on Laser Undulator (e-proc. TUPOS27) |
by Kuroda, Ryunosuke |
Repetitive Bunches from RF-Photo Gun Radiate Coherently (e-proc. TUPOS29) |
by Van der Geer, C A J |
Research on the Undulator Used for PKU-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS32) |
by Lu, Huihua |
Study on the Planar Undulator Scheme with Focusing Properties for PKU-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS33) |
by Ding, Yuantao |
Beam Loading Tests on DC-SC Photoinjector at Peking University (e-proc. TUPOS34) |
by Huang, Senlin |
The Drive Laser System for DC-SC Injector (e-proc. TUPOS35) |
by Lu Xiang Yang |
Simplified Method for Experimental Spectral Ratio Calculation of CHG-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS36) |
by Chen Nian |
Multi-Objective Optimization for Pure Permanent-Magnet Undulator Magnets Ordering Using Modified Simulated Annealing (e-proc. TUPOS37) |
by Chen Nian |
Design of Undulator for the Shanghai DUV-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS38) |
by Jia, Qika |
Study of Control Grid Thermionic Cathode RF Gun (e-proc. TUPOS39) |
by Xiao, Jin |
Superconducting Undulator with Variably Polarized Light (e-proc. TUPOS40) |
by Hwang, Ching Shiang |
Commissioning of Strong Tapered Undulator Developed for IFEL Accelerator (e-proc. TUPOS43) |
by Tolmachev, Sergey |
FEL and Libera both Push Performance into New Frontiers (e-proc. TUPOS45) |
by Ursic, Rok |
Optical Systems for the Fourth Generation Light Source, 4GLS (e-proc. TUPOS47) |
by Quinn, Frances |
A Concept for z-Dependent Microbunching Measurements with Coherent X-ray Transition Radiation in a SASE FEL (e-proc. TUPOS48) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
First Direct Comparisons of a COTRI Analytical Model to Data from a SASE FEL at 540, 265, and 157 nm (e-proc. TUPOS49) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
Use of VUV Imaging to Evaluate COTR and Beam-Steering Effects in a SASE FEL at 130 nm (e-proc. TUPOS50) |
by Lumpkin, Alex H |
Test of Horizontal Magnetic Field Measurements in the Presence of a Strong Vertical Field (e-proc. TUPOS51) |
by Vasserman, Isaac |
Development and Measurement of Strain Free RF Photoinjector Vacuum Windows (e-proc. TUPOS52) |
by Biedron, Sandra G |
Comparison of Parmela and MAFIA Simulations of Beam Dynamics in High Current Photoinjector (e-proc. TUPOS54) |
by Kurennoy, Sergey S |
RF Design for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Injector (e-proc. TUPOS56) |
by Dowell, D H |
Optimal RF Systems for Lightly Loaded Superconducting Structures (e-proc. TUPOS57) |
by Zwart, Townsend |
Electron Beam Diagnostics Using Diffraction Radiation (e-proc. TUPOS58) |
by Feng, Bibo |
Simulations of the Newark FIR FEL Operation (e-proc. TUPOS59) |
by Zheng, Jianjun |
Making an Inexpensive Electromagnetic Wiggler Using Sheet Materials for the Coils (e-proc. TUPOS60) |
by Herman-Biallas, George |
Performance and Modeling of the JLab IR FEL Upgrade Injector (e-proc. TUPOS61) |
by Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos |
Short Electron Beam Bunch Characterization Through Measurement of Terahertz Radiation (e-proc. TUPOS62) |
by Zhang, Shukui |
RF Sources for 3rd & 4th Generation Light Sources (e-proc. TUPOS63) |
by Lenci, Stephan |
High Current Energy Recovery Linac at BNL (e-proc. TUPOS64) |
by Litvinenko, Vladimir N |
Thermal and Field Enhanced Photoemission : Comparison of Theory to Experiment(e-proc. TUPOS65) |
by Lynn-Jensen, Kevin |
A Mode Locked UV-FEL (e-proc. TUPOS67) |
by Parvin, Parviz |
Experimental Demostration of Wavelength Tuning in High-Gain Harmonic Generation Free Electron Laser (e-proc. WEAIS01) |
by Shaftan, Timur |
Spectral Phase Modulation and chirped pulse amplification in High Gain Harmonic Generation (e-proc. WEAOS02) |
by Wu, Zilu |
Study of Coherence Limits and Chirp Control in Long Pulse FEL Oscillator (e-proc. WEAOS04) |
by Gover, Avraham |
Current-enhanced SASE using an optical laser and its application to the LCLS (e-proc. WEBOS01) |
by Zholents, A A |
Generation of Terahertz Radiation by Modulating the Electron Beam at the Cathode (e-proc. WEBOS02) |
by Neumann, Jonathan |
Suppression of Multipass, Multibunch Beam Breakup in Two Pass Recirculating Accelerators (e-proc. WEBOS03) |
by Tennant, Chris |
Potential Use of eRHICs ERL for FELs and Light Sources (e-proc. WEBOS04) |
by Litvinenko, Vladimir N |
The Harmonically Coupled 2-Beam FEL (e-proc. WEBOS05) |
by McNeil, Brian W J |